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  • Aug 8, 2021

    It is funny how its only niggas with haircuts like this that got beef with barbershops

    this definitely a somali mf

  • Aug 8, 2021
    1 reply

    Why KTT always gotta make everything racist

    Khaled really just religious and can’t condone Tyler’s lifestyle if u really wanna talmboutit

  • Aug 8, 2021
    1 reply
    mr get dough

    I do not agree

    There is no way to tell a black person they aren’t black, black people can disagree with each other completely and still be black because black people aren’t a monolith

    Ofc they're black by society standards but their output isn't automatically accepted into black culture cuz of it

    No one is sayin black people are a monolith

  • AR15 💯
    Aug 8, 2021
    2 replies

    He shouldnt be offended that he doesnt get played in barbershops. Where can you even play tylers music? Its s*** you listen to alone.

    The newest ones kinda okay to play in the car.

  • Aug 8, 2021

    highkey and khaled was completely out of line

  • AR15 💯
    Aug 8, 2021

    I havent been in a barbershop in like 6 years my barber cuts at home or pulls up for extra so i idk who they play now.

  • Aug 8, 2021
    2 replies

    we should acknowledge also that most barbershops play very little khaled

    enough to the point where he shouldn’t even be making that comparison

    if you go to a barbershop and they’re playing dj khaled deepcuts your hair and ears are in trouble

  • 8J6 🤴🏼
    Aug 8, 2021

    He shouldnt be offended that he doesnt get played in barbershops. Where can you even play tylers music? Its s*** you listen to alone.

    The newest ones kinda okay to play in the car.

    Almost got into an accident immediately after playing Igor in the car for the first time. YMMV

  • Aug 8, 2021
    1 reply

    Khaled really just religious and can’t condone Tyler’s lifestyle if u really wanna talmboutit

    How is he religious lmao

  • Aug 8, 2021

    Didnt think of it like that but actually i agree op

  • Aug 8, 2021
    1 reply

    How is he religious lmao

    Read the credits Allah is his executive producer

  • Aug 8, 2021
    1 reply

    He shouldnt be offended that he doesnt get played in barbershops. Where can you even play tylers music? Its s*** you listen to alone.

    The newest ones kinda okay to play in the car.

    U can play it at sold out Madison Square Garden shows

  • Aug 8, 2021

    smh so we gonna pretend Tyler dont make music for a niche group of white nerds who have a lot of money to buy music in mass?

    I dont think you get to pick your audience no matter how hard or how little you try

    Just ask NoName

  • Aug 8, 2021

    That ain’t racist imo. Tyler gets no AirPlay in the club, barbershops, parties. He makes music you listen to alone. Khaled underestimated how big Tyler’s fan base has gotten though

  • Aug 8, 2021

    yeah but it’s an educated opinion

    it’s true so can’t be too mad at that

  • Aug 8, 2021

    we should acknowledge also that most barbershops play very little khaled

    enough to the point where he shouldn’t even be making that comparison

    if you go to a barbershop and they’re playing dj khaled deepcuts your hair and ears are in trouble

    not anymore but historically this just not the case

    and he always has at Least one black accepted smash an album

  • Aug 8, 2021

    I'm not listening to mysterious ballads b

  • This is turning into that other thread now

  • Aug 8, 2021

    ayooooo these tweets




  • Aug 8, 2021
    1 reply

    To be fair

    I’ve never heard any barber shop play DJ Khaled music unless the radio was just on

  • Aug 8, 2021
    1 reply

    Read the credits Allah is his executive producer

    He credits Allah on an album about taking d****, f***ing b****es, killing people etc. - not only is music haram, he‘s also crediting Allah on an album which promotes things completely against our principles - it is an insult against his own religion.
    That‘s why he got flamed by the muslim community.

  • Aug 8, 2021

    He credits Allah on an album about taking d****, f***ing b****es, killing people etc. - not only is music haram, he‘s also crediting Allah on an album which promotes things completely against our principles - it is an insult against his own religion.
    That‘s why he got flamed by the muslim community.

    we all hypocrites

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