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  • Aug 9, 2021

    You called Tyler a "coon". You're the only one being derogatory ITT. Now you're pretending you're going to kill me.

    Shut up and go do another mysterious photoshoot before I pirate your lame ass music and start selling it on the corner.

    And you gonna sell my music for me 😭 what the f*** kinda d***head response is this lmao. Go head work the corner like a hoe for me 😂

  • Aug 9, 2021

    man WHAT?

    this nigga @MeechMercury just said a threat, claimed he'd f*** somebody's girl IRL (cause we definitely back in 2011 with that card), and then said "we should agree to disagree" afterwards lol.

    this thread has taken a wild left these last few pages lmfao.

    I never said a threat y’all are STUPID soft lmfaooo

  • Aug 9, 2021

    I mean I see what you're saying but Also this is an example of the racism OP is talking about. You think cause I’m into anime and skateboarding I have no connections to other aspects of my culture? Stop it lmao. That could be a lethal mistake in real life. Be cautious

    Me saying be cautious was me warning him about dealing with actual black people lmao. Thinking like that and trying people based off of appearance is dumb. Yet all you niggas got scared. This is some p**** s*** if I ever seen it 😭😭😭

  • Aug 9, 2021
    1 reply

    @insertcoolnamehere @Zulaw nah y’all two real life funny as f*** y’all was really on here talking about "hE’s ThReAtNiNg Me!" Lmaoooo 😭😭

    To clear things up guys no I’m not threatening anyone on a f***ing message board lmao. Damn white people are p****

  • Aug 9, 2021

    He looks so hurt

  • Aug 9, 2021

    @insertcoolnamehere @Zulaw nah y’all two real life funny as f*** y’all was really on here talking about "hE’s ThReAtNiNg Me!" Lmaoooo 😭😭

    To clear things up guys no I’m not threatening anyone on a f***ing message board lmao. Damn white people are p****

    Yeah brother you caught me I’m white as hell my NIGGA.

    My fellow white nonblack brethren ITT taking over this s*** ✊🏻✊🏻✊🏻✊🏻✊🏻

  • Aug 9, 2021
    1 reply

    Yo, Khaled can say the n-word?

  • Aug 9, 2021
    1 reply
    Big Kush

    Yo, Khaled can say the n-word?

    French shouldn't either but idk

  • Aug 9, 2021
    1 reply

    French shouldn't either but idk

    Man, people gotta re-issue Nav’s pass too

  • Aug 9, 2021

    Arabs were the first traders of African slaves. I'm not cool with how comfortable they are in the black community. From saying nigga to opening liquor stores on every corner

  • Aug 9, 2021
    1 reply

    Isn't DJ Khaled from the hood? Those barbershops are part of his culture too. Black and brown communities are fairly integrated in certain cities

  • Aug 9, 2021
    Don Makaveli
    · edited

    Isn't DJ Khaled from the hood? Those barbershops are part of his culture too. Black and brown communities are fairly integrated in certain cities


  • Aug 9, 2021

    smh so we gonna pretend Tyler dont make music for a niche group of white nerds who have a lot of money to buy music in mass?

    who have a lot of money to buy music in mass

    These kids buying like 10 devices to stream his s*** over and over smh

  • Aug 9, 2021

    smh so we gonna pretend Tyler dont make music for a niche group of white nerds who have a lot of money to buy music in mass?

    who have a lot of money to buy music in mass

    They got spotify, apple music AND tidal smfh

  • Aug 9, 2021
    1 reply
    Big Kush

    Man, people gotta re-issue Nav’s pass too

    NAV still can’t use that word in his songs, because the general public would freak tf out, but the BIG f***ing difference is that NAV wasn’t using that word to appropriate black culture. He grew up in, around & knew nothing but black culture. Mf was making music for his friends who were literally all black

    I’ve got plenty of hard, tatted up mf friends that grew up in the projects who aren’t black, some are Asian & brown/Arab, but still use the word.

    Guess who tries to stop them? Everybody BUT their black friends

  • Aug 9, 2021
    Crack Palm Stepper

    Tyler subconsciously stereotypes blacks too due to him thinking that they didn’t f*** with him

  • Aug 9, 2021
    Mr Sting

    Tyler always been corny but idk why I find this nigga the most intolerable and corniest he’s ever been at point in his career. He was so against cars, jewelry and fashion for no apparent reason and now he just looks like a caricature of himself and someone he would’ve made fun of profusely back then.

    He was an annoying stain on the face of hip-hop all throughout his career but now that he thinks of himself as this serious auteur he’s mad that he doesn’t have his own people behind him but truth is he’s the same one who acted like he didn’t care if we we’re on his side to begin with and kinda indulged in it.

  • Aug 9, 2021

    NAV still can’t use that word in his songs, because the general public would freak tf out, but the BIG f***ing difference is that NAV wasn’t using that word to appropriate black culture. He grew up in, around & knew nothing but black culture. Mf was making music for his friends who were literally all black


    I’ve got plenty of hard, tatted up mf friends that grew up in the projects who aren’t black, some are Asian & brown/Arab, but still use the word.

    Guess who tries to stop them? Everybody BUT their black friends

    I’m sure Nav still saying it in private around his friends and all the rappers. I’m okay with it but never fw’d with DJ Khaled and French Montana.

  • Aug 9, 2021
    1 reply

    You made it deeper than it is with your own views that you won't admit to having.

  • Aug 9, 2021

    To be fair....Niggas wasn’t playing him in the barbershop

    Last time I got a haircut I was playing Run

  • FREE 💜
    Aug 9, 2021

    I didn't expect this to be as big as it is

  • FREE 💜
    Aug 9, 2021

    What views? What am I not admitting too? I've pretty honest about my views on Khaled and Tyler ITT and others.

  • FREE 💜
    Aug 9, 2021
    1 reply

    You made it deeper than it is with your own views that you won't admit to having.

    What views? Tell me the views in supposed to have

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