bro im not saying you can't opt out, just don't be mad at the stigma that comes with it
wouldn’t be no stigma if
A. Restaurants adopted a gratituity charge
B. People would stop pocket watching
im gon eat regardless
Y’all boys can’t formulate good responses, just insults and emojis lmao be gone
What's a proper response to the rhetorical and obviously nonsensical question "who's hurt?" lmaaooo
wouldn’t be no stigma if
A. Restaurants adopted a gratituity charge
B. People would stop pocket watching
im gon eat regardless
have u worked a service industry job before
Damn and instead of expecting tips, workers could just force a decent wage. Crazy.
they have been doing that. It's been hella resignations ripping through restaurants this year which is why you see a lot of help wanted/servers needed posters in front of alot more restaurants.
Like I said, yall dont even bother to keep updated on whats going on in the food industry to even make generalized statements like this lol
have u worked a service industry job before
none of these people have.
It's this brand of America's individualistic "what's mine is mine" mentality that got us f***ed over during the pandemic. Nobody thinks about caring or helping out the common man at all here lmao.
they have been doing that. It's been hella resignations ripping through restaurants this year which is why you see a lot of help wanted/servers needed posters in front of alot more restaurants.
Like I said, yall dont even bother to keep updated on whats going on in the food industry to even make generalized statements like this lol
instead they jus sitting there fuming like "this chilis waitress aint bout to scam me out of $3.57 😡😡"
instead they jus sitting there fuming like "this chilis waitress aint bout to scam me out of $3.57 😡😡"
then turn around and act like not tipping is some revolutionary thing like they've never worked a job that they couldn't afford to just quit or leave.
Unless they live off mom and daddy money (which a looooooot of anti-tippers do btw)
KTT has this odd thing against tipping and I don’t get it lol. Especially cause this the same bootlicker-ass sxn that’ll act like the price of the food will increase if you increase the wages soooooo
Like if you dont got it nigga dont go out. Non-negotiable.
And no, don’t reply with ya “workers should strike for wage increases” bullshit when I’m pretty sure you dont check up on nor care about what has been going on in the restaurant industry lately.
And yes. It’s possible to want their wages to increase while in the meantime understand them niggas make below minimum wage right now and tip lol.
have u worked a service industry job before
Yes, briefly. Did stuff like DD too but idk if you’d count it
that @insertcoolnamehere fella a b****. not only is the majority of the 7th page him making assumptions, but he also goes as far as quoting himself
for a sakchaser this nigga @flacco sure justifying making a lot of broke nigga moves. :word:
According to @insertcoolnamehere me not participating in an optional system makes me broke while he whines, complains, and begs people for their $ in the name of helping the common man
According to @insertcoolnamehere me not participating in an optional system makes me broke while he whines, complains, and begs people for their $ in the name of helping the common man
^ Because whining and complaining about tipping in the 1st place is better.
^ Because whining and complaining about tipping in the 1st place is better.
whining? no. complaining 100%. im definitely complaining about people thinking I have to participate in a system that’s optional, and expecting $ from me (as a thank you) for doing the job they applied to do
it’s bigger fish 2 fry
whining? no. complaining 100%. im definitely complaining about people thinking I have to participate in a system that’s optional, and expecting $ from me (as a thank you) for doing the job they applied to do
it’s bigger fish 2 fry
word. keep that same energy with barbers, taxi drivers, etc.
Like I said, this is all just selfish entitled American talk so either way you're wrong lol.
word. keep that same energy with barbers, taxi drivers, etc.
Like I said, this is all just selfish entitled American talk so either way you're wrong lol.
Ion tip my barber (unless I wanna) and I have a car so I have no need to tip a taxi driver. And I KNOW y’all boys ain’t tipping Ubers
I’m not being selfish at all,
and the entitled individuals are the ones who think optional system is a mandatory one.
I’m just telling you it’s bigger problems for us as a people to figure out
Ion tip my barber (unless I wanna) and I have a car so I have no need to tip a taxi driver. And I KNOW y’all boys ain’t tipping Ubers
I’m not being selfish at all,
and the entitled individuals are the ones who think optional system is a mandatory one.
I’m just telling you it’s bigger problems for us as a people to figure out
This nigga don't tip his barbers then we got nothing more to discuss lol.
And I actually do. And rate the 5 star. Some of us got a conscience.
You are being the exact meaning of the word selfish. You do you Mr. "sakchaser"
This nigga don't tip his barbers then we got nothing more to discuss lol.
And I actually do. And rate the 5 star. Some of us got a conscience.
You are being the exact meaning of the word selfish. You do you Mr. "sakchaser"
tipping the Uber driver and making sure u rate him/ her 5* is what eats at ur conscience at night? Are you serious?
You’re right, we really do have nothing more to discuss.
I do appreciate you being respectful and calling me “Mr.” tho ❤️
tipping the Uber driver and making sure u rate him/ her 5* is what eats at ur conscience at night? Are you serious?
You’re right, we really do have nothing more to discuss.
I do appreciate you being respectful and calling me “Mr.” tho ❤️
Man's genuinely confused people tip out of kindness lol.
Like I said, you got it bro. Glad I can't relate though.
Man's genuinely confused people tip out of kindness lol.
Like I said, you got it bro. Glad I can't relate though.
I’m against tipping due to the expectation, If you read my posts I alluded several times to tipping out of kindness “because I want to”
U a real deal ding ding lmao