Imma just pay for my food. Talk to your boss if you need more money. Anymore cash from me and I’ll expect a lap dance to come with my meal
It'll be the f***ing day everyone realizes the rich are the cause of 95% of our problems.
Tipping got ktt2 in an eternal headlock, an endless war amongst people who study alpha male videos
Never watched that stuff
Flexin simps make up for the rest tbh.
Servers ironically make hella money due to this stigma.
Still Tippin On Four Fours Wrapped In Four Vogues
Tippin On Four Fours Wrapped In Four Vogues
Still tippin on four fours, trapped in Volvos
KTT has this odd thing against tipping and I don’t get it lol. Especially cause this the same bootlicker-ass sxn that’ll act like the price of the food will increase if you increase the wages soooooo
Like if you dont got it nigga dont go out. Non-negotiable.
And no, don’t reply with ya “workers should strike for wage increases” bullshit when I’m pretty sure you dont check up on nor care about what has been going on in the restaurant industry lately.
And yes. It’s possible to want their wages to increase while in the meantime understand them niggas make below minimum wage right now and tip lol.
Beautiful post. This is coming from someone who waits tables and can make $35/hr with tips. I want to quit every day cause it's an absolute s*** show at work and guests are constantly upset because we are so understaffed
Beautiful post. This is coming from someone who waits tables and can make $35/hr with tips. I want to quit every day cause it's an absolute s*** show at work and guests are constantly upset because we are so understaffed
Isn't tipping better as a waiter because you have the potential to make more money?
Beautiful post. This is coming from someone who waits tables and can make $35/hr with tips. I want to quit every day cause it's an absolute s*** show at work and guests are constantly upset because we are so understaffed
I was in the back washin the dishes.
People don't understand when you don't tip, waiters will be in the back talking mad s*** about you lmfao :word:
Still Tippin On Four Fours Wrapped In Four Vogues
Tippin On Four Fours Wrapped In Four Vogues
What's wild to me is that they be having tipping options on online take-out orders. You can't be serious...
tipping is one of the few forms of societal trust we have left
no it’s not a law, but we as humans respect the common understanding that you should tip
and if the service is s***ty is OK to not tip s***
imagine wanting to get rid of that
I was in the back washin the dishes.
People don't understand when you don't tip, waiters will be in the back talking mad s*** about you lmfao :word:
Would they ever sabotage people's food if they were rude?
Would they ever sabotage people's food if they were rude?
That s*** is a myth, it never happened. And if there's any record of that every happening anywhere, the restaurant itself was probably already bad lmfao.
Tipping is an ed concept but you gotta do it in the world we live in
Not really it makes sense for service work. Same with barbers
I was in the back washin the dishes.
People don't understand when you don't tip, waiters will be in the back talking mad s*** about you lmfao :word:
Yea, employers should pay us all, but while they're not don't f*** the waiter over or you will literally start to see that restaurant you like shut down cause they have no staff. But lowkey I just don't think restaurants are a sensible business tbh. Food is a necessity and making it should be cheap and a skill everyone should have. Going out to eat should be a stupid expensive luxury because of the labor your lazy ass doesn't want to do yourself
If the service is s***ty it might be because that waiter is stretched too thin having to take care of too many tables, so you should still tip as long as the company isn't paying them wether you agree with that being the law or not.
mandatory tipping makes it so off-putting to visit america.
in 2021 you gonna force customers to pay the salary of your workers smfh.
stay out then lol