This s*** made me cry the first time I saw it
Like i was in awe of how brilliant this show is
I love that shot where Omar is tossing the guns and they show a poster of Frank Sobotka's re-election campaign
this is still one of the funniest scenes ever to me and it still pops in my head randomly every now and then
this is still one of the funniest scenes ever to me and it still pops in my head randomly every now and then
Sidney Handjerker
Good ass show all around, if only they actually got the Greeks to learn how to speak Greek properly though, it takes you out of the immersion of the show if you speak the language
also f*** Ziggy
Good ass show all around, if only they actually got the Greeks to learn how to speak Greek properly though, it takes you out of the immersion of the show if you speak the language
also f*** Ziggy
goat avi, "Make sure you form a seal around that refrigerator door!"
Good ass show all around, if only they actually got the Greeks to learn how to speak Greek properly though, it takes you out of the immersion of the show if you speak the language
also f*** Ziggy
The Greek specifically says that he's not actually Greek.
The Greek specifically says that he's not actually Greek.
"...and of course i'm not even greek"
The Greek specifically says that he's not actually Greek.
I never understand why people take that line seriously, its pretty obvious to me that he says it sarcastically since, whenever he feels the need to, he can assume a new identity and new ethnicity to avoid getting caught.
I just think they didnt bother trying to hire language coaches, which I mean is kind of annoying to me but at worst it is a minor blemish in an otherwise amazing tv show
I never understand why people take that line seriously, its pretty obvious to me that he says it sarcastically since, whenever he feels the need to, he can assume a new identity and new ethnicity to avoid getting caught.
I just think they didnt bother trying to hire language coaches, which I mean is kind of annoying to me but at worst it is a minor blemish in an otherwise amazing tv show
you said he can assume a new identity and new ethnicity to avoid getting caught: what makes you assume he hasn't already done just that? Why would he be so upfront about it anyways.
you said he can assume a new identity and new ethnicity to avoid getting caught: what makes you assume he hasn't already done just that? Why would he be so upfront about it anyways.
I dunno, you do have a point and maybe it is meant to be ambiguous, but there's a lot that points to the idea that they actually are Greek characters. For one, why would they speak Greek to each other behind closed doors if they weren't actually Greek? Plus Glekas speaks to customers in Greek, as well as the kid who works in his shop. Worth noting that the customers (who we should presume ARE Greek if they're speaking the language) butcher the language worse than the Greek gangsters. I don't think their "bad Greek" points to evidence that the Greek isn't actually from Greece, just that the staff on the show didn't think anyone would notice or care. I'm probably the only guy who gives this much of a s*** too lmao.
'they saw your ghetto ass coming from miles away'
Avon put him in his place lmao
The way this series just kept it moving no matter who got squashed or who fell was great to me until we got to Omar man.
There’s something that haunts me about how things just kept going. How Omar never got any get back
It’s still such a f***ing shame how Jen Carcetti’s actor has done damn near nothing else. Like if she came at that age a decade later, being a plucky, cute actress that can produce a few emotionally riveting scenes? She’d be a mainstay
It’s still such a f***ing shame how Jen Carcetti’s actor has done damn near nothing else. Like if she came at that age a decade later, being a plucky, cute actress that can produce a few emotionally riveting scenes? She’d be a mainstay
Yeah, she was the right person at the wrong time I guess.
The way this series just kept it moving no matter who got squashed or who fell was great to me until we got to Omar man.
There’s something that haunts me about how things just kept going. How Omar never got any get back
the game is the game, always.
only the players change but the game gon stay the same
the game is the game, always.
only the players change but the game gon stay the same
'they saw your ghetto ass coming from miles away'
Avon put him in his place lmao
when Clay and Lester are convo in the last episode like "We had this one player named Bell, we bleed that nigga dry.."
when Clay and Lester are convo in the last episode like "We had this one player named Bell, we bleed that nigga dry.."
Stringer's problem was that he was caught in two worlds. Tryna play the streets like a business and do business the street way