  • Mar 7, 2021
    1 reply

    74 replies and all for nothin
    it's a thread about food now. what's your favorite food? Mine is chicken wings i think.

  • Mar 7, 2021
    1 reply

    I think in the West we have an act for overly identifying or being fanatical. We
    see it in not only religion but politics as well

    Wonder were that stems from

    Agreed, I think

    I see it in our politics for sure like u said but people are religious fanatics all over the world man. Maybe even more in Asia and the Middle East than around here

  • Mar 7, 2021
    3 replies

    Without religion and racism we would have flying cars and maybe eternal life by now, just saying

  • Mar 7, 2021
    1 reply

    Without religion and racism we would have flying cars and maybe eternal life by now, just saying

    Prolly not but go off

  • Gojira 🦖
    Mar 7, 2021


  • Mar 7, 2021
    2 replies
    Bernie X

    Prolly not but go off

    He right. If Elon wasn't such a racist bible thumper he coulda BEEN invented that s*** by now.

  • Mar 7, 2021
    Not Like Josuke

    He right. If Elon wasn't such a racist bible thumper he coulda BEEN invented that s*** by now.


  • Mar 7, 2021

    I understand that joke 🤣

  • 6isco 🦈
    Mar 7, 2021

    have fun in hell

  • Mar 7, 2021
    Not Like Josuke

    He right. If Elon wasn't such a racist bible thumper he coulda BEEN invented that s*** by now.

    Im talking about history. 80% of the worst things happened to humanity is connected to this 2.

  • MarcTuscan

    But I am a close high?

    Mi casa su casa ??!

  • Mar 7, 2021

    they worship the words and not God
    They made the words their god

  • Mar 7, 2021
    no way this new

    overly anti religious corny too. tip yo fedora somewhere else!

    Real S***

  • Mar 7, 2021
    no way this new

    overly anti religious corny too. tip yo fedora somewhere else!

  • Mar 7, 2021

    Its funny cause i only see atheists making threads about religious people on this site and not the opposite, makes you wonder who's really corny

  • Mar 7, 2021
    1 reply

    Religion is so f***ing fascinating, regardless of belief system. A massive portion of human history (next to all of it) revolves around religion in some way, and can be thought of as a direct reflection of the evolution of human conscious. Even though I'm a non-believer, it's obvious how important religion is not just to the individual, but to the collective advancement of our archaic past.

  • Mar 7, 2021
    1 reply
    Bernie X

    Agreed, I think

    I see it in our politics for sure like u said but people are religious fanatics all over the world man. Maybe even more in Asia and the Middle East than around here

    Very true, I think in comparison it's a lot more mild. I mean I'm not sure if the US ever went to war over the name of God.

    But I do notice religion and politics can get very blurred here in ppls minds. The conflicts over the abortion law is one example

  • Mar 7, 2021

    I have no problem with a person's personal faith; putting your trust in something that truly helps better yourself is something I can't complain about.

    The toxic/"overly-religious" groups are very annoying in the same way non-believers are very annoying with feeling obligation to unnecessarily disprove/be a d*** to anothers' faith.

    It goes both ways and can be a cringe s***storm at any moment during a discussion.

  • Mar 7, 2021
    1 reply

    Very true, I think in comparison it's a lot more mild. I mean I'm not sure if the US ever went to war over the name of God.

    But I do notice religion and politics can get very blurred here in ppls minds. The conflicts over the abortion law is one example

    Yeah that last part is facts. It becomes a problem when people impose their personal beliefs on others, goes with anything but it is prevalent in religion, because that’s where many people get their understanding of morals from. So they think anyone that disagrees is immoral

  • Mar 7, 2021
    1 reply

    eating some cheezits rn

    White cheddar goat

  • Mar 7, 2021
    Emery Atreides

    at least we ain’t homophobic, transphobic and against progress in science that contradicts muh holy book.

    God probobly pissed out science and created it that way or maybe out his Ass,< God is science

  • Mar 7, 2021

    Atheism and religion both cringe

  • Mar 7, 2021

    White cheddar goat

    they aint bad

    i was eating the extra toasty ones

  • Mar 7, 2021

    I hate them all

    You're probably a bottom tier poster

  • Mar 7, 2021

    Y'all notice how most people who claim to hate all religions seem to disporptionatley have critiques on Christianity and not much else?

    Most of those people with any voice in society tend to come from Christian backgrounds
