Yeah you guys are confusing me honestly I'm not looking for smoke this week
It’s all good bro
There’s only 1 person in this thread I really f***ing dislike. The rest of y’all are fine.
Mitch bout to come ITT and say the most disrespectful s*** ever uttered on this website
let him lol.
i dont want other users peer pressuring other users just cause.
Yeah you guys are confusing me honestly I'm not looking for smoke this week
my bad slime
Haven't seen it sorry
You've seen Barry Lyndon but not 2001? That's different.
i think @op just really went the wrong way about it.
but he def came with hater energy and got murked 1st page.
deadass i love these threads that you've inspired tho
Especially when their artists that ktt never really talks about.
It def opens up more conversations that need to be had.
i believe i mentioned the same thing to you prob 1st or 2nd page
that i hope you wouldn't give a review based off one listen.
But you did explain that you digest and process things differently and were gonna give a solid review each time and ofc you didnt disappoint.
Your thread is easily my fav of the year so far.
The problem happens when
people like @Mitchell want to rush someone exploring a discography like @twinkletoez . When it might take them a week or more to digest an album.
The main thing for me is i don't want people to rush these first time experiences with these artists/ discographies.
Just to get a thread off/ jump on this trend you started.
Kind of defeats the purpose of what you set out to do.
Mannnnn they about to come for your neck about the second half
I’m just glad people are seeing the sort of template I set up and are inspired and moved enough by what I started to continue it. I’m not gonna gatekeep an idea ya know? Some of the reviews I’ve seen aren’t admittedly the best but seeing someone like CLB Coochieman become a real Nas fan in real time is so f***ing cool to me. That’s the best s***.
TFW you’re a Barry Lyndon enjoyer but never seen 2001
barry lyndon is about real life 2001 is some star wars kiddie s***
You post like you have The Shining or Dr Strangelove in your top 3 which means i cant take you serious
You're not above The Shining
Mannnnn they about to come for your neck about the second half
I’m just glad people are seeing the sort of template I set up and are inspired and moved enough by what I started to continue it. I’m not gonna gatekeep an idea ya know? Some of the reviews I’ve seen aren’t admittedly the best but seeing someone like CLB Coochieman become a real Nas fan in real time is so f***ing cool to me. That’s the best s***.
ima have to check @coochieman nas thread out
never saw it pop up on Music sxn
TFW you’re a Barry Lyndon enjoyer but never seen 2001
2001 and The Shining are definitely the next two Kubricks I'll check out when life permits.