Op does have some merit though but I wouldn’t hate on productive music discussion.
I’ve done that for artists as well and it’s nice but you definitely won’t get the full experience imo just in one runthru. Too much to digest
No he doesn’t. It’s a first reaction. You get an overview for the artist and their career. You don’t have to stop listening to them after lol. The threads are filled with people who have been listening to those artists and those albums forever anyway.
No he doesn’t. It’s a first reaction. You get an overview for the artist and their career. You don’t have to stop listening to them after lol. The threads are filled with people who have been listening to those artists and those albums forever anyway.
Yeah and even then everybody who’s doing these threads are all listening to the albums more then once.
OP is choosing to ignore that because it would defeat the purpose of his entire hating ass thread. His only half baked point is the “skimming” part.
post ur LB
ACO > 2001 > EWS > FMJ > The Shining > Lolita > Dr Strangelove
Havent seen the others
ACO > 2001 > EWS > FMJ > The Shining > Lolita > Dr Strangelove
Havent seen the others
lyndon goes so hard u will like it
why the strangelove hate though, movie is hilarious, terrifying and one of the best satires OAT, i know you said you don't do rewatches but it is way funnier on rewatch
hey man you got my respect for that Common thread, that was some dope s*** especially since I personally don’t feel like his discography is praised or acknowledged enough
but yeah it’s a pretty hostile thread lmao but it all love with everyone on my end, no bad blood
I didn't even realize it was Wesley op was talking about or anything it's all good
I got a Best Songs and Best Films Of Each Year thread and were spending MONTHS on each year it's way too slow for most
gotta marinate tho
I didn't even realize it was Wesley op was talking about or anything it's all good
I got a Best Songs and Best Films Of Each Year thread and were spending MONTHS on each year it's way too slow for most
gotta marinate tho
u gotta zoom forward like 30 years on the film thread for me to contribute
It’s all good bro
There’s only 1 person in this thread I really f***ing dislike. The rest of y’all are fine.
I just s*** goin on and can't be bothered to use emojis so you know I'm not serious sorry
I didn't even realize it was Wesley op was talking about or anything it's all good
I got a Best Songs and Best Films Of Each Year thread and were spending MONTHS on each year it's way too slow for most
gotta marinate tho
Yeah I would actively contribute to your thread about music but I don’t really care about 1962 music honestly. I’ll hop in once you guys get to the 70s.
Yeah I would actively contribute to your thread about music but I don’t really care about 1962 music honestly. I’ll hop in once you guys get to the 70s.
Were on '66 check it out
Yeah I would actively contribute to your thread about music but I don’t really care about 1962 music honestly. I’ll hop in once you guys get to the 70s.
I didn't even realize it was Wesley op was talking about or anything it's all good
I got a Best Songs and Best Films Of Each Year thread and were spending MONTHS on each year it's way too slow for most
gotta marinate tho
Oh s*** link some of your threads if free, that sounds interesting too
Oh s*** link some of your threads if free, that sounds interesting too
I only have the two just check out my profile
you're gonna have to answer to the coca cola company
The modern version of that joke is Amazon, Disney or Apple
you're gonna have to answer to the coca cola company
One of my most Dangerous Takes is that that's the only good joke in the entire movie
It is REALLY funny tho
One of my most Dangerous Takes is that that's the only good joke in the entire movie
It is REALLY funny tho
George C Scott's performance goes way beyond mere jokes
George C Scott's performance goes way beyond mere jokes
I won't disagree with you there
Also let's go:
2001>Eyes Wide Shut>A Clockwork Orange>Barry Lyndon>Paths of Glory>Full Metal Jacket>Lolita>The Shining>Dr. Strangelove>Spartacus>>>>>Fear and Desire