  • May 7, 2023

    Haven’t tried would you recommend it? I’ve seen that setting on my iPhone

    I got pretty slight tinnitus that pretty much is only noticeable in silent setting so
    I use white noise to sleep comfortably

  • May 8, 2023

    I have it.

    And yes.

    It would be impossible to sleep if I did not have background noise to drown out the tinnitus

    Have a fan or something running while you sleep for a soft background noise.

    It will help in taking you off focusing on the tinnitus while you try to sleep.

    I can not sleep without a fan at all. Even in Winter, I'll just have it pointing another way if its too cold but I need the noise to sleep. It helps immensely.

    I use a white noise machine, has a whole bunch of different sounds you can go through until you find one that suits you

  • May 8, 2023

    Resending my post from the other tinnitus thread someone linked earlier:

    I have an extreme case of tinnitus, hyperacusis (sensitivity to everyday noise) and TTTS (ears flutter/rumble to certain spikes in noise)

    This s*** has completely ruined my quality of life, I have to wear earplugs for the most normal stuff like doing the dishes, taking the bins out and vacuuming), and the most depressing part of all is I basically can't listen to music anymore, any sort of music/sound coming from earphones or device speakers cause my tinnitus to spike and sensitivity to get worse as well as headaches.

    I'm 26 now but first noticed the ringing at around 15, after a good 5-6 years where I became accustomed to it and lived normally until I went to a really loud concert without earplugs and it has continued to get worse and worse since then.

    Please protect your ears guys

  • May 8, 2023

    Go to a reg ear nose throat foctor for a basic check up & run doen then ask about specialist they can refer you to for the issue(s) that doesnt invole serious surgery

    They exist for people that work in construction, music industry, people that deal with loud firearms like the military & reg people that end up getting ear injuries. Its not an illusive problem that everday people might think - there are answers/people that can help. Some jobs its required.

    Also youre going to have to change your listening habits.

    Listening to loud volumes every now and then isnt a big deal but constant is. Especially if youre more prone.


  • May 8, 2023
    1 reply

    As a person with a brain tumor this is objectively false especially when its a severe case & you only think this because you are the one actually privileged LMAO

  • May 8, 2023

    Having an imaginary that affects people in many fields that can make your concentration, awareness, sense of space & sanity decline & terrible that many people from construction to military to musicians face = not a big deal.

    Guess if youre not literally dying its not a big deal. Nevermind the other things is can cause things such as migraines, insomnia or literally going f***ing deaf etc. Its also a huge safety hazard which is why its dangerous, especially depending on the field youre in. Such as the military and construction. Nevermind not being able to hear things, if its serious wnough, like caes in traffic etc.

    Might as way should take away headache doctors, tell people thay s*** blood theyre fine, broken legs that eill heal etc.

    Also who the f*** said its life threatening itt.

    How f***ing stupid. Take your privilege oppression olympics somewhere else LMAO.

  • May 8, 2023

    Only a nigga with actual privilege is so quick to shame others for their issues while having no knowledge about anything LMAO

  • May 8, 2023
    1 reply

    This is a stupid take, obviously tinnitus itself can’t kill you but a serious case can destroy your quality of life

    Imagine yourself having a difficult time going out, listening to music or doing anything else you enjoy because it makes your tinnitus spike even worse

    I personally try not to think about all of this too much and am grateful for other aspects of my health but its obviously had a detrimental effect on my life these past few years

  • May 8, 2023

    same and also bc of tmj im 90% sure

    oh well tho 🚶🏻‍♂️🙈

    Likewise. TMJ is another personal detriment.

  • @Maximus There are anticonvulsant medications that doctors can prescribe to calm the ringing. Have been on/off of Tegretol before and it's helped when tinnitus was impacting daily life.

  • May 8, 2023
    1 reply

    It’s insane to me how you said that you work in the medical field yet you come in this thread with the sole purpose to shame me for expressing my distress at a certain condition without even knowing f*** all about me. ABCs of your profession is to never judge a patient or make light of their condition no matter how ‘simple’ it sounds to you. Of course tinnitus isn’t life threatening but it affects the quality of life nevertheless.

    Matter of fact I could be suffering from one of the diseases you’ve mentioned and you wouldn’t know s*** about it because I chose to post about my Tinnitus.

  • ghosting ®️
    May 8, 2023
    1 reply

    someone working in the medical field that lacks empathy, what's new

  • ghosting ®️
    May 8, 2023

    "If you think Tinnitus is ruining your life you have an objectively privileged life."

    beautiful inspiring words bro, im overcome with emotion

  • ghosting ®️
    May 8, 2023

    im not joking

  • May 8, 2023

    Yeah OP cancer exists so how about you start being grateful for your severe tinnitus


  • May 8, 2023
    2 replies

    Bro had to delete his ignorant ass comment

  • May 8, 2023

    I really don't want that surgery because despite being low-risk it is very obstructive and it takes 6-12 weeks to recover which is a hefty amount of time I be doing s*** all the time.
    Not to mention that it will change my life, for better or for worse, and I don't know if I can accept that. It will definitely change a small but noticeable part of my appearance and I'm not sure I can take that. It was recommended to me as a child and it was much more convenient but my parents refused due to how obstructive it is and now as an adult I don't think I want it either.

    Just wear a mask like your pfp for the 6-12 weeks and no one will notice

  • May 8, 2023

    Dude really all lives mattered OP with that comment

  • May 22, 2023
    1 reply

    The voices are getting too loud.

  • May 22, 2023

    every time i see the word it reminds me

  • May 22, 2023
    1 reply
    ysl cheetah

    Bro had to delete his ignorant ass comment


  • May 22, 2023
    1 reply


    I can't remember but it was something along the lines of "You must be living a very privileged life if Tinnitus is ruining it I work in the medical field and everyday there are people out there living with cancer and HIV and Aids and you out here posting online about a sound in your ears"

  • May 22, 2023
    2 replies

    I can't remember but it was something along the lines of "You must be living a very privileged life if Tinnitus is ruining it I work in the medical field and everyday there are people out there living with cancer and HIV and Aids and you out here posting online about a sound in your ears"

    Don't tell me.. Don't tell me it was Dr Dollaz..

  • May 22, 2023
    1 reply

    The voices are getting too loud.

    Me in the MRI machine an hour ago