lmfao @ Carti getting on Tyler single after saying his wife stinks
I know this was well before they collab’d but the thought is hilarious to me
U can play it at sold out Madison Square Garden shows
Shows are different no s*** its gonna get played at his show
I agree with most you said but
"Barbershops" especially as a hangout is mostly a black & low class thing lol, because we dont have or didnt have any money to do much.
Suburbs & up are not hanging out at their cut places like that.
Khaled was obviously insinuating he (and others like him) wasnt for or of the streets, niggas & "culture", which ok, but then he goes on acting as if that area of music is not valid nor wanted/popular nor black or "in" enough. Which he does not have the right to say, & two he is one hundred percent wrong.
But the second part is probably due to him not being in thay circle pr space to know how big & accepted it is nowadays.
Tyler is a weordo bi-polarish-like person, im not disagreeing with that, but khaleds comments goes beyond tyler, and he was def talking about "niggas" & barbershop stereotypes as a monolith.
This is spot on but Tyler is much, much weirder than Kanye, and even Prince. Prince was sexy but that wasn’t THAT bad in the 80s. Stevie is mainstream and tame as f*** lol that’s a terrible comparison
And I don’t think it’s bad for Tyler to want his ppl to like his music, it probably sucks to be on stage and watching a bunch of white people staring at you - that’s what f***ed Dave Chappelle up
Not racist at all
Khaled was just being a f***in hater cus Tyler didn’t have hits playing on the radio yet got #1
It was just some hater s*** and that’s all it was
Shows are different no s*** its gonna get played at his show
At madison square garden nigga
Ehh, pretty sure he just meant tyler don't make outside music and tyler music isn't meant for social gatherings like his is
Also Khaled according to him & his social videos dont even go to barbershops, he literally flys a barber out & also has one posted at his house every few days 💀
Nigga doesnt leave his mansion unless he has too lmao
This is spot on but Tyler is much, much weirder than Kanye, and even Prince. Prince was sexy but that wasn’t THAT bad in the 80s. Stevie is mainstream and tame as f*** lol that’s a terrible comparison
And I don’t think it’s bad for Tyler to want his ppl to like his music, it probably sucks to be on stage and watching a bunch of white people staring at you - that’s what f***ed Dave Chappelle up
Prince did splits in 5 inch heels at his shows
What are you even talking bout? 💀
Prince did splits in 5 inch heels at his shows
What are you even talking bout? 💀
Prince took it to another level but little Richard was doing that s*** 20 years earlier, there was a precedent
Plus Tyler’s music sounds weird and strange, whereas Prince’s stuff was always accessible and catchy because it was so well crafted and he was a genius at grooves
Prince did splits in 5 inch heels at his shows
What are you even talking bout? 💀
You can throw on dirty mind and yeah prince is singing about f***ing every human on the planet, his sister included but the music itself is perfect, immaculate Minneapolis sound funk. ANYONE can listen and feel it
Meanwhile try throwing on Wolf or Goblin to someone in the early 2010s with zero context and see how far that gets you
This is a good post and I think you and op both have accurate post but barbershops is not just a hangout and absolutely implies blackness is in the discussion, also tyler is way weirder than kanye and stevie wonder, whats even weird about stevie wonder?
Other than that good post
You can throw on dirty mind and yeah prince is singing about f***ing every human on the planet, his sister included but the music itself is perfect, immaculate Minneapolis sound funk. ANYONE can listen and feel it
Meanwhile try throwing on Wolf or Goblin to someone in the early 2010s with zero context and see how far that gets you
mysterious music in shambles rn
Prince took it to another level but little Richard was doing that s*** 20 years earlier, there was a precedent
Plus Tyler’s music sounds weird and strange, whereas Prince’s stuff was always accessible and catchy because it was so well crafted and he was a genius at grooves
Tylers music doesnt sound strange outside of his weirdo edgy s*** on his first two albums & the mostly distorted mess on cherry bomb lol
Idk why some of yall acting like hes doing super unorthodox experiemntal s*** when most of his music, influences & newer style has familar elements & roots 💀
You can still dislike it tho, i dont like him that much outside of wolf & fower boy, but its not weird, mostly.
Its him & his past that is weird imo, not his music.
Nowadays Childish Gambino is more "weird & strange" than nowadays Tyler I would say in terms of music, for example lol.