use your words
He talked bout his musical intention with pablo several times. The "messiness" is part of the beauty of it.
The Kardashians/influence culture is a big part of the album theme.
The way he speaks has nothing to do with the album
I love the game where we just find random s*** and claim an old album influenced it
Guys I might be reaching.. but did this color exist before TLOP came out?!
I Feel Like That would've been a watershed moment in Kanye's career if it had an official release
the visuals of this era was off the charts
only bad thing is we had to see Iman Shumperts bum ass at the end
i knew we were getting the best album ever made when on the stream you could see he told them to pull the curtain back when the choir began to swell
Still putting this next to LR as his best. Was the first ye album I was actually a fan for too, timeless era
I remember thinking "What if this albums not good?" and getting anxious because of the long layoff and the changes that occured in my life since Yeezus
guess we'll never know
crazy he was tryna make 70s p*** for the videos, pre JIK ye was just different
Here to celebrate, back soon
This is Kanye best album objectively tho
This was the culmination of all of Kanye as an artist and a person