One of my favourite scenes in season 1 was when Carm confesses that Father intintola spent a night over when Tony took Meadow for scouting colleges, and Tony can't believe all they did was talk. Then Carmella switches up the whole argument by revealing she knows his psychiatrist is a woman.
Now Tony tries to convince her all they did was talk. Just brilliantly done
6A is probably the worst season but 6B is arguably the best.
I would rank them:
Season 6 that bad?
I've always thought Paulie was the funniest character but it's actually Phil Leotardo, man.
I'm researching the first three seasons before I go on to four. I'm episode 10 season 2 rn. But you're right, everything in season 3 flows so brilliantly.
Tried to research early seasons & got a major spoiler instead so be careful. Season 3 is a masterpiece I loved it but everything after I f***ing loved too
I've always thought Paulie was the funniest character but it's actually Phil Leotardo, man.
Nah Pauly got that all the way “my mother was a whoora”
Nah Pauly got that all the way “my mother was a whoora”
bro in context poor kid was down real bad & he just roasted his entire life away
You want compromise, how's this? Twenty years in the can I wanted manicott', but I compromised. I ate grilled cheese off the radiator instead. I wanted to f*** a woman, but I compromised. I jacked off into a tissue. You see where I'm goin'?
You want compromise, how's this? Twenty years in the can I wanted manicott', but I compromised. I ate grilled cheese off the radiator instead. I wanted to f*** a woman, but I compromised. I jacked off into a tissue. You see where I'm goin'?
"I loved him like a brother in law"
"I loved him like a brother in law"
I'll tell you one thing and I'm not ashamed to say it, my estimation of John Sacrimoni as a man just f***ing plummeted.
it was because of that study she was shown about how you can make psychopaths more grandiose and dangerous if you validate them with therapy
definitely doesn't really fully make sense that she'd abandon all the years of their relationship after that but that was definitely the idea
yeah i got the reason i just didn’t buy it. she always knew who tony was.
You want compromise, how's this? Twenty years in the can I wanted manicott', but I compromised. I ate grilled cheese off the radiator instead. I wanted to f*** a woman, but I compromised. I jacked off into a tissue. You see where I'm goin'?
Charles Schwab over here
Finished yesterday & yeah entire show is goated for real. I loved every single season. 6B was a f***ing rollercoaster ride
Wont even lie I was sad as f*** when I realized that was it I finished the series
it was because of that study she was shown about how you can make psychopaths more grandiose and dangerous if you validate them with therapy
definitely doesn't really fully make sense that she'd abandon all the years of their relationship after that but that was definitely the idea
my perspective is that she’s finally fed up with tony and after trying to abandon him before, she saw a way to justify it. With Her family’s anti-Mafia mindset and Elliot’s pestering that she decides “this study says that I may be making him worse so maybe I can do this and finally blow some steam off too”
i hated the last therapy session melfi breaks her professionalism and just insults him and abandons him when his son just attempted suicide. why? because he’s not a good person? you didn’t already know that? the purpose of therapy was never to turn him into a good person it was to cure his panic attacks/depression
yeah but the prospect of him using her to sharpen his criminal skills was too much for her to bear. The idea that her therapy was not effective was presented throughout the series by Eliot and her ex-husband and Melfi herself had struggled with the idea of keeping Tony as a patient for much of the series.
She knew early on that she should refer him to a behaviorist but she’d put that off for her own selfish reasons, mainly for security and comfort through sustaining a relationship with Tony after the rape.
Shout out ol girl too she did a phenomenal job during the ending of this scene
You want compromise, how's this? Twenty years in the can I wanted manicott', but I compromised. I ate grilled cheese off the radiator instead. I wanted to f*** a woman, but I compromised. I jacked off into a tissue. You see where I'm goin'?
Him and Ralphie are top 10 characters in the entire series
I f***s heavy with Talking Sopranos I’m on episode 8 right now.
7 was hilarious about him talking being a student teacher and realizing most of these teachers were f*** ups