When Umar said some Niggas gotta die this who he meant @YoungNastyShawty @KIN
I’ll die for mine nigga fym
I don’t hear this nigga anywhere bro y’all mad cause black folks don’t f*** with him!! Just say that!! Don’t make it some other issue the nigga music just not lit so we not bumping it outside
Tyler purposely distanced himself from black people for years
it was more so he felt black people didn’t accept him because he liked different s***.
I don’t hear this nigga anywhere bro y’all mad cause black folks don’t f*** with him!! Just say that!! Don’t make it some other issue the nigga music just not lit so we not bumping it outside
All due respect but this is generalizing
Tyler subconsciously stereotypes blacks too due to him thinking that they didn’t f*** with him
Tyler subconsciously stereotypes blacks too due to him thinking that they didn’t f*** with him
Nah it was pretty overt and he always say stuff to put black people down up u til now now that he wants to expand his audience
Why don’t you consider Tyler to be as creatively adventurous as other black artist….like you see his track record. Not saying he’s on the same level as he but he’s definitely up there and more skillful than say lil durk
i loved Earls “too black for the white kids and too white for the blacks” line because it hits the nail on the head for how both sides of the spectrum view OF.
FYI Tyler did have black listeners pre flowerboy.
He actually stopped with the horror core way back when wolf dropped and specifically told his fans he wasn’t going to rap like that anymore.
Why don’t you consider Tyler to be as creatively adventurous as other black artist….like you see his track record. Not saying he’s on the same level as he but he’s definitely up there and more skillful than say lil durk
Sorry this not actively going at you just in general of Tyler’s sentiments. You see how you just threw lil durk under the bus? Because he doesn’t make as “adventurous” music as Tyler which would lead people to believe that he’s a lesser artist than him or he just doesn’t “care” like Tyler said in the interview y’all don’t see this as f***ed up? Or the elitism that this shows y’all lowkey are being as close minded as Tyler accuses other niggas to be just because durk doesn’t make what your idea of experimental music is or doesn’t produce that doesn’t mean he’s any less of an artist he’s clearly passionate about what he does and continues to progress. That’s why I’m not falling for the narrative that Tyler pushes that “geeks” get looked down on because some geeks are the most snobbiest people on earth and they will quickly put you down once they feel like they have something that’s better than what you have
FYI Tyler did have black listeners pre flowerboy.
He actually stopped with the horror core way back when wolf dropped and specifically told his fans he wasn’t going to rap like that anymore.
Tyler always had a lot of black fans. He just wants to expand to certain type of black people
Why don’t you consider Tyler to be as creatively adventurous as other black artist….like you see his track record. Not saying he’s on the same level as he but he’s definitely up there and more skillful than say lil durk
Durk is better, Durk actually makes real music, Tyler is is a shell
Durk is better, Durk actually makes real music, Tyler is is a shell
Peep what I said above lol though I wouldn’t go THAT far
smh so we gonna pretend Tyler dont make music for a niche group of white nerds who have a lot of money to buy music in mass?
ass take lmao
Tyler wants to be seen the way Pharrell was seen in the 2000s
He did that one pusha feature and thought that was gonna change s*** for him lol
Tyler wants to be seen the way Pharrell was seen in the 2000s
problem is P was more known for the R&B flavoured stuff in the 2000s and that stuff isn’t as big in the mainstream
it works for him but good luck finding big artists wanting to risk and make it a single
He did that one pusha feature and thought that was gonna change s*** for him lol
Honestly tho I hope he does get more people to rap/sing over his beats.
Tyler wants to be seen the way Pharrell was seen in the 2000s
Never gonna happen at least not at the rate he’s going because one P was always genuine about his people he never put them down because he was into different things and they accepted him because realest is bigger than anything he was cool with being an alien but never alienated himself. He help give people opportunities at the point where they would benefit more than him he seen black artist from the hood with a great amount of talent like clipse and fam lay and instead of casting them aside as typical hood niggas and waiting for them to blow to get feats for cool points he produced for them early and actually help them develop into GREAT artists no matter how different they were to the point where they were equals when someone like Tyler would be like nah to someone like youngboy back in 2016 because he was a “basic trap rapper”
How so brother
I mean like because there’s black people everywhere bro Tyler may not have a vocal audience in some hoods but that doesn’t mean there isn’t some kids who go home and bump them on their own time lol s*** maybe in highschool someone probably turned earthquake on and they didn’t even know who Tyler was but they was like “damn this kinda catchy” you know what I mean?