You know how I know this show is great? Burrell’s an a******, and yet I still find myself wanting to see him stand up to Royce.
Season 4 of the wire was really good, but i still think season 3 was better
I loved the focus on the teens growing up and reckoning with adulthood
I loved presbylwyzcki, him and Bunny were the highlights of the season imo. Appreciated how they shifted focus into other areas and saw the other side of their work post-policehood
Bunk and Lester were taming care of business
Bubbles 🥲
The shifting corner dynamics was very interesting too, with prop joe and marlo trying to play politics
Omar is still THAT nigga
I miss mcnulty, and as soon as he gets back he inadvertently gets bodie killed
BODIE 😭 that was my f***in dawg man, one of my favorite characters
Overall, S4 gets a 8/10 from me
Season 5 is looking like a 8/10 for me, idk what folks were talking about saying its the weakest one. Better than S2 for sure, and a little above S1
Season 5 is looking like a 8/10 for me, idk what folks were talking about saying its the weakest one. Better than S2 for sure, and a little above S1
5 ain’t better than 1 I’m sorry
5 ain’t better than 1 I’m sorry
I respect it
Might be recency bias, but S 5 is like a matured S 1.
Seeing the crew trying to break into a new case, the same as they tried to for Avon and them, but with more experience, more grievances, the same ol bull s\*\*\* but this time they dont want to fall the same way they did before. Like lester doing illegal wiretaps, Jimmy becoming a necromancer, Omar scrapping by alone this time, Beadie and her relationship to Jimmy, Greggs working the homicide case, Marlo following in a similar path but not quite to Stringer
To me its like a make it or break it scenario, there is no new dawn in Baltimore and its painfully obvious and its do or die. Only the folks who realized what the game is are doing well, like cutty, bubs, prez, etc
I respect it
Might be recency bias, but S 5 is like a matured S 1.
Seeing the crew trying to break into a new case, the same as they tried to for Avon and them, but with more experience, more grievances, the same ol bull s\*\*\* but this time they dont want to fall the same way they did before. Like lester doing illegal wiretaps, Jimmy becoming a necromancer, Omar scrapping by alone this time, Beadie and her relationship to Jimmy, Greggs working the homicide case, Marlo following in a similar path but not quite to Stringer
To me its like a make it or break it scenario, there is no new dawn in Baltimore and its painfully obvious and its do or die. Only the folks who realized what the game is are doing well, like cutty, bubs, prez, etc
U should join the wire Reddit, they kinda over a***yze the show sometimes but they provide great depth in some seasons and themes.
I feel u on S5 tho fasho, the full circleness of the show wss amazing