  • Dec 9, 2021
    1 reply

    Far from broke. Not giving my money up while the company that employs these people skate by paying the minimum.

    Keep that same energy with the business that’s cheating these workers while expecting other people to make up the difference.

    Go tell the restaurant to shut down if they can’t pay their workers the same way you just came at me.

    if you’re going to a restaurant and enjoying their food, then yes you are still giving to your money up you dumbass

    so you might as well throw a little extra to the person who serves and waits on your irritating ass all night. why is this so hard to comprehend?

  • Dec 9, 2021
    1 reply

    It’s negotiable because it’s an optional system dumbass. You’re not keeping this same energy for anyone you see NOT tipping irl either lmao stfu stop pocket watching n worry bout you

    shut up nigga

  • Dec 9, 2021

    2022 u niggas need to start minding your f***ing business. How are you a grown adult really up n arms bc of what someone else does with their money. Pocket watching to the highest degree.

    Make it worse, you didn’t even care about the nigga you arguing with. You just arguing bc you think that “because I do it, everyone else has to do it too” man suck my d***.

  • Dec 9, 2021
    Warren Peace

    if you’re going to a restaurant and enjoying their food, then yes you are still giving to your money up you dumbass

    so you might as well throw a little extra to the person who serves and waits on your irritating ass all night. why is this so hard to comprehend?

    Because it the restaurants job to pay a decent wage not mine. What’s so hard to understand? Like I said hop off my nuts and go to a local restaurant and keep that energy with the management there.

  • Dec 9, 2021

    shut up nigga

    u shut up b****

  • OP said

  • Dec 9, 2021
    1 reply
    Pusha P

    Flexin simps make up for the rest tbh.

    Servers ironically make hella money due to this stigma.

    Ppl ignore this part tho. Ppl ignore that restaurant workers literally GRIND to become servers just for tips. But ok

  • Dec 9, 2021
    1 reply

    I feel bad they get cheated. It’s not my job to stand up for them. Nor is it my job to pick up the their employers slack. Suck my d***.

    if you feel bad they get cheated, then why do you continue to cheat them?

    if you know restaurants are on bs, then why do you still go to restaurants?

    your arguments make no sense. you admit there is a problem with the way restaurants treat their workers, yet you continue to contribute to the problem by still going and not tipping instead of helping to be a part of the solution.

    youre a certified dumbass

  • Dec 9, 2021


    Imma just pay for my food. Talk to your boss if you need more money. Anymore cash from me and I’ll expect a lap dance to come with my meal

    Ain’t tipping a stripper either. That dance cost $50 I’ll hand off $50

    Ppl want tips so bad just add mandatory gratuity for 10-20%. Until then u can’t have a optional system and be mad at the ppl that don’t wanna participate in it

  • Dec 9, 2021
    Warren Peace

    if you feel bad they get cheated, then why do you continue to cheat them?

    if you know restaurants are on bs, then why do you still go to restaurants?

    your arguments make no sense. you admit there is a problem with the way restaurants treat their workers, yet you continue to contribute to the problem by still going and not tipping instead of helping to be a part of the solution.

    youre a certified dumbass

    And continuing to tip would excuse the restaurants as well, dipshit. Maybe if everyone stopped this stupid tipping s*** they guys sitting on piles of money would be force to divide it up.

    Don’t quote me until your b**** ass go to a restaurant with this energy. Worried about my $10 while companies duck off with millions and put their responsibilities onto suckers like you.

  • bossyyyyy

    Ppl ignore this part tho. Ppl ignore that restaurant workers literally GRIND to become servers just for tips. But ok

  • Dec 9, 2021
    1 reply

    it always be the dumb niggas that never worked a service job that end up having the most to say lol.

    Like bro your opinion holds no weight in this lmfao.

  • Dec 9, 2021
    1 reply

    it always be the dumb niggas that never worked a service job that end up having the most to say lol.

    Like bro your opinion holds no weight in this lmfao.

    thought i told u to shut up alr

    my opinion holds no weight but it’s me spending my $ for a service lol ok

  • how bout you find a better job f*** nigga

  • Dec 9, 2021
    1 reply

    thought i told u to shut up alr

    my opinion holds no weight but it’s me spending my $ for a service lol ok

    like bro your opinion holds no weight in this lmfao

  • Dec 9, 2021

    like bro your opinion holds no weight in this lmfao

  • Dec 9, 2021
    1 reply

    The great part about discussions like this is knowing you're right and it's just Americans being taught to be selfish since coming out the womb that's the only reason yall even saying ed s*** like this.

    soooooooo I'm chilling.

  • Dec 9, 2021

    You’re understaffed, your boss is working you like a slave and the only way you can make a living is through tips? What about that situation makes sense

  • ghosting ®️
    Dec 9, 2021

    do y'all just write 0.00 in the spot for the tip? like idgi

  • Dec 9, 2021
    2 replies

    If the system is optional and I choose not to participate that doesn’t make me a bad person.

    Like it’s ppl living outside w nowhere to go simply bc life happened to them. They get disregarded and treated like s*** simply for existing. It’s much bigger issues to worry about in the US, but I’m the devil bc I decided not give Caitlin at Applebees a extra $2-3? She needs me so bad right? This person that chose this job and grinded for x position need me that bad?

    Make 10-20% gratuity a mandatory thing like several restaurants do already and problem solved, but instead y’all rather sit around n guilt trip ppl about an issue that shouldn’t even exist ya ok 👍

  • Dec 9, 2021

    The great part about discussions like this is knowing you're right and it's just Americans being taught to be selfish since coming out the womb that's the only reason yall even saying ed s*** like this.

    soooooooo I'm chilling.

    when u push on a post, the reply button is in the upper right corner of that post next to the <3 / like button. I just used it 👍

  • ghosting ®️
    Dec 9, 2021
    1 reply

    If the system is optional and I choose not to participate that doesn’t make me a bad person.

    Like it’s ppl living outside w nowhere to go simply bc life happened to them. They get disregarded and treated like s*** simply for existing. It’s much bigger issues to worry about in the US, but I’m the devil bc I decided not give Caitlin at Applebees a extra $2-3? She needs me so bad right? This person that chose this job and grinded for x position need me that bad?

    Make 10-20% gratuity a mandatory thing like several restaurants do already and problem solved, but instead y’all rather sit around n guilt trip ppl about an issue that shouldn’t even exist ya ok 👍

    cope harder

    ya you don't have to participate, but you knew what the situation was when you walked in

    ya its your right not to tip ig, but that doesn't mean you not an a****** for it

  • Dec 9, 2021
    2 replies

    If the system is optional and I choose not to participate that doesn’t make me a bad person.

    Like it’s ppl living outside w nowhere to go simply bc life happened to them. They get disregarded and treated like s*** simply for existing. It’s much bigger issues to worry about in the US, but I’m the devil bc I decided not give Caitlin at Applebees a extra $2-3? She needs me so bad right? This person that chose this job and grinded for x position need me that bad?

    Make 10-20% gratuity a mandatory thing like several restaurants do already and problem solved, but instead y’all rather sit around n guilt trip ppl about an issue that shouldn’t even exist ya ok 👍

    Instead of writing hurt paragraphs you could just tip bro

  • Dec 9, 2021
    1 reply

    cope harder

    ya you don't have to participate, but you knew what the situation was when you walked in

    ya its your right not to tip ig, but that doesn't mean you not an a****** for it

    what am i coping about dawg? im going to a restaurant to eat. the person serving me is doing their job, I don’t have to give extra $ to someone doing their job, and I definitely shouldn’t be expected to.

    and no, me deciding to not participate in an optional system doesn’t make me an a****** in the slightest

    even working in service positions b4 if someone tipped, ok cool thank you, if someone didn’t tip…ok cool.

  • Dec 9, 2021
    1 reply

    Instead of writing hurt paragraphs you could just tip bro

    who’s hurt?
