Realised the other day that some high frequencies in one ear are just replaced by a crackling sound, so that's distortion on top of the ringing and sensitivity
Thinking of all my brothers ITT, please use headphones less everyone, there are so many things I can't do anymore, it's like losing an arm, loud bars, nightclubs, concerts, the cinema, all life experiences I can't have anymore
If your lifestyle is making you think you might be at risk for it, take measures to protect your ears NOW, if you wait until it's too late the damage is IRREVERSIBLE, give headphones a break, listen to music on speakers, wear earplugs at concerts, it's all 'live fast die young' until your messed-up ears turn you into a senior citizen
I feel your pain, its basically mourning a life you can’t have anymore
I can’t understand why there isn’t a big campaign for earplugs to be worn at concerts and nightclubs, humans are not supposed to be exposed to noises that loud unprotected
Organisers should be made to put disclaimers on posters and ticket websites etc, this s*** ruins lives
To answer your question op tbh I don't see there being a cure for tinnitus. If anything given the goto for most nowadays are airpods or some other form of in-ear audio device you can bet on an increase of tinnitus cases as time goes on
Realised the other day that some high frequencies in one ear are just replaced by a crackling sound, so that's distortion on top of the ringing and sensitivity
Thinking of all my brothers ITT, please use headphones less everyone, there are so many things I can't do anymore, it's like losing an arm, loud bars, nightclubs, concerts, the cinema, all life experiences I can't have anymore
If your lifestyle is making you think you might be at risk for it, take measures to protect your ears NOW, if you wait until it's too late the damage is IRREVERSIBLE, give headphones a break, listen to music on speakers, wear earplugs at concerts, it's all 'live fast die young' until your messed-up ears turn you into a senior citizen
This. That ringing you hear should be the last time you hear that frequency, after that it has checked out. Protect your ears my bruddas
when you got on the school bus and realized u left your earbuds at home
When the bus driver plays the radio and all your friends sing along
I used to listen music pretty loud with earbuds when I was younger, thankfully I stopped, but I definitely have slight ringing in my ears now
My employer gonna fire me for insanity if they see me doing this at the workplace
This does work but very briefly for me
i have minor tinnitus that i find is mainly noticeable at night (not to an unfathomable degree though). during the day i don't really hear it, so i have a feeling (as with many others) it's more of a psychosomatic reaction to noise/lack thereof rather than pure ear damage. afaik tinnitus isn't fully understood, some people report that just like cleaning their ears sometimes temporary gets rid of tinnitus for a day or so.
my airpod pros take it away on transparency mode lol
I got some custom made earplugs for concerts so I don’t develop tinnitus.
Working like a dream so far
when i was young and i didnt know i had tinnitus i thought the high pitched screeching was because my ears could hear electrical signals and s***
You ever get tinnitus flaring up and then it stops suddenly 🤯
Happened to me a fee days ago so trippy
I have a constant and pretty minor case of tinnitus but live in constant fear of it getting worse