It is funny how its only niggas with haircuts like this that got beef with barbershops
It is funny how its only niggas with haircuts like this that got beef with barbershops
Ah man
It is funny how its only niggas with haircuts like this that got beef with barbershops
It is funny how its only niggas with haircuts like this that got beef with barbershops
It is funny how its only niggas with haircuts like this that got beef with barbershops
See but that’s the thing, the way he said “mysterious” definitely has a negative attachment to it and if we’re thinking it’s just because it’s “artsy” why are we as a culture ok with non blacks putting negative views on black people being artsy? Just a question fr
Well it does have a negative connotation but that's just how niggas from predominantly black communities think or it just plays into the stereotypes on black psyche. That's a valid conversation but the reality is, pretty much everyone does it for something on some level.
Khaled is from the Mecca of rap and helped build hip-hop culture. This is going to upset a lot of you, but the fact is, rap isn't black culture. It's street/hood culture. People like to call it black culture to add their own voice or just make a surface-levell statement without thinking. Rap was born in the projects with blacks and latinos and then expanded to other projects. It isn't really a black thing more than a community thing. So yeah, someone like Khaled can say some s*** like this and no1 cares because he's from the birthplace of rap and came up the way other rappers did. In fact, Khaled's comeup is more cultural to rap than Tyler's. Man ran with Terror Squad. You can be mad at his opinion or his dumb statement but it's partially true what he said
It is funny how its only niggas with haircuts like this that got beef with barbershops
I love and respect you for this but I had to get this off
Who is that?
It is funny how its only niggas with haircuts like this that got beef with barbershops
If a black person made it then its black music
Skin folk ain't kin folk imo
Culture is decided by the people - who transmit it and it usually speaks to their history to some degree - there's a a clear legacy there that people can identify
For example soul samples in hip hop/rnb etc
If a black person made a tape with pure Mongolian throat singing - Mongolians would recognize it as their culture (doesn't mean they have to accept this hypothetical black throat singer for various reasons)
Black people in America and elsewhere could congratulate his succes (if the singer sees any) but it doesn't become apart of black culture/black music just cuz the singer is black - I'm not that well versed in this but I think that's how culture works
Timbs homeboy sent him a pic and he said "I'm bout to use this"
Who is that?
Ah man
Ah man
Well it does have a negative connotation but that's just how niggas from predominantly black communities think or it just plays into the stereotypes on black psyche. That's a valid conversation but the reality is, pretty much everyone does it for something on some level.
Khaled is from the Mecca of rap and helped build hip-hop culture. This is going to upset a lot of you, but the fact is, rap isn't black culture. It's street/hood culture. People like to call it black culture to add their own voice or just make a surface-levell statement without thinking. Rap was born in the projects with blacks and latinos and then expanded to other projects. It isn't really a black thing more than a community thing. So yeah, someone like Khaled can say some s*** like this and no1 cares because he's from the birthplace of rap and came up the way other rappers did. In fact, Khaled's comeup is more cultural to rap than Tyler's. Man ran with Terror Squad. You can be mad at his opinion or his dumb statement but it's partially true what he said
That’s all fine and cool but khaled is from Louisiana and miami neither of those are the mecca
All khaled said was niggas actually listen to music in the outside world @op kinda reaching rn
Yeah, the barbershop was only one of the places he mentioned yet it got cherry picked lol
It is funny how its only niggas with haircuts like this that got beef with barbershops
Its slot of other convos that can be branched out of post ITT and this Tyler situation.
The whole "Tyler use to he anti black" excuse needs to stop too cause it never stopped yall from letting Wayne live and his anti blackness was worse.
Who tf is y'all?
He had a hit then TAked
Skin folk ain't kin folk imo
Culture is decided by the people - who transmit it and it usually speaks to their history to some degree - there's a a clear legacy there that people can identify
For example soul samples in hip hop/rnb etc
If a black person made a tape with pure Mongolian throat singing - Mongolians would recognize it as their culture (doesn't mean they have to accept this hypothetical black throat singer for various reasons)
Black people in America and elsewhere could congratulate his succes (if the singer sees any) but it doesn't become apart of black culture/black music just cuz the singer is black - I'm not that well versed in this but I think that's how culture works
I do not agree
There is no way to tell a black person they aren’t black, black people can disagree with each other completely and still be black because black people aren’t a monolith