Dawg that s*** is two years old now, and Khaled f***ing lost already why y'all always gotta bring it up
Swear to god some of the Tyler fanbase is just like him the way they can't f***ing let s*** go even tho they won
mysterious music is the future
trying to reach the common denominator wont work anymore khaled lost
I feel like mysterious just mean anybody with an art direction fr
Anyone who doesn’t make cookie cutter billboard bait is labeled mysterious
Dawg if you want it that bad you can have it, but you reaching rn
Love this for you bro cool
I wasn't in the other thread but
-what is in your opinion the issue if it isn't him being edgy and dissing black people in the early stages of his career?
A lot of people’s issue with him was that he was just weird and didn’t fit into the norm of what other rappers were doing, of course Tyler did s*** that is valid of having an issue with but that wasn’t the case for everybody
Khaled used to say nigga on songs
But what defines mysterious because yall will call tyler mysterious but then say an artist who is definitely less known than tyler isn’t
I assume it means weird sht or altsy artsy sht. I dont remember what khaled said. Something bout sht people play outside? I guess that's what it is. Ofc tyler might be more popular than est gee. He's been around longer and he has a whiter audience. Doesn't make the music any less "mysterious".
It's really just a joke
But what defines mysterious because yall will call tyler mysterious but then say an artist who is definitely less known than tyler isn’t
It’s more about the actual artist than the music if y’all wanna talk about it.
I feel like mysterious just mean anybody with an art direction fr
s*** that you listen to by yourself and not at the club or on the radio
Khaled is a loser
Khaled didn't lie.
Whole argument just seems like playing the race card because you can't really say he's wrong, niggas AINT playing tyler in barbershops lol.
I assume it means weird sht or altsy artsy sht. I dont remember what khaled said. Something bout sht people play outside? I guess that's what it is. Ofc tyler might be more popular than est gee. He's been around longer and he has a whiter audience. Doesn't make the music any less "mysterious".
It's really just a joke
See but that’s the thing, the way he said “mysterious” definitely has a negative attachment to it and if we’re thinking it’s just because it’s “artsy” why are we as a culture ok with non blacks putting negative views on black people being artsy? Just a question fr
It’s funny seeing people who’s entire brand is based on social justice, self expression, etc put Tyler down (LGBT black artist) for how he expressed himself at 19.
khaled was salty. but he said sthg funny and kinda true. there’s nothing racial about it lol. tyler makes niche audience music mostly. khaled makes (puts together) music for mass consumption. it is what it is.
I wasn't in the other thread but
-what is in your opinion the issue if it isn't him being edgy and dissing black people in the early stages of his career?
He just doesn't act in a stereotypical manner in which we associate with blackness. If being anti black was enough to mean anything then Wayne and numerous other rappers who have said or done worse to actual black people would be cancelled but they aren't nor are they held to their past anti black statements the same.
Wayne has said way worse stuff about black people and he was older then Tyler was and it isn't brought up nor is he called white for it or distanced from black people.
As far as Khaled says he frequently said bigga and when called on it doubled down.
Dawg that s*** is two years old now, and Khaled f***ing lost already why y'all always gotta bring it up
Swear to god some of the Tyler fanbase is just like him the way they can't f***ing let s*** go even tho they won
I'm not a Tyler stan but ok