  • Sep 19, 2021
    2 replies

    Why do you keep coming back and making long ass threads no one reads

  • Sep 19, 2021

    You're a real one bro

  • Sep 19, 2021
    1 reply

  • Sep 19, 2021

  • Sep 19, 2021
    1 reply

    Why do you keep coming back and making long ass threads no one reads

    Why you so bitter?

  • Sep 19, 2021
    1 reply

    Why you so bitter?

    Because it’s the reality of the situation

    You come here, find it depressing and complain, then leave for a week, then come back

    Each of these events has its own thread

  • Sep 19, 2021

    I'm gonna toss some knowledge and some hard opinions on some of you who post here

    1. Stop obsessing over getting laid. Some of you have literally NO prospects, no job, money, hell can't even drive and you're out here worrying "how do I get a gf/sex/pussy (or all of the above)". Worry about yourself and having yourself actually have a career before trying to go out and flash $12 for some random chick at a club.

    2. If you are out of college, stop obsessing over "not having friends". Unless you have kept in touch with lots of people you've known overtime this is BOUND to happen to MOST people. I don't have friends, but I have a wife and a career. Sure, I still TALK to old friends but I don't actively worry about "not having friends". Yes, It does suck but other priorities in life get in the way. It's one of those things you have to accept as you get older.

    3. STOP SIMPING OVER CHICKS WHO DONT CARE ABOUT YOU. THIS ONLY ENABLES THEM. JUST STOP. Do NOT give anyone attention who wouldn't give YOU attention first.

    4. Get off social media and replace it more productive. I've been guilty of this but being able to control yourself will cure your addiction.


    very accurate tbh. good advice in this post no lie

  • Sep 19, 2021
    2 replies

    So there’s your answer, people don’t want to end up like you my man. No offense, you should be telling them what not to do so they can end up in a place where they’re actually happy.

    Man, money, career, none of that means anything tbh.

    no one can give advice on how to make someone genuinely happy. its different for everyone, and it sucks it has to be this way but everyone gotta find out on their own.

  • Sep 19, 2021

    Because it’s the reality of the situation

    You come here, find it depressing and complain, then leave for a week, then come back

    Each of these events has its own thread

    You do realize this thread is just trying to give out advice? Maybe if you had read it AND the NOW updated title, you'd realize that this is not a criticism thread.

  • Sep 19, 2021
    1 reply


  • Sep 19, 2021

    no one can give advice on how to make someone genuinely happy. its different for everyone, and it sucks it has to be this way but everyone gotta find out on their own.

    Yeah to be fair though the whole idea of this thread was trying to shine some light on what people always b**** about

  • Sep 19, 2021
    1 reply




  • Sep 19, 2021



    me when i data collect data collectors

  • Sep 19, 2021
    1 reply

    Its been a good day so far, finally went out and tried a boxing class after putting it off for so long. 'Cardio boxing'. The workout was killer so I will definitely keep going. Besides, my sessions are free (got them gifted to me)

  • Sep 19, 2021
    1 reply

    I appreciate your effort but this does nothing. Baseless words don’t mean much when not coming from a place of understanding and relatability. What you find useless others may want. Friends to you may mean not much but they mean the world to some people. You also have a wife. That is your best friend. The simping thing sure but only when money is involved. Don’t be a pay pig.

    Social media is just a part of our lives now. You don’t need it but it opens many doors that otherwise will stay closed. Just be sure to spot reality from virtual reality and you’ll be ok.

    But nothing is that simple. This site is depressing because of how life simply is right now. To be honest It’s bleak and negativity is easier than positivity especially in the face of tribulations. But at least we are all in it together and that makes it a little less bad

    just cant please anybody can ya

  • Sep 19, 2021
    1 reply

    Its been a good day so far, finally went out and tried a boxing class after putting it off for so long. 'Cardio boxing'. The workout was killer so I will definitely keep going. Besides, my sessions are free (got them gifted to me)

    Nice bro LOVE to hear that, seems like you're really getting up there for the training :)

    On these sessions do you usually burn alot of calories?

  • Sep 19, 2021

    OP real...

  • Sep 19, 2021
    1 reply

    I'm gonna toss some knowledge and some hard opinions on some of you who post here

    1. Stop obsessing over getting laid. Some of you have literally NO prospects, no job, money, hell can't even drive and you're out here worrying "how do I get a gf/sex/pussy (or all of the above)". Worry about yourself and having yourself actually have a career before trying to go out and flash $12 for some random chick at a club.

    2. If you are out of college, stop obsessing over "not having friends". Unless you have kept in touch with lots of people you've known overtime this is BOUND to happen to MOST people. I don't have friends, but I have a wife and a career. Sure, I still TALK to old friends but I don't actively worry about "not having friends". Yes, It does suck but other priorities in life get in the way. It's one of those things you have to accept as you get older.

    3. STOP SIMPING OVER CHICKS WHO DONT CARE ABOUT YOU. THIS ONLY ENABLES THEM. JUST STOP. Do NOT give anyone attention who wouldn't give YOU attention first.

    4. Get off social media and replace it more productive. I've been guilty of this but being able to control yourself will cure your addiction.


    Ok number one hurt like hell cuz I don’t have a car

  • Sep 19, 2021
    1 reply

    Wait nvm I ain't realize who OP was. I still got beef with that b****

  • Holy s*** this smacked me in the face

  • Sep 19, 2021
    1 reply

    Nice bro LOVE to hear that, seems like you're really getting up there for the training :)

    On these sessions do you usually burn alot of calories?

    I havent measured yet or anything but I would assume so. I was like nearly dead after it, but I think it will get better and better (easier) as I get fitter

  • Sep 19, 2021
    1 reply

    Ok number one hurt like hell cuz I don’t have a car

    Don't worry my car was broken into today and had s*** stolen from it

    It's not even driveable at the moment cause they ripped the f***ing dashboard up

  • Sep 19, 2021

    Wait nvm I ain't realize who OP was. I still got beef with that b****

    There's no hard feelings on this side

  • Sep 19, 2021
    1 reply

    I havent measured yet or anything but I would assume so. I was like nearly dead after it, but I think it will get better and better (easier) as I get fitter

    Nothing wrong with that bro, do you count calories?

  • Sep 19, 2021
    1 reply

    Don't worry my car was broken into today and had s*** stolen from it

    It's not even driveable at the moment cause they ripped the f***ing dashboard up

    bet they tried to steal it but couldnt drive stick so stole the shift knob (not that its funny, karma will get them soon inshallah)