yeah, i guess i mean that sometimes i think maybe i'm imagining it.
oh ya I feel u lol
Bro I remember the first one I was given made the symptoms it ten times worse. S*** was so frustrating , trial and error for that s*** is nutty
ya I tried some at home ones that were ass until I got a molded one by a dentist
mine getting kinda worn tho and although it def does help with grinding I feel like it might cause me to clench sometimes
my tinnitus is stress/jaw related I think tbh
hopefully will go back away again soon
jaw can affect a lot of things surprisingly
jaw can affect a lot of things surprisingly
I've noticed issues with ringing or static in my left ear when my jaw has felt weird
I've noticed issues with ringing or static in my left ear when my jaw has felt weird
ayyy I get it in my left ear too
I only find out I was grinding in my sleep bc this girl told me lol
I feel like it's not specifically the use of headphones that's the problem but how loudly you play the songs
I feel like it's not specifically the use of headphones that's the problem but how loudly you play the songs
Nah it’s from headphone use i started feeling weird in my ears like 5 years ago from blasting music in my earphones stopped and only blast that s*** loud AF in my whip or home system and it went away I also stopped as soon as I felt a discomfort so I was ahead of the curve in helping myself out
My s*** be ringing time from time stopped using earbuds when I read about that radiation s***
My s*** be ringing time from time stopped using earbuds when I read about that radiation s***
What radiation s***
when you got on the school bus and realized u left your earbuds at home
Used to cut deep fr fr
bruh my tinnitus goes away with airpod pros in transparency mode wtf 😭
been having tinnitus for 1 year now on my right ear. s***s the worst. after a 1 year doctor marathon i gave up, no one could really help
I had tinnitus bad for a couple days after I went to a Tyler concert.
By the end of the concert everything sounded muffled and I could barely hear anything, then my ears were ringing for days after
I know I suffered some ear damage that night for sure, but luckily my hearing is fine now.
Will never go to another concert without ear plugs again
nah just sleep
its a hard plastic one and too bulky to wear during the day tbh
Do you recommend this? My girl grinds her teeth in her sleep A LOT but she’s too afraid of getting a mouth guard
I had tinnitus bad for a couple days after I went to a Tyler concert.
By the end of the concert everything sounded muffled and I could barely hear anything, then my ears were ringing for days after
I know I suffered some ear damage that night for sure, but luckily my hearing is fine now.
Will never go to another concert without ear plugs again
Me both times I seen ye live, s*** was giving me anxiety by the end of it
Do you recommend this? My girl grinds her teeth in her sleep A LOT but she’s too afraid of getting a mouth guard
ya it helps a lot n u get used to it
Every now and then I hear a ringing in my ears and I curse the universe for allowing this to happen