Need that Many Saints trailer boy
From the director of Thor dark world and Terminator Genysis how can he miss
He also directed some goat sopranos episodes
He also directed some goat sopranos episodes
you ain't lying, its an interesting path he's taken
Happy Furio Friday, everyone!
and it barely even tries
On my first watch now this show is so f***ing good gonna finish season 4 tonight after work
First 3 seasons are amazing but season 3 was some next level s***. I’ve enjoyed season 4 as well.
I know what happens in the series finale cause how much it was talked about when it happened but still excited af to see how this all gets to that point
Started binging this two weeks ago. Such an amazing show with an unexpected but appreciated sense of humor
tony is a very unlikable protagonist.
Didn't have a problem with Tony until like season 5. The last few seasons he became insufferable.
Didn't have a problem with Tony until like season 5. The last few seasons he became insufferable.
his breathing did it for me but honestly it’s things like saying don’t kill ralph and then killing him in an emotional rage over a f***ing HORSE.
but the more i think about it, maybe his temper tantrums and unpredictable nature is the reason why he survived so long and was so feared and successful. you never knew with him.
first watch years ago i didn’t understand why tony killed christofah but now i see why. his luck finally ran out he escaped death 1000 times. kept f\*\*\*ing up and the episode before he told mafia s\*\*\* to his screenwriter friend in a drunk rage and was threatening to go to the feds. bozo was always buggin.
first watch years ago i didn’t understand why tony killed christofah but now i see why. his luck finally ran out he escaped death 1000 times. kept f\*\*\*ing up and the episode before he told mafia s\*\*\* to his screenwriter friend in a drunk rage and was threatening to go to the feds. bozo was always buggin.
Buggin fr fr.
Tragic character that we all want to like but can't
first watch years ago i didn’t understand why tony killed christofah but now i see why. his luck finally ran out he escaped death 1000 times. kept f\*\*\*ing up and the episode before he told mafia s\*\*\* to his screenwriter friend in a drunk rage and was threatening to go to the feds. bozo was always buggin.
I remember that there was a branch in the car seat, imagine the incident happening again but with a child. This and because Cristopher killed his dog, animals are the only innocent creatures in Tony's eyes.
I remember that there was a branch in the car seat, imagine the incident happening again but with a child. This and because Cristopher killed his dog, animals are the only innocent creatures in Tony's eyes.
fix the bars. put them next to the words
Wtf is this vito storyline
Worst storyline of the series but produced some hilarious scenes
Patsy was a dope character, one of the few that didn't condemn Vito for his lifestyle despite being from the older gen.
it’s been about a month since i’ve finished the show and i just want to watch it again lol
i will say that the last season (for the most part) did not live up to the standard the rest of the show set. it seemed that a lot of people involved felt kind of burnt out and there were moments where even the best actors on the show just didn’t seem to be on their a game. there were a lot of good episodes but particularly 6A was just underwhelming. still the best tv show i’ve ever seen tho..
Worst storyline of the series but produced some hilarious scenes
!! was a dope character, one of the few that didn't condemn Vito for his lifestyle despite being from the older gen.
I feel like the point of the storyline is that homophobia is a learned phobia, not a natural inclination. It’s an arbitrary rule in the mob so they abide by it, but as Tony says to Melfi he really doesn’t give a s*** about it. But he keeps up the facade of being homophobic for appearances with the other mob guys
I feel like the point of the storyline is that homophobia is a learned phobia, not a natural inclination. It’s an arbitrary rule in the mob so they abide by it, but as Tony says to Melfi he really doesn’t give a s*** about it. But he keeps up the facade of being homophobic for appearances with the other mob guys
Yeah, I appreciated the point of the story but I just didn't find the actor strong enough and the character developed enough to have so much screen time dedicated to it. Those scenes in New Hampshire really dragged imo.
it’s been about a month since i’ve finished the show and i just want to watch it again lol
i will say that the last season (for the most part) did not live up to the standard the rest of the show set. it seemed that a lot of people involved felt kind of burnt out and there were moments where even the best actors on the show just didn’t seem to be on their a game. there were a lot of good episodes but particularly 6A was just underwhelming. still the best tv show i’ve ever seen tho..
6A is probably the worst season but 6B is arguably the best.
I would rank them:
i hated the last therapy session melfi breaks her professionalism and just insults him and abandons him when his son just attempted suicide. why? because he’s not a good person? you didn’t already know that? the purpose of therapy was never to turn him into a good person it was to cure his panic attacks/depression
i hated the last therapy session melfi breaks her professionalism and just insults him and abandons him when his son just attempted suicide. why? because he’s not a good person? you didn’t already know that? the purpose of therapy was never to turn him into a good person it was to cure his panic attacks/depression
Yeah tbh that never made sense to me like she's been treating him for the last 10 years how did she not realize his nature by then
On my first watch now this show is so f***ing good gonna finish season 4 tonight after work
First 3 seasons are amazing but season 3 was some next level s***. I’ve enjoyed season 4 as well.
I know what happens in the series finale cause how much it was talked about when it happened but still excited af to see how this all gets to that point
I'm researching the first three seasons before I go on to four. I'm episode 10 season 2 rn. But you're right, everything in season 3 flows so brilliantly.
Yeah tbh that never made sense to me like she's been treating him for the last 10 years how did she not realize his nature by then
it was because of that study she was shown about how you can make psychopaths more grandiose and dangerous if you validate them with therapy
definitely doesn't really fully make sense that she'd abandon all the years of their relationship after that but that was definitely the idea