bet they tried to steal it but couldnt drive stick so stole the shift knob (not that its funny, karma will get them soon inshallah)
Yeah, bunch of buffoons bro
Cant wait to make an insurance claim
Nothing wrong with that bro, do you count calories?
Nope, need to get into it still for the purposes of becoming a PMF
Number 3
Thats the one this site struggles with the most tbh
And honestly this day and age it sucks, truly does for younger dudes (hell even people my age who are single) because these chicks can just get validation from random dudes online or whatever instead of a natural organic meeting...
the best advice I can give is TRY to meet chicks through your friends and if you dont have friends, join clubs at your college, join a frat, stay OFF tinder tho cause thats a sketchy instance bro
@sniper Im not tryna call out you bro but I want you to have this advice too cause youre a good dude
What do you mean?
the dude came in here to give decent advice and you called it meaningless
Did this man post his own avi so no one else could it lmao. What a menace
Also posted the Tito copypasta as the first reply
Nope, need to get into it still for the purposes of becoming a PMF
You'll get there bro, hell with decent training and a good diet give it 5 weeks
You gonna be tearing up the clubs soon!
today was great tbh, last few days as well. got a job offer confirmed and ill be moving back to my city also have a potetial secnd round interview with another company thatl pay even better that i should find out by tuesday
celebrated by coppin some nice pieces of clothing
feels extraaa good after not being interested At ALL in clothes for like 3 years straight now. f*** it feels good to be back
been hella depressed for over a year now, some times were mad hard to keep going and lotta times it couldnt even really be called moving. word to ye n common "slow motion better than no motion". so basically, if u goin thru it right now, just gotta stay down and s***s gonna pick up soon enough. have faith (in god or whatever u believe in, but mostly yourself). good things coming your way. may you all be blessed in this life & the next
You'll get there bro, hell with decent training and a good diet give it 5 weeks
You gonna be tearing up the clubs soon!
Yessirski. Already cut out bullshit food delivery apps (one month plus) so Im on my way. Lets go
today was great tbh, last few days as well. got a job offer confirmed and ill be moving back to my city also have a potetial secnd round interview with another company thatl pay even better that i should find out by tuesday
celebrated by coppin some nice pieces of clothing
feels extraaa good after not being interested At ALL in clothes for like 3 years straight now. f*** it feels good to be back
been hella depressed for over a year now, some times were mad hard to keep going and lotta times it couldnt even really be called moving. word to ye n common "slow motion better than no motion". so basically, if u goin thru it right now, just gotta stay down and s***s gonna pick up soon enough. have faith (in god or whatever u believe in, but mostly yourself). good things coming your way. may you all be blessed in this life & the next
My dude
Coming up and about to be a KILLER on wall street Shiny tux and everything. You're gonna be able to live that comfy lifestyle once you get that job bro
and for real true s***... by keeping positive its a good thing, optimism is underrated, people are nihilistic and downers for no reason nowadys
good things to come, would never want to hang around someone whos negative all the time
So don’t worry about friends, don’t use social media, and don’t chase a relationship? I agree that there are some validity on focusing on yourself, But for people who aren’t in a long-term relationship I hope you see that this advice isn’t really pertinent.
And I’m someone who is really introverted and prefers being by myself but isolation really sucks
the dude came in here to give decent advice and you called it meaningless
Do u want me to lie?
Why do you keep coming back and making long ass threads no one reads
So don’t worry about friends, don’t use social media, and don’t chase a relationship? I agree that there are some validity on focusing on yourself, But for people who aren’t in a long-term relationship I hope you see that this advice isn’t really pertinent.
And I’m someone who is really introverted and prefers being by myself but isolation really sucks
How old are you SERENITY? (just curious) lol you dont have to give me a full age
How old are you SERENITY? (just curious) lol you dont have to give me a full age