  • Sep 19, 2021


    He is 100% correct.

  • Sep 19, 2021
    1 reply

    So don’t worry about friends, don’t use social media, and don’t chase a relationship? I agree that there are some validity on focusing on yourself, But for people who aren’t in a long-term relationship I hope you see that this advice isn’t really pertinent.

    And I’m someone who is really introverted and prefers being by myself but isolation really sucks

    re: the last line, id say theres a difference between being lonely and being alone. you can be in the club with 1500 people and feel like the only one who doesnt belong. or you can be alone in ur room and feel a connection to people thru shared ideas (however they make come: books/art/music etc) (and i know that human interaction is necessary on some level) (and also not tryna have a back n forth bout the topic). but my take on it is that being lonely is feeling misunderstood.

  • Sep 19, 2021
    1 reply


    If I can just give my two cents

    I think (depending on your situatioN) you should focus on your education/career/life advancements before searching for the leisure's/entertainment. Grinding hard in your 20's makes your 30's way easier. Obviously this advice isn't credible coming from me (since I'm not in my 30's) but other people on this forum who are older have said the same thing. Focus on yourself and becoming the absolute best/max potential you can have in your 20's and your 30's will be so much easier to where you will be able to enjoy life.

    Sure, you can make the argument that isolation sucks (and it does) being lonely is not a good feeling. For some people its much easier to make friends in life than others, but they might have that... what do you excel specifically at that THEY dont? think about it like that. Also, everyone loses friends in their mid 20's (

    No joke

  • Sep 19, 2021
    RX Nigerian Pastor

    Hard not to be sometimes I’ve came a long way but I’m a pretty self destructive person still

    Just sad and missing my ex Rn i think I’ll be alright

    Sending best regards brodee

  • Sep 19, 2021

    re: the last line, id say theres a difference between being lonely and being alone. you can be in the club with 1500 people and feel like the only one who doesnt belong. or you can be alone in ur room and feel a connection to people thru shared ideas (however they make come: books/art/music etc) (and i know that human interaction is necessary on some level) (and also not tryna have a back n forth bout the topic). but my take on it is that being lonely is feeling misunderstood.

    Bro that first sentence you said... hits so close to home

    Been in that situation where you are in a room filled with people, but got nothing to say, and feel lonely as f***.

  • Sep 19, 2021
    1 reply

    no one can give advice on how to make someone genuinely happy. its different for everyone, and it sucks it has to be this way but everyone gotta find out on their own.

    Nah, my whole point is he said he’s not really happy with his life and the difference is that he has a wife and a career. He should be saying what he did wrong to not have friends or not enjoy his life fully and then people take from it what they will

  • Sep 19, 2021
    1 reply

    If I can just give my two cents

    I think (depending on your situatioN) you should focus on your education/career/life advancements before searching for the leisure's/entertainment. Grinding hard in your 20's makes your 30's way easier. Obviously this advice isn't credible coming from me (since I'm not in my 30's) but other people on this forum who are older have said the same thing. Focus on yourself and becoming the absolute best/max potential you can have in your 20's and your 30's will be so much easier to where you will be able to enjoy life.

    Sure, you can make the argument that isolation sucks (and it does) being lonely is not a good feeling. For some people its much easier to make friends in life than others, but they might have that... what do you excel specifically at that THEY dont? think about it like that. Also, everyone loses friends in their mid 20's (

    No joke

    Yeah I agree to an extent. I’m actually in a pretty weird situation that might be more common than I think but I moved all the way across the country to get a good job and I got it and I thought it would make me happy and knowing nobody else in my state is really pretty depressing. Not saying it was a mistake to chase a job or that there’s no other ways that I can better myself but the situation And general process of getting older has been tough dealing with

  • Sep 19, 2021

    Nah, my whole point is he said he’s not really happy with his life and the difference is that he has a wife and a career. He should be saying what he did wrong to not have friends or not enjoy his life fully and then people take from it what they will

    word i see the point u tryna make

  • Sep 19, 2021
    1 reply

    I heavily disagree with point 5. Polyester fibers are sometimes spun together with natural fibers to produce a cloth with blended properties. Cotton-polyester blends can be strong, wrinkle- and tear-resistant, and reduce shrinking. Synthetic fibers using polyester have high water, wind and environmental resistance compared to plant-derived fibers. They are less fire-resistant and can melt when ignited.

  • Sep 19, 2021
    1 reply

    I heavily disagree with point 5. Polyester fibers are sometimes spun together with natural fibers to produce a cloth with blended properties. Cotton-polyester blends can be strong, wrinkle- and tear-resistant, and reduce shrinking. Synthetic fibers using polyester have high water, wind and environmental resistance compared to plant-derived fibers. They are less fire-resistant and can melt when ignited.

    does anyone have the copy pasta from ktt1 f&s about only using natural fibers in clothes because synthetic fibers break off and end up in the ocean and kill turtles

  • Sep 19, 2021
    1 reply

    Thats the one this site struggles with the most tbh

    And honestly this day and age it sucks, truly does for younger dudes (hell even people my age who are single) because these chicks can just get validation from random dudes online or whatever instead of a natural organic meeting...

    the best advice I can give is TRY to meet chicks through your friends and if you dont have friends, join clubs at your college, join a frat, stay OFF tinder tho cause thats a sketchy instance bro

    @sniper Im not tryna call out you bro but I want you to have this advice too cause youre a good dude

    bad thing is, we aint got no good clubs on the campus im on so i take a 45 min - 1 hr shuttle ride to main campus, everyone here keeps to themselves

  • Sep 19, 2021
    1 reply

    Site has more George's than Kramer's, Elaine's and Jerry's

    Site has plenty of Michael Richards' though

  • Sep 19, 2021

    Yeah I agree to an extent. I’m actually in a pretty weird situation that might be more common than I think but I moved all the way across the country to get a good job and I got it and I thought it would make me happy and knowing nobody else in my state is really pretty depressing. Not saying it was a mistake to chase a job or that there’s no other ways that I can better myself but the situation And general process of getting older has been tough dealing with

    Sorry about the late reply.. Firstly glad to hear that you got a good job. A career in the long run is much more important than partying lol

    That's totally an agreeable thing you said though, have you tried doing any sort groups or meet ups? What are your interests? Surely there's things in your area that have groups or such

  • Sep 19, 2021

    bad thing is, we aint got no good clubs on the campus im on so i take a 45 min - 1 hr shuttle ride to main campus, everyone here keeps to themselves


    That's s***ty bro sorry to hear...

    Maybe you just gotta be the one to make the first move?

  • Sep 19, 2021
    Zach LaBeam

    Site has plenty of Michael Richards' though

    Top tier comment

  • Sep 19, 2021
    1 reply


  • Sep 19, 2021



  • Sep 19, 2021

    Damn this is crazy. Ass in my face right now.


  • plants 🌻
    Sep 19, 2021

    yea @op gonna take a break from ktt myself

    Lemme know how it is

  • plants 🌻
    Sep 19, 2021
    1 reply

    does anyone have the copy pasta from ktt1 f&s about only using natural fibers in clothes because synthetic fibers break off and end up in the ocean and kill turtles

    I might have wrote that, also synthetic fibers actually contribute to nano-plastics more than any other type, and those end up so small they can now cross the human blood brain barrier. Not sure what the effects of plastic in the bring ate yet tho...they were found in human placentas last year for the first time as well. So like...yeah wear natural fibers when possible hehe

  • plants 🌻
    Sep 19, 2021

    Sorry just had to doompost rq

  • Sep 19, 2021
    1 reply


    • sent from my iPhone
  • Sep 19, 2021
    1 reply

    I might have wrote that, also synthetic fibers actually contribute to nano-plastics more than any other type, and those end up so small they can now cross the human blood brain barrier. Not sure what the effects of plastic in the bring ate yet tho...they were found in human placentas last year for the first time as well. So like...yeah wear natural fibers when possible hehe

    Whewww I know it started as a thread on ktt1 f&s section, u got a link to ur profile I could go to (if it’ll let u browse profiles without being logged in since I’m banned) or if u could find it I’d love it pls. I just love the wording of it lmao, def agree with the points u made bout if

  • plants 🌻
    Sep 19, 2021

    Whewww I know it started as a thread on ktt1 f&s section, u got a link to ur profile I could go to (if it’ll let u browse profiles without being logged in since I’m banned) or if u could find it I’d love it pls. I just love the wording of it lmao, def agree with the points u made bout if

    ngl I haven't even touched og ktt in years and years idek how to start with that

  • Sep 19, 2021
    2 replies
