  • The Creative Writing Thread was not as popping as I thought it would. So I decided to create a thread full of stuff I've made over the years. Feel free to check it out and let me know what ya'll think

  • Jul 25
    1 reply

    I've posted some of my stories on Fiction Press. My post apocalyptic story, Terra Firma, is up there. Has 2 chapters so far. Feel free to check it out😤:

  • Will check this out tonight, thank you for sharing!

  • Jul 25
    1 reply

    That was a fun read! Very cozy, comic-book esque, story!!

  • Jul 25
    1 reply

    That was a fun read! Very cozy, comic-book esque, story!!

    Glad you liked it

    What were your favorite things about the story?

  • Jul 25
    1 reply

    Glad you liked it

    What were your favorite things about the story?

    Vivid descriptions that didn’t come off as pretentious, instant action that grabbed me, the subject matter was really like an old fashioned comic and I found it really relaxing to read! Characters were described enough that I could visualize them, but not to the point where the descriptions got in the way of how I imagined them to be! You should keep writing!!!

  • Jul 25
    1 reply

    Vivid descriptions that didn’t come off as pretentious, instant action that grabbed me, the subject matter was really like an old fashioned comic and I found it really relaxing to read! Characters were described enough that I could visualize them, but not to the point where the descriptions got in the way of how I imagined them to be! You should keep writing!!!

    Appreciate it!

    Thank you so much

  • Aquilla

    Appreciate it!

    Thank you so much

    You’re welcome if you tag me when you finish the other chapters I would love to keep reading it!!

  • Jul 25
    1 reply


  • Jul 25
    1 reply


    Dive in breh

  • Aquilla

    Dive in breh


  • Will check it out in the morning bro

  • Jul 25
    1 reply

    Few questions @op :

    What genre are you aiming for? Let me rephrase since you labelled it as post apocalyptic: What demographic are you targeting? Young Adult, or Adult fiction?

    Do you intend to publish this eventually or it's a passion project for now?

    Need to know before I compile notes

  • Jul 25
    1 reply

    Few questions @op :

    What genre are you aiming for? Let me rephrase since you labelled it as post apocalyptic: What demographic are you targeting? Young Adult, or Adult fiction?

    Do you intend to publish this eventually or it's a passion project for now?

    Need to know before I compile notes

    This leans more to Adult Fiction.

    Idk if you remember that thread I made on my video game ideas but it is indeed one of the passion project I wish to translate to Videogames, Comic books, or Animation.

  • Jul 25

    A Romance, Tragedy short story I made called Supa Ugly. For those those into that genre, check it out:

  • Jul 25
    1 reply

    This leans more to Adult Fiction.

    Idk if you remember that thread I made on my video game ideas but it is indeed one of the passion project I wish to translate to Videogames, Comic books, or Animation.

    Okay, I understand now. My two cents would be useless then, because from what you're saying, it sounds like the true goal is to turn this into either a video game or a comic book and it reads that way. Had you been pursuing just a straight up fiction novel, it would be easier to get a few pointers across. Different mediums require different tools. If this is to be made into a novel manuscript, there's a number of things to address.

  • Jul 25
    1 reply

    Okay, I understand now. My two cents would be useless then, because from what you're saying, it sounds like the true goal is to turn this into either a video game or a comic book and it reads that way. Had you been pursuing just a straight up fiction novel, it would be easier to get a few pointers across. Different mediums require different tools. If this is to be made into a novel manuscript, there's a number of things to address.

    I am curious on those points. Would like to still hear what you think

  • Jul 25
    2 replies

    I am curious on those points. Would like to still hear what you think

    I don't think it would translate Dawg, but if you're curious, it's mostly to do with structure, the reliance on adverbs and comic-book-isms (like the sounds of a knife stabbing in one example of the book. Novels have different kinds of onomatopoeia, and comic book sounds are more jarring in text form), the motivation/inciting incident as well as the sense of place being vague. There's stuff that needs work and I'd have to re-read in order to make notes

  • Jul 25

    I don't think it would translate Dawg, but if you're curious, it's mostly to do with structure, the reliance on adverbs and comic-book-isms (like the sounds of a knife stabbing in one example of the book. Novels have different kinds of onomatopoeia, and comic book sounds are more jarring in text form), the motivation/inciting incident as well as the sense of place being vague. There's stuff that needs work and I'd have to re-read in order to make notes

    Got ya. That makes sense from a novel standpoint

  • Jul 25
    1 reply

    I don't think it would translate Dawg, but if you're curious, it's mostly to do with structure, the reliance on adverbs and comic-book-isms (like the sounds of a knife stabbing in one example of the book. Novels have different kinds of onomatopoeia, and comic book sounds are more jarring in text form), the motivation/inciting incident as well as the sense of place being vague. There's stuff that needs work and I'd have to re-read in order to make notes

    I was confused on how to do the onomatopoeia when it came to the action moments. Especially the tension and death scenes

  • Jul 25
    1 reply

    Im going to get back and finish it but so far I liked the first interaction between the kid and the old man

    Joking about the smell was a funny way to switch the tone from being threatened to more relaxed. and it gave some insight to the old man’s personality/character right away

  • Jul 26
    1 reply

    Havent read anything but this sick and sumn different on here, good s*** bro and good luck with more of your writing and creativity