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  • Aug 9, 2021
    2 replies

    Congrats on seeing the whole point I f***ing made

    Niggas itt calling Tyler’s music white music not seeing the point you tried to make with race

  • Aug 9, 2021

    Igor aged like mayonnaise

    That's not how you spell wine

  • Aug 9, 2021

    Congrats on seeing the whole point I f***ing made

    so we agree? Im confused lol

  • FREE 💜
    Aug 9, 2021
    1 reply
    Huge ET fan

    Niggas itt calling Tyler’s music white music not seeing the point you tried to make with race

    The cognitive dissonance in people telling "It wasn't racial" while then calling Tyler white or saying "He's a rave traitor so we don't care" is insane.

    This thread is proof it was all racial

  • Aug 9, 2021
    1 reply
    Huge ET fan

    Niggas itt calling Tyler’s music white music not seeing the point you tried to make with race

    I never said that tho

  • Aug 9, 2021

    The cognitive dissonance in people telling "It wasn't racial" while then calling Tyler white or saying "He's a rave traitor so we don't care" is insane.

    This thread is proof it was all racial

    dudes trynna flip it on Tyler saying the exact same type of s*** Khaled was trying to say about him not being black enough fr

  • Aug 9, 2021
    1 reply
    Dat nigga Ace

    I never said that tho

    I didn’t even reply to you my g, I was just talking about people in the thread in general

  • Aug 9, 2021
    1 reply

    Edit : sorry for the long blocks of text I tried to edit it but it made it weirder
    Edit2 : I tried lol


    I feel like you purposefully dismiss the idea that people dislike Tyler for other reasons than

    "he doesn't behave like black people want him to behave"

    because you agree with Tyler that black people all behave the same and y'all are outliers that deserve the spot the popular black people have

    It's a narcissistic and at the same time very insecure way of thinking, also quite racist which comes out in coonish behavior

    Tyler with his n word bombing tweets and you with your "I'm black but I'm racist jk haha" gimmick

    Liking "white s***" doesn't get you the acclaim nor authority in the black community - that's why y'all mad tbh, almost like you want an award for being "able to" like "non-stereotypical black" s***

    "look at me I've overcome the blackness, I like linking park too" head asses

    When in reality, hardly anyone cares until y'all wanna push it in our face and make people reward you for s*** they just don't care for

    Here's why I think this ;

    1) you never explained what this "non-stereotypical black guy" behavior is (unless I missed it)

    After reading what Tyler tweeted, I think he believes that
    "stereotypical black = hood niggas"

    2) you ignore me telling you that Idc bout his
    "" weirdness"", it's when I found out he was tweeting coon s*** on Twitter etc that I started feeling disgusted by his whole persona...

    And distances myself (I don't even look up his skits anymore, couldn't be arsed lol)

    Show me proof people didn't like his music because he liked skateboarding (??? 💀) and not because the music (sound and subject matter) just doesn't appeal to larger audiences of any race (which leads me to point 3)

    3) Most people, regardless of race, don't like nor care for edgy people....and avant garde stuff

    White people protested Marylin Manson and eminem more than black people ever cared to do...

    So why is the focus on black people as if we're supposed to accept anyone cuz they're black? (even when they themselves want to distance themselves from what they think is "stereotypical black" stuff or as Tyler probably would put it : "n word with the hard r s***")

    Not too mention every culture gatekeeps their culture lmao

    4) You dismiss the fact that plenty of "weird" black people have made music that is regarded as black music, accepted by black people and even other communities

    Michael Jackson and Prince got made fun of by very famous comedians but they were still respected for their work : I hate to be one to say it but...

    Some nerds or self-proclaimed weirdos just aren't as special as they think they are

    There might be a reason they only have niche support in other communities : having mass appeal (black, white, purple etc) isn't something they are good at by definition.

    5) You seem to dismiss the idea that black music or black culture even is a thing (which goes against the defintion of culture btw)

    Black people have a right, same as other cultures, to accept or deny people, concepts and trends in their culture - it's not a decision people make consciously either - every person identifies elements of their culture or recognizes the new art as apart of the legacy. when collective consensus is reached - it's apart of the culture

    Tyler is def apart of black culture imo but he doesn't play as big of a role as he (and maybe his black stans) wants to play imo

    He could be more recognized in the long run - just like many out of the box artist accross various cultures
    His behavior towards black people in the beginning of his career was s***ty though and might have cost him that idk

    “Liking "white s***" doesn't get you the acclaim nor authority in the black community - that's why y'all mad tbh, almost like you want an award for being "able to" like "non-stereotypical black" s***
    "look at me I've overcome the blackness, I like linking park too" head asses
    When in reality, hardly anyone cares until y'all wanna push it in our face and make people reward you for s*** they just don't care for“

    This was my favorite thing you wrote out of the whole paragraph. I knew so many kids like this throughout my years of school like this. That’s why I say a lot of these “the black kids didn’t accept me” type niggas aren’t telling the full story. I seen a lot of niggas that thought they were too good for black girls or better than hood niggas because they was into certain shows, fashion and music lol.

  • Aug 9, 2021

    Why didn't he respond to tyler yet? I know that fat f*** was fuming (Again)

    Hes on social media 24/7 but now that someone calls him out directly he's quiet?

  • FREE 💜
    Aug 9, 2021
    1 reply

    “Liking "white s***" doesn't get you the acclaim nor authority in the black community - that's why y'all mad tbh, almost like you want an award for being "able to" like "non-stereotypical black" s***
    "look at me I've overcome the blackness, I like linking park too" head asses
    When in reality, hardly anyone cares until y'all wanna push it in our face and make people reward you for s*** they just don't care for“

    This was my favorite thing you wrote out of the whole paragraph. I knew so many kids like this throughout my years of school like this. That’s why I say a lot of these “the black kids didn’t accept me” type niggas aren’t telling the full story. I seen a lot of niggas that thought they were too good for black girls or better than hood niggas because they was into certain shows, fashion and music lol.

    Again alot of y'all keep repeating this like it's fresh while disregarding everything else so idk at this point.

    Seems like what I said in the other thread is true

  • Aug 9, 2021
    Huge ET fan

    I didn’t even reply to you my g, I was just talking about people in the thread in general

    Well the post you quoted was a direct reply to me so it seemed like you were grouping me in with “niggas”. Just clearing it up that im not niggas lol

  • Aug 9, 2021

    we gatekeep blackness then wonder why some dudes don't want part of it

  • Aug 9, 2021

    I've got no dog in this fight but OP got a smash hit of a thread. Post went platinum

  • Aug 9, 2021

    Again alot of y'all keep repeating this like it's fresh while disregarding everything else so idk at this point.

    Seems like what I said in the other thread is true

    You made some good points in that thread from the other day but I still believe that Tyler’s actions played a role in how he was perceived by certain niggas. Maybe not the entire piece but def some of it.

    And I was talking about them type of niggas in general. Not just Tyler

  • FREE 💜
    Aug 9, 2021
    2 replies

    Y'all aren't clever for pointing out Tyler and others like him were c00ns growing up we know this and I acknowledge this.

    I'm just pointing out the community is far more accepting of that behavior in other packages and isn't consistent at all when it comes to those beliefs in who gets punished.

    Again the fact the users ITT have had more to say on Tyler for his tweets as a black person then Khaled saying nigga as a 30 something adult and non black says everything.

    Y'all found every excuse for Khaled and ignored his past while slandering Tyler and using him as a prop to criticize lames.

    Which was always my point a non black person can call you nigga and still get a pass more then some black people.

  • FREE 💜
    Aug 9, 2021

    My final statement on everything will be this.

    I find it funny that Tyler's behavior played a part in how he's viewed by Khaled being a proud user of nigga doesn't play into his.

    The fact Tyler will be held accountable prolly the rest of his career by black people for that while Khaled is skating free and has defenders proves my point tbh.

  • FREE

    Y'all aren't clever for pointing out Tyler and others like him were c00ns growing up we know this and I acknowledge this.

    I'm just pointing out the community is far more accepting of that behavior in other packages and isn't consistent at all when it comes to those beliefs in who gets punished.

    Again the fact the users ITT have had more to say on Tyler for his tweets as a black person then Khaled saying nigga as a 30 something adult and non black says everything.

    Y'all found every excuse for Khaled and ignored his past while slandering Tyler and using him as a prop to criticize lames.

    Which was always my point a non black person can call you nigga and still get a pass more then some black people.

    Nigga. I told u niggas on the coast who ain’t white and hang around with black folks get the n pass a lot especially if they grew up with them. Khalid ain’t white so stop saying “but if he was white” yeah nigga but he ain’t so cut the s***. Cause that non white nigga put in his dues with whoever he was around. He is valid. Yams wasn’t black he said it. He valid. It ain’t hard to understand everybody don’t see the word nigga like you do

  • Aug 9, 2021
    1 reply

    Bumping this post cause dude yet again brought up Tyler's past as an insult to him but Khaled is sliding by

    I agree that khaled is racist but I think that the Tyler is anti-black argument exists for him and not others like Wayne because Tyler's is trying to change his identity as an artist so quickly despite inconsistencies with his earlier behaviour, as opposed to someone like Wayne who's identity as an artist has been relatively consistent.

    when Tyler is crying for bet approval and trying to work with street artists after ridiculing these corporations and types of artists for a decent portion of his career because they are what he identifies as black, it comes off as disingenuous and blatant anti-blackness.

    it even shows in his fanbase. for example, his stans questioning youngboy and 42 dugg on his new album, questioning the use of dj drama, etc. as a result, he has unfortunately cultivated an aura of anti-blackness throughout his career.

    Wayne is able to get away with this behaviour because he isn't known for it. his legacy and achievements are more well known than his anti-blackness. Tyler's legacy unfortunately brushes against his anti-blackness as a result of his earlier behaviour. in addition, Wayne relatively reserved compared to someone like Tyler who consistently expresses his thoughts on twitter.

    In the end, i think khaled is a bum for taking so much from the black community and continuing to disrespect it and that Tyler shouldn't have to be talked to like that. however, Tyler and others like Wayne have to continue to grow and stop their anti-blackness

  • Aug 9, 2021
    1 reply

    I hate niggas like khaled

  • Aug 9, 2021

    I hate niggas like khaled

    s*** that's a double entendre dont ask me how

  • Aug 9, 2021
    1 reply

    I agree that khaled is racist but I think that the Tyler is anti-black argument exists for him and not others like Wayne because Tyler's is trying to change his identity as an artist so quickly despite inconsistencies with his earlier behaviour, as opposed to someone like Wayne who's identity as an artist has been relatively consistent.

    when Tyler is crying for bet approval and trying to work with street artists after ridiculing these corporations and types of artists for a decent portion of his career because they are what he identifies as black, it comes off as disingenuous and blatant anti-blackness.

    it even shows in his fanbase. for example, his stans questioning youngboy and 42 dugg on his new album, questioning the use of dj drama, etc. as a result, he has unfortunately cultivated an aura of anti-blackness throughout his career.

    Wayne is able to get away with this behaviour because he isn't known for it. his legacy and achievements are more well known than his anti-blackness. Tyler's legacy unfortunately brushes against his anti-blackness as a result of his earlier behaviour. in addition, Wayne relatively reserved compared to someone like Tyler who consistently expresses his thoughts on twitter.

    In the end, i think khaled is a bum for taking so much from the black community and continuing to disrespect it and that Tyler shouldn't have to be talked to like that. however, Tyler and others like Wayne have to continue to grow and stop their anti-blackness

    How Khalid disrespect the black community by talking about one nigga? Lol if anything Khalid has done more for it than Tyler literally

  • Aug 9, 2021
    1 reply
    mr get dough

    If a black person made it then its black music

    If a black person born in persia makes traditional farsi music, is it black music?

  • Aug 9, 2021
    1 reply

    To be clear I been thinking bout dying my hair red just to look like a pint of lean

  • Man im crine.

    This really how some of yall spend your free time

    Rent free

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