He was a very very bad guy
Ight you not wrong but he was still one of the characters I was most invested in
Chris was my second fav but let’s be honest here. He would’ve been dead by season 3 if Tony wasn’t interested in molding him.
When he relapsed with that hot realtor I was so disappointed bruh
Ight you not wrong but he was still one of the characters I was most invested in
he's one of the best characters for sure
almost all of the characters are horrific people
In another life Chris would’ve been Scorsese
He never had the makings of a successful filmmaker
Could have been a good actor tho
Still the most simp tv moment ever
Shorty had AJ listening to reggaeton & rocking a chin strap beard
? Does he do something s***ty or do you just not like him?
Nah I like furio his character development is interesting asf actually but you’ll see
I’m in season 6B, only 3 left to go in my re-watch
It gets very tragic in this final season, as if it wasn’t tragic enough through and through. Tony is really losing himself here, piece by piece. It’s a sad story, they don’t give him redemption and he doesn’t deserve it. One of the great tragedies ever put to paper.
Still the most simp tv moment ever
Facts that nigga had me heated near the end of the series
i finished my re-watch too
it is tragic thinking about how his family reacted to tony getting killed at the end
literally a perfect ending tbh
literally a perfect ending tbh
too ahead of its time! chase was something else when he was in his bag
i finished my re-watch too
it is tragic thinking about how his family reacted to tony getting killed at the end
Only problem I had with season 6 was how long they stretched Vito's arc and I thought the ending between Tony and Melfi was lazy.
Other than that the season was a great arthouse piece that requires multiple viewings. You can just tell Chase had all of this mapped out.
Only problem I had with season 6 was how long they stretched Vito's arc and I thought the ending between Tony and Melfi was lazy.
Other than that the season was a great arthouse piece that requires multiple viewings. You can just tell Chase had all of this mapped out.
regarding the ending between melfi and tony, I liked it. the study melfi reluctantly reads about how sociopaths use therapy to justify their bad deeds and practice their manipulation skills was a good reason for her to finally reject him (which she should have done years ago). my only minor qualm with it is, when she told him in the session, she got pretty emotional and snooty about it. i feel like even tho she realized she'd only been contributing to the evil Tony put into the world, she still would have had the professionalism to break it off with him in a more tactful way. but I was satisfied with how that ended. ultimately even melfi had her hands dirty in this saga because she kept treating him even knowing what a monster he was. she was willfully ignorant to what it means to help a crime lord because of an attraction to him and because of her assumed duty as a doctor.
I also didnt have an issue with vito's gay arc. i mean, it was a little corny how he went to NH and almost immediately ran into this gay group of firefighters but I didnt have any major issues with his plotline.