  • best show oat

  • DarkSprite

    When dukie needed dope money and Prez knew

    Dukie really did Prez dirty after everything he tried to do for him

  • Oct 30, 2019
    1 reply

    I've been rewatching YouTube clips, daily, for about 2 weeks.

    If this still on Amazon Prime, I'm finna get my 3rd watch going

  • Oct 30, 2019
    1 reply

    It didn't help that Cheese was his dad of all people.

    What for real? Thought Cheese is Dukie's dad

  • Oct 30, 2019

    What for real? Thought Cheese is Dukie's dad

    Nah Cheese and Randy have the same last name. Wagstaff

  • Oct 30, 2019

    Greatest show oat and it aint even close

  • Oct 30, 2019
    1 reply

    It didn't help that Cheese was his dad of all people.

    I knew they shared the same surname but dad? I would’ve assumed cousin or uncle maybe, seeing as we never even saw them connect

    Edit: s***, just checked, never knew they confirmed that lol makes prop joe his grand uncle aswell. You’d think they would’ve helped the kid out but i guess thats baltimore

  • Oct 30, 2019
    Huge Lukas Fan

    I knew they shared the same surname but dad? I would’ve assumed cousin or uncle maybe, seeing as we never even saw them connect

    Edit: s***, just checked, never knew they confirmed that lol makes prop joe his grand uncle aswell. You’d think they would’ve helped the kid out but i guess thats baltimore

    It says so in the wiki , claims it comes from the creator himself.

  • Nov 2, 2019
    3 replies

    Finally rewatching for the 3rd time (been about a 7-8yr gap). Still on S1, but what was the dirt on Daniels?

  • dxz99

    Finally rewatching for the 3rd time (been about a 7-8yr gap). Still on S1, but what was the dirt on Daniels?

    I think they get into it a bit more around season 3/4 when his wife is getting into politics, but I can't remember if we ever actually hear the exact story.

  • Nov 2, 2019

    Greatest television show of all time

  • Nov 2, 2019
    2 replies

    I’m a nerd for Breaking Bad, would this down my alley?

  • Rick_Owens


  • ithaka

    I’m a nerd for Breaking Bad, would this down my alley?

    They're not really all that similar imo, The Wire has a much more naturalistic pace to it, each season is like a 'novel' in the creators' words and they never really have cliffhangers or anything like that.

    That being said if you love unique characters that feel like family, and deep dark worlds, then this should float your boat brother

  • Nov 2, 2019

    I've been rewatching YouTube clips, daily, for about 2 weeks.

    If this still on Amazon Prime, I'm finna get my 3rd watch going

    me too

  • Nov 2, 2019

    I’m a nerd for Breaking Bad, would this down my alley?

    And it's kind of a***ytical look at how the people and institutions come together for better or worse

  • Nov 2, 2019

    Finally rewatching for the 3rd time (been about a 7-8yr gap). Still on S1, but what was the dirt on Daniels?

    yeah iirc they never really get fully into this, they just kinda allude that it has something to do with his past in the eastern district d*** enforcement unit.

    it probably got something to do with him collecting some money off the record u know like herc and carver did when they raided that stash house, daniels especially treated them pretty rough so maybe he has had experience with that, and that's why he was so hard on them.

  • Nov 2, 2019
    1 reply

    season 3
    season 4
    season 1
    season 2
    season 5

    3 is not my favorite season but it probably had my favorite season finale.

  • Nov 2, 2019
    1 reply

    by a f***ing landslide

    always chuckle when people say BB is the best show ever then u ask if they ever watched the wire/sopranos and the answer is mostly no

    bb way too melodramatic and outlandish at times it doesnt even crack my top 5 tbh
    still got some classic episodes ngl

    One thing I will give Breaking Bad is that people who like it like the whole thing. There’s people who claim The Wire as their favorite show ever who still don’t like seasons 2 or 5.

  • Nov 2, 2019

    Best TV show I've ever watched

    Actually got sad at the end because I knew now everything pales in comparison

  • Nov 2, 2019
    2 replies
    cotton dockers

    One thing I will give Breaking Bad is that people who like it like the whole thing. There’s people who claim The Wire as their favorite show ever who still don’t like seasons 2 or 5.

    yeah i can def see that.
    didnt want my post to sound like breaking bad is like the worst show oat or anything like that, to me it just doesn't rank that high in the goat shows.

    there are still ppl who dont like season 2 blows my mind honestly, that season is so giving especially on rewatches.
    i get being thrown off at the change of scenery from the streets to the docks yet you still got the streets stuff in that season, although muted but stil..
    and frank is such a tragic but amazing written character, just how that whole s*** starts from some pettiness over a f***ing window in a church is just so tragically funny as well.

  • Nov 2, 2019
    1 reply

    yeah i can def see that.
    didnt want my post to sound like breaking bad is like the worst show oat or anything like that, to me it just doesn't rank that high in the goat shows.

    there are still ppl who dont like season 2 blows my mind honestly, that season is so giving especially on rewatches.
    i get being thrown off at the change of scenery from the streets to the docks yet you still got the streets stuff in that season, although muted but stil..
    and frank is such a tragic but amazing written character, just how that whole s*** starts from some pettiness over a f***ing window in a church is just so tragically funny as well.

    Yeah, never got the season 2 hate either. I guess I can kind of see it if you were watching the show as it was airing but still, by the end, especially on rewatches, it’s a good season. Probably the third best behind 4 and 1 for me, personally.

  • Nov 2, 2019
    cotton dockers

    Yeah, never got the season 2 hate either. I guess I can kind of see it if you were watching the show as it was airing but still, by the end, especially on rewatches, it’s a good season. Probably the third best behind 4 and 1 for me, personally.

    hell yeah
    really my only minor gripe is sometimes the acting of the dude that plays nick seems a lil off, but other than that fantastic season.

    think we got the same ranking there

  • Nov 2, 2019
    2 replies
    cotton dockers

    3 is not my favorite season but it probably had my favorite season finale.

    The writing in the third season got me hooked on the show again after the surprise from season 2's setting. The re-establishment of the wire and the promotions and moves that Stringer was starting to plot. I also see the fall of Avon and Stringer's relationship as the biggest climax to all of the show. Chris and Marlo were always cool so we never got to see hwat conflict between them really look like besides the prison scene when Marlo is shouting his name haha

    season 3 had a lot of good endings

  • Nov 2, 2019
    1 reply

    also how did nobody post this scene yet