Why does it matter, and why do you care
my point exactly. it looks like you're whining and complaining with no solution
@Synopsis the reason people easily disagree with you is cuz you rarely mention and alternative, or one that we know has a high chance of actually working. What do you want? It feels like most of the time you complain about the way things are but don't tell us any plans to change it or replace the current system which makes your threads annoying to me, cuz it just feels like a reach for attention sometimes.
We mention alternatives enough lmao
@Synopsis the reason people easily disagree with you is cuz you rarely mention and alternative, or one that we know has a high chance of actually working. What do you want? It feels like most of the time you complain about the way things are but don't tell us any plans to change it or replace the current system which makes your threads annoying to me, cuz it just feels like a reach for attention sometimes.
me telling you any of it is not going to change your mind. So again, why does it matter, and why do you care? If my postings are the extent to which you absorb socialist ideas, then I advise you to just read some books instead.
Why does it matter, and why do you care
It doesn't matter & I care because I'm genuinely curious. A lot of opinions from you, not a lot of solutions (that I've seen). But if you wanna be a b**** about it then carry on.
You should look up the differences in the slavery that existed in ancient societies to the type slavery in America. were either right? no, but they are nowhere near a***ogous, dummy.
Idk why on earth you think I have to sit here and type out how every aspect of this society would look for you. it will not change your mind, and nothing i say will be of any interest to you.
I actually have studied slavery in America Is this thread about slavery in America though?
You make a call out for people to renounce the current system but you can't even be bothered to begin to describe the alternative. Ya you wack af. And here was me thinking you actually cared
It doesn't matter & I care because I'm genuinely curious. A lot of opinions from you, not a lot of solutions (that I've seen). But if you wanna be a b**** about it then carry on.
don't just complain then tell me "i'm not gonna share any solutions". what sense does that make? that's like me complaining about an F on my math quiz but then saying I didn't study and idk if I ever will lol
It doesn't matter & I care because I'm genuinely curious. A lot of opinions from you, not a lot of solutions (that I've seen). But if you wanna be a b**** about it then carry on.
If you were curious about socialism you would read books by socialists and find out for yourself.
its just dumb because there are hundreds of interpretations of what socialism would look like that are free or close to free for you to peruse.
why are you asking someone on KTT when we both know you dont really care.
How do you know I don't care? You a telepath? I absolutely do care. Why am I asking someone on ktt? For the same reason someone would make this thread on ktt.
If there are hundreds of interpretations of socialism then that makes it more imporant to precisely describe the one you want.
I literally just asked you to describe it and all you do is b**** and whine again sm f***ing h. It is @plants though what can you expect
Nobody spoonfed me the knowledge. Sorry but it's not my job to educate. I just have fun with this s***. Mfers have literally written for centuries about this s*** it's not like it secret knowledge like f***in read a book dawg
me telling you any of it is not going to change your mind. So again, why does it matter, and why do you care? If my postings are the extent to which you absorb socialist ideas, then I advise you to just read some books instead.
here you go again swerving around questions and being a crybaby. what do you want? it's a simple question? i'm genuinely curious but you're just mad at us for not immediately agreeing with you.
here you go again swerving around questions and being a crybaby. what do you want? it's a simple question? i'm genuinely curious but you're just mad at us for not immediately agreeing with you.
I think what I want is fairly simple, a global socialist society.
Funny how I'm braindead but I'll be more successful than your entire bloodline
Nobody spoonfed me the knowledge. Sorry but it's not my job to educate. I just have fun with this s***. Mfers have literally written for centuries about this s*** it's not like it secret knowledge like f***in read a book dawg
Knowledge about what LMFAOOO.......
What do you wan?. Universal Healthcare? UBI? Ok but can the stock exchange stay? No? Then how do firms raise capital? Do we have private firms at all?
Every one of these threads on ktt is just 'The whole world is ass, we need to tear s*** down and fix it'. You gotta think about specific problems fam
I think what I want is fairly simple, a global socialist society.
That's all? I'm seriously asking. Cuz you could have easily said those 4 words "a global socialist society" the first time lol
If you were curious about socialism you would read books by socialists and find out for yourself.
There are so many different types
Literally asking what YOU personally believe to be the "right" way
That's all? I'm seriously asking. Cuz you could have easily said those 4 words "a global socialist society" the first time lol
yes, there you go, that's all.
There are so many different types
Literally asking what YOU personally believe to be the "right" way
but like, why does it matter what i personally believe?
Changing your diet is a good option I think. Try to have less red meat. If enough people do this then it can make a real difference.
Knowledge about what LMFAOOO.......
What do you wan?. Universal Healthcare? UBI? Ok but can the stock exchange stay? No? Then how do firms raise capital? Do we have private firms at all?
Every one of these threads on ktt is just 'The whole world is ass, we need to tear s*** down and fix it'. You gotta think about specific problems fam
Right. Barely anyone here actually goes through and says why want they want would work, or how to get there. We have to think before just throwing ideas out there then getting mad cuz others don't agree.
but like, why does it matter what i personally believe?
We're on a forum where people share random thoughts, beliefs & other bullshit.
It doesn't matter at all what you or anyone else believes. Also doesn't change that I'm curious about it.
But I'm gonna go eat. Have fun & f*** the Celtics
Right. Barely anyone here actually goes through and says why want they want would work, or how to get there. We have to think before just throwing ideas out there then getting mad cuz others don't agree.
we have to think? who is we?
We're on a forum where people share random thoughts, beliefs & other bullshit.
It doesn't matter at all what you or anyone else believes. Also doesn't change that I'm curious about it.
But I'm gonna go eat. Have fun & f*** the Celtics
there are two very long threads on here about landlords and abolishing prison, go read them and have fun.