some of those same things while at the same time I genuinely not even joking feel part of his character and going from edgy to magically progressive so fast feels inauthentic
Him going from edgy to progressive makes sense when you factor in him finally accepting his sexuality and then the DJ Khaled stuff causing him to outwardly appreciate his blackness and things in black culture that he would’ve shunned back in the day. To me his growth feels organic when you factor in these events
And I can respect that wholeheartedly. Anything more is disingenuous
I'm always shocked I have to defend his music on here
If someone told me Zaywop was overrated I'd simply say Okay sweetie
Him going from edgy to progressive makes sense when you factor in him finally accepting his sexuality and then the DJ Khaled stuff causing him to outwardly appreciate his blackness and things in black culture that he would’ve shunned back in the day. To me his growth feels organic when you factor in these events
I think his growth is natural for the most part but his scheduled rebranding per album rollout comes off as more of a spectacle than an earnest expression of his artistic vision
i think overall his point sticks tbh
like does Tyler have a Praise The Lord tier hit?
Earfquake/See You Again could prolly be around there?
see you again is definitely a generational hit, even if it didn't have much of a chart run initially. it's similar to nights and pink + white, it just stuck around in the zoomer consciousness until it accumulated over a billion streams.
I think his growth is natural for the most part but his scheduled rebranding per album rollout comes off as more of a spectacle than an earnest expression of his artistic vision
He wouldn't release albums if he had nothing to say though? This seems counterintuitive to your argument
I can see the appeal but he's just severely not for me. chromakopia had a few songs I liked though
I think his growth is natural for the most part but his scheduled rebranding per album rollout comes off as more of a spectacle than an earnest expression of his artistic vision
Yeah I feel that. I also feel the same way about the weekend when he does his eras s***. Some fans fw it but I prefer the way someone like Ye went about it. It felt more natural
Criminally slept on. Should've been bigger. TDE fumbled.
! dont think zaywop has the "mainstream appeal" me thinks
Yeah I feel that. I also feel the same way about the weekend when he does his eras s***. Some fans fw it but I prefer the way someone like Ye went about it. It felt more natural
i've thought about this for in relation to Ye
and with hindsight i think some of the kanye era stuff would come off corny today too
just the state of the internet and music media
Travis scott > Tyler The Creator
Tyler is the infinitely better rapper but Travis is a better composer and curator and I think there difference in success is somewhat indicative of that
Him going from edgy to progressive makes sense when you factor in him finally accepting his sexuality and then the DJ Khaled stuff causing him to outwardly appreciate his blackness and things in black culture that he would’ve shunned back in the day. To me his growth feels organic when you factor in these events
accepting his sexuality . My brother in christ if you spend most of your career using the f word which dealt with countless black people and otherwise thinking it was cool to be homophobic you dont get to just suck a white d*** drop a good album and return
He made bullying cool and acceptable. Recongnize yes his listeners actions are their own but I wont clap for someone who joked about rape, called gay people f slur and so much more for much of his career and come up. That again is why I have said him criticizing Ian is hypocritical
because Tyler brazen attitude and the youth that sought to emulate has done infinitely more the blaack community than Ian an artist where if you said "we will execute and torture your entire family if you cant sing the hook of an ian song "I would have to accept it.
no his growth isnt authentic it was him realizing the corny edge lord s*** was over and I pray one day many of you realize the same messaging
same way gambino after because the internet dropped he shifted maturally into awaken my love and got the accolades he deserved. As well as Atlanta. donald glover childish gambino makes much better music to me while not over doing the edginess for white eyes or to court eminems audience
just dont think zaywop has the "mainstream appeal" me thinks
Also takes 5 year breaks between albums
Tyler is the infinitely better rapper but Travis is a better composer and curator and I think there difference in success is somewhat indicative of that
So I’ve listened to all of Tyler’s consensus best material and imo he’s one of the most overrated rappers out rn. This thread is made because I genuinely want to understand what makes him a great artist to those that enjoy him
He’s literally one of the only artist I’ve ever seen that has been largely carried by their relationships within the industry and how they’re perceived by their peers as well as having a very dedicated fanbase yet no amazing records or universal hits to really show for it. Like logically he’s the natural successor of the lineage of Ye, Pharrell, etc. but it’s not translating the way it should be, like at all. To make matters worse it’s not like his sound needs to grow on you either it’s pretty standard alt-rap
His production is good despite it being imitative but he is just not a good composer and has an issue with being over-ambitious with a clear reluctancy to cutting out the excess fat. Almost every song on Chromakopia is a chore to get through and fits better in context of the album than as individual singles because of how over the top they are. Like Sticky is such a lay up of a hit but it’s just too busy of a f***ing song to listen to on a regular basis
Also, I don’t think him self-producing most of his albums is as a good of a thing as he gets credited for. You can’t make MBDTF or TPAB by self-producing everything. At some point the sound becomes trite and outsourcing to better or other creative minds is a good thing and a fresher take on your artistry
He has a great rapping voice and is a pretty solid rapper but when he tries to switch it up and sing he’s been reliant on the crutch of pitching up his vocals since Flower Boy instead of just taking singing lessons at this point. It’s jarring as f*** to hear that every time he tries to hit notes, I’d rather he use different vocal effects to make it sound less grating
Realistically most users on this site should be a fan of his or at least feel positively about his music but he occupies this awkward space of being too weird for the casuals and not good enough to satisfy the high-brows. He doesn’t have a plethora of hit songs or classic rap albums that are universally appraised or songs that stick on the charts that justify the praise either. Kanye is basically his predecessor and even though he’s generally seen as an artist whose fans are mostly on the “artsy/nerdy” side, he has hits and projects that transcend his demographic. I can bet that most old heads know a Travis Scott song or two and casuals love his albums so there’s no reason why Tyler’s music shouldn’t have a similar affect to some degree
I do think he has the makings of a great artist but he’s put on an extremely high pedestal that I don’t think he’s deserving of
EDIT: Quite a number of folks ITT are misconstruing what I meant by “carried” by other artists, so I’ll add my response here:
He didn’t make it this far by piggybacking off of his relationships, he did it off his own merit. Despite this, his relationships to respected artists has embellished his career without a doubt. Be it OF producing Earl, Frank, The Internet, Steve Lacy + more or his proximity to Pharrell, Rocky, Mac Miller, Solange, etc. all of these connects have benefited his career through osmosis because it feels like he SHOULD be amongst the biggest in the game even if the music hasn’t quite reached the level of those that are from a cultural standpoint. I mean, his friends are universally loved so why wouldn’t he be?
Not only that but his devout fanbase is probably a melting pot of his own fans, remnants of OF’s fanbase and fans of these other artists that adore him
i feel you but So I’ve listened to all of Tyler’s consensus best material and imo he’s one of the most overrated rappers out rn. This thread is made because I genuinely want to understand what makes him a great artist to those that enjoy him
He’s literally one of the only artist I’ve ever seen that has been largely carried by their relationships within the industry and how they’re perceived by the peers as well as having a very dedicated fanbase yet no amazing records or universal hits to really show for it. Like logically he’s the natural successor of the lineage of Ye, Pharrell, etc. but it’s not translating the way it should be, like at all. To make matters worse it’s not like his sound needs to grow on you either it’s pretty standard alt-rap
His production is good even though it’s imitative but he is just not a good composer at all and has an issue with being over-ambitious and cutting out the excess fat. Almost every song on Chromokopia is a chore to get through and fits better in context of the album than as individual singles because of how over the top they are. Like Sticky is a lay up of a hit but it’s just too busy of a f***ing song to listen to on a regular basis
Also, I don’t think him self-producing most of his albums is as a good of a thing as he gets credited for. You can’t make MBDTF or TPAB by self-producing everything. At some point the sound becomes trite and outsourcing to better or other creative minds is a good thing and a fresher take on your artistry
He has a great rap voice and is a pretty solid rapper but when he tries to switch it up and sing he relies on the crutch of pitching up his vocals since Flower Boy instead of just taking singing lessons at this point. It’s jarring as f*** to hear that every time he tries to hit notes like I rather he use different vocal effects to make it sound less grating
Realistically most users on this site should be a fan of his or at least feel positively about his music but he occupies this weird space of being too weird for the casuals and not good enough to satisfy the high-brows. He doesn’t have a plethora of hit songs or classic rap albums that are universally appraised or songs that stick on the charts that justify the praise either. Kanye is basically his predecessor and even though he’s seen as an artist whose fans are mostly on the “artsy/nerdy” side, he has hits and projects that transcend his demographic. I bet most old heads even know a Travis Scott song or two and casuals love his albums so there’s no reason why Tyler’s music shouldn’t have a similar affect to some degree
I do think he has the makings of a great artist but he’s put on an extremely high pedestal that I don’t think he’s deserving of
Only real mark I got against Tyler is how little he produces for others. If the Neptunes are his production icons, and Pharrell is someone who inspires him the most musically...nigga should've BEEN producing for a bunch of other artists across rap, pop, and R&B.
Outside of his Odd Future circle, I can only think of maybe...four or five artists he's worked with? And only two of those four or five are R&B/pop artists. Maybe it's artists passing on his beats which he isn't in control of so I can understand that. But for someone who has been known to frequently wax poetic about production and wanting bridges and more live instrumentation for hip-hop and R&B to return...he sure does very little production work for other artists where he can bring that kinda stuff back
i feel you but So I’ve listened to all of Tyler’s consensus best material and imo he’s one of the most overrated rappers out rn. This thread is made because I genuinely want to understand what makes him a great artist to those that enjoy him
He’s literally one of the only artist I’ve ever seen that has been largely carried by their relationships within the industry and how they’re perceived by the peers as well as having a very dedicated fanbase yet no amazing records or universal hits to really show for it. Like logically he’s the natural successor of the lineage of Ye, Pharrell, etc. but it’s not translating the way it should be, like at all. To make matters worse it’s not like his sound needs to grow on you either it’s pretty standard alt-rap
His production is good even though it’s imitative but he is just not a good composer at all and has an issue with being over-ambitious and cutting out the excess fat. Almost every song on Chromokopia is a chore to get through and fits better in context of the album than as individual singles because of how over the top they are. Like Sticky is a lay up of a hit but it’s just too busy of a f***ing song to listen to on a regular basis
Also, I don’t think him self-producing most of his albums is as a good of a thing as he gets credited for. You can’t make MBDTF or TPAB by self-producing everything. At some point the sound becomes trite and outsourcing to better or other creative minds is a good thing and a fresher take on your artistry
He has a great rap voice and is a pretty solid rapper but when he tries to switch it up and sing he relies on the crutch of pitching up his vocals since Flower Boy instead of just taking singing lessons at this point. It’s jarring as f*** to hear that every time he tries to hit notes like I rather he use different vocal effects to make it sound less grating
Realistically most users on this site should be a fan of his or at least feel positively about his music but he occupies this weird space of being too weird for the casuals and not good enough to satisfy the high-brows. He doesn’t have a plethora of hit songs or classic rap albums that are universally appraised or songs that stick on the charts that justify the praise either. Kanye is basically his predecessor and even though he’s seen as an artist whose fans are mostly on the “artsy/nerdy” side, he has hits and projects that transcend his demographic. I bet most old heads even know a Travis Scott song or two and casuals love his albums so there’s no reason why Tyler’s music shouldn’t have a similar affect to some degree
I do think he has the makings of a great artist but he’s put on an extremely high pedestal that I don’t think he’s deserving of
Thank u for your contribution 🙏🏾
Also takes 5 year breaks between albums
The House is Trash was garbage
Chromakopia was basically "I'm not like other rappers"
most of his career is.
for him to cancel the lolla date say kendrick inspired him and then drop that ....
like yes I like it more than most of his work but he really could have let it cook more to do wildly inventive things story telling and emotion wise
accepting his sexuality . My brother in christ if you spend most of your career using the f word which dealt with countless black people and otherwise thinking it was cool to be homophobic you dont get to just suck a white d*** drop a good album and return
He made bullying cool and acceptable. Recongnize yes his listeners actions are their own but I wont clap for someone who joked about rape, called gay people f slur and so much more for much of his career and come up. That again is why I have said him criticizing Ian is hypocritical
because Tyler brazen attitude and the youth that sought to emulate has done infinitely more the blaack community than Ian an artist where if you said "we will execute and torture your entire family if you cant sing the hook of an ian song "I would have to accept it.
no his growth isnt authentic it was him realizing the corny edge lord s*** was over and I pray one day many of you realize the same messaging
same way gambino after because the internet dropped he shifted maturally into awaken my love and got the accolades he deserved. As well as Atlanta. donald glover childish gambino makes much better music to me while not over doing the edginess for white eyes or to court eminems audience
I will address the first half because it is worth addressing; but Childish Gambino, really? The slur dropping anti black fem colourist?