I didn't bring it up to say I'm an authority on it, op said something about "you haven't researched American slavery" even though it's not that relevant to this thread and I said that I had.
None of the rest of your WOT post actaully gives any info about this s*** again so ya you don't know wtf has been going on with slavery now or in the past either. That was my point. I'm not saying capitalism isn't to blame cause slavery has existed in the past, just that op doesn't know what the root causes are, but him and others on this site make threads daily about it. I don't know either, but I don't make weekly threads claiming I do. If you had actually read my posts on this thread instead of knee jerking as you do, you would see I'm not defending capitalism I'm just trying to see what alternative people want.
Idk how someone claiming to have studied history can be so dense to how basic questions relating to history are formulated then answered...
The scientific method applies to all sciences same way constructing arguments/detecting logical fallacies is a universal language for essays (ideas put to paper)...
A biologists or law professor with no in depth knowledge of capitalism and slavery could tell you that your arguments weren't sticking...
That's the whole point but keep deflecting with
"tell me then, give me new information"
as if you're not admitting to offering opinions with no sound basis to them and then want others to fish out information for you whilst assuming they don't know anything about the subject.
Maybe I just don't care about your rude behind thus am not going to spend time fishing out documents I have in my house (books, articles, essays written by me, etc) to "educate" you or go in more depth...
If you appeared genuine about this whole ordeal we could've gotten on a zoom call because typing all of it out is a chore (the fact that you failed to estimate how much info you were asking for also tells me you have little to no clue what you're asking for yet was eager to include it in your arguments)
Get your "" Idk anything but you probably don't either so I'm kind-of right"" head ass out of here
Coming from someone who lives in an ex-socialist country:
I would give all of my wealth to see you privileged US couch socialists try to live for at least a month in a real socialist society.
Humanity is incompatible with socialism/communism, can't wait until y'all learn this on your own skin
Edit: Just to be clear, not defending the video in OP, before someone calls that out. That s*** is disgusting. But there are deeper root causes than the economic system of the world.
Coming from someone who lives in an ex-socialist country:
I would give all of my wealth to see you privileged US couch socialists try to live for at least a month in a real socialist society.
Humanity is incompatible with socialism/communism, can't wait until y'all learn this on your own skin
Edit: Just to be clear, not defending the video in OP, before someone calls that out. That s*** is disgusting. But there are deeper root causes than the economic system of the world.
Idk how someone claiming to have studied history can be so dense to how basic questions relating to history are formulated then answered...
The scientific method applies to all sciences same way constructing arguments/detecting logical fallacies is a universal language for essays (ideas put to paper)...
A biologists or law professor with no in depth knowledge of capitalism and slavery could tell you that your arguments weren't sticking...
That's the whole point but keep deflecting with
"tell me then, give me new information"
as if you're not admitting to offering opinions with no sound basis to them and then want others to fish out information for you whilst assuming they don't know anything about the subject.
Maybe I just don't care about your rude behind thus am not going to spend time fishing out documents I have in my house (books, articles, essays written by me, etc) to "educate" you or go in more depth...
If you appeared genuine about this whole ordeal we could've gotten on a zoom call because typing all of it out is a chore (the fact that you failed to estimate how much info you were asking for also tells me you have little to no clue what you're asking for yet was eager to include it in your arguments)
Get your "" Idk anything but you probably don't either so I'm kind-of right"" head ass out of here
lol I'm literally not even arguing wich you, what are these arguments that 'aren't sticking'? I'm just asking people to justify to any level what they're saying. Must mean I'm disingenious I guess No one here knows what they are talking about. DIfference is some of us are making bold claims regardless. That s*** cringe.
Stop shoving random s*** like "scientfic method" into your post that's not even relevant to this thread. You literally just throwin that s*** around without actually saying anything. Classic pseudointellectual type s***. Anyways you should get back to your personal library king.
Coming from someone who lives in an ex-socialist country:
I would give all of my wealth to see you privileged US couch socialists try to live for at least a month in a real socialist society.
Humanity is incompatible with socialism/communism, can't wait until y'all learn this on your own skin
Edit: Just to be clear, not defending the video in OP, before someone calls that out. That s*** is disgusting. But there are deeper root causes than the economic system of the world.
damn where u from?
lol I'm literally not even arguing wich you, what are these arguments that 'aren't sticking'? I'm just asking people to justify to any level what they're saying. Must mean I'm disingenious I guess No one here knows what they are talking about. DIfference is some of us are making bold claims regardless. That s*** cringe.
Stop shoving random s*** like "scientfic method" into your post that's not even relevant to this thread. You literally just throwin that s*** around without actually saying anything. Classic pseudointellectual type s***. Anyways you should get back to your personal library king.
Coming from someone who lives in an ex-socialist country:
I would give all of my wealth to see you privileged US couch socialists try to live for at least a month in a real socialist society.
Humanity is incompatible with socialism/communism, can't wait until y'all learn this on your own skin
Edit: Just to be clear, not defending the video in OP, before someone calls that out. That s*** is disgusting. But there are deeper root causes than the economic system of the world.
Name em then
socialism sounds great until its actually put into practice and its resented, its never going to be embraced in any of our life times
Coming from someone who lives in an ex-socialist country:
I would give all of my wealth to see you privileged US couch socialists try to live for at least a month in a real socialist society.
Humanity is incompatible with socialism/communism, can't wait until y'all learn this on your own skin
Edit: Just to be clear, not defending the video in OP, before someone calls that out. That s*** is disgusting. But there are deeper root causes than the economic system of the world.
talk ya s***
socialism sounds great until its actually put into practice and its resented, its never going to be embraced in any of our life times
People of Bolivia just overwhelmingly voted for the socialist party lol
Name em then
IMO, the inherent and incurable human "greediness", to put it that way.
Our deeply rooted need to own and possess as much "resources" (food, money, whatever) as possible, even if we have no need for all of them.
No matter which system we install, considering the limited and finite amount of resources on this planet, there will always be people that will only look out for their own interests and, consenquently, those are the people that will try and, in the end, will get into positions of power.
All socialism and communism does, is it consolidates power into the hands of the all-mighty state, giving power to a select few basically, leading to an authoritarian society.
IMO, we're f***ed, no matter which system is in place. But, at least capitalism provides for some sort of meritocracy and ensures that the voice of the people is heard on some matters of public interest, so it's the best we have so far. Of course, it's s*** on a bunch of matters, like environmentalism, etc., which is why we're f***ed, as I've stated before.
IMO, the inherent and incurable human "greediness", to put it that way.
Our deeply rooted need to own and possess as much "resources" (food, money, whatever) as possible, even if we have no need for all of them.
No matter which system we install, considering the limited and finite amount of resources on this planet, there will always be people that will only look out for their own interests and, consenquently, those are the people that will try and, in the end, will get into positions of power.
All socialism and communism does, is it consolidates power into the hands of the all-mighty state, giving power to a select few basically, leading to an authoritarian society.
IMO, we're f***ed, no matter which system is in place. But, at least capitalism provides for some sort of meritocracy and ensures that the voice of the people is heard on some matters of public interest, so it's the best we have so far. Of course, it's s*** on a bunch of matters, like environmentalism, etc., which is why we're f***ed, as I've stated before.
IMO, the inherent and incurable human "greediness", to put it that way.
Our deeply rooted need to own and possess as much "resources" (food, money, whatever) as possible, even if we have no need for all of them.
No matter which system we install, considering the limited and finite amount of resources on this planet, there will always be people that will only look out for their own interests and, consenquently, those are the people that will try and, in the end, will get into positions of power.
All socialism and communism does, is it consolidates power into the hands of the all-mighty state, giving power to a select few basically, leading to an authoritarian society.
IMO, we're f***ed, no matter which system is in place. But, at least capitalism provides for some sort of meritocracy and ensures that the voice of the people is heard on some matters of public interest, so it's the best we have so far. Of course, it's s*** on a bunch of matters, like environmentalism, etc., which is why we're f***ed, as I've stated before.
you just described capitalism.
OP i love you for always reminding me of s*** like this, like that i know about but let slip to the back of my head
you always call me out when im wrong and are always right too
Did you try to compare your 9 to 5 job to this little kids almost slavery?
You a grown ass man having to work a "boring" 9 to 5...is the same as a little kid with no childhood having to slave away his life from a dollar a day.
F*** you.
lol nah I'm saying that we're all stuck in the same system and can't do nothing about it, those kids happen to be at the bottom of this pyramid.
OP tries to make us feel bad like its our fault, when in reality we're powerless about this situation. If I stop participating in capitalism I won't have a place to sleep or food to eat.
and f*** you too
lol nah I'm saying that we're all stuck in the same system and can't do nothing about it, those kids happen to be at the bottom of this pyramid.
OP tries to make us feel bad like its our fault, when in reality we're powerless about this situation. If I stop participating in capitalism I won't have a place to sleep or food to eat.
and f*** you too
The only people who should feel bad are the ones actively defending it
IMO, the inherent and incurable human "greediness", to put it that way.
Our deeply rooted need to own and possess as much "resources" (food, money, whatever) as possible, even if we have no need for all of them.
No matter which system we install, considering the limited and finite amount of resources on this planet, there will always be people that will only look out for their own interests and, consenquently, those are the people that will try and, in the end, will get into positions of power.
All socialism and communism does, is it consolidates power into the hands of the all-mighty state, giving power to a select few basically, leading to an authoritarian society.
IMO, we're f***ed, no matter which system is in place. But, at least capitalism provides for some sort of meritocracy and ensures that the voice of the people is heard on some matters of public interest, so it's the best we have so far. Of course, it's s*** on a bunch of matters, like environmentalism, etc., which is why we're f***ed, as I've stated before.
your post makes a lot of sense. op doesn't understand HUMAN NATURE and greed is apart of it. Notice how the rich still want to become richer? That mindset wouldn't exist without greed. I like how OP is always trying to find the good in people, but it doesn't exist. It's physically impossible to have a system that works perfectly and is fair for everyone because perfection does not exist. Fairness does not exist. We just have to deal with it.
your post makes a lot of sense. op doesn't understand HUMAN NATURE and greed is apart of it. Notice how the rich still want to become richer? That mindset wouldn't exist without greed. I like how OP is always trying to find the good in people, but it doesn't exist. It's physically impossible to have a system that works perfectly and is fair for everyone because perfection does not exist. Fairness does not exist. We just have to deal with it.
You're an idiot