there are a lot of barbershops that do not play music
My barbershop just has espn on
Niggas itt got mysterious tapers
Ion really think this da shop for yo mysterious ass
I'm sure the places you frequent love music saying "I'm already black I dont want no black b****" our people are lost is all I'll say
I consider mysterious music to be on the same level as a black kid telling another black kid that they talk white or talk proper.
It’s some dumbass negative s***.
It is funny how its only niggas with haircuts like this that got beef with barbershops
Oh brother, again ?. How did Khaled trigger Tyler and his fans to this level. I forgot about this s*** 🤣
OP is right
the album was garbage
should dj khaled be considered a culture vulture?
No. Khaled does not have the right to speak on what Tyler creates or the lane where Tyler took his music at
Khaled is washed.
Well that’s your opinion but saying this is racist is just reaching
I consider mysterious music to be on the same level as a black kid telling another black kid that they talk white or talk proper.
It’s some dumbass negative s***.
yeah it’s pretty ignorant when you think about it
He just doesn't act in a stereotypical manner in which we associate with blackness. If being anti black was enough to mean anything then Wayne and numerous other rappers who have said or done worse to actual black people would be cancelled but they aren't nor are they held to their past anti black statements the same.
Wayne has said way worse stuff about black people and he was older then Tyler was and it isn't brought up nor is he called white for it or distanced from black people.
As far as Khaled says he frequently said bigga and when called on it doubled down.
I honestly think that Wayne isn't as loved by black culture as you think he is but I could be wrong
I still see him getting dragged on various platforms for his past comments
when I first found out about him Tyler I never once saw a "weird" black guy or whatever
I didn't care for his music but thought his skits were funny
I was introduced to Tyler when he was eating that cockroadh and just thought "oh this is interesting..."
still sought him out on youtube to see what the fuss was about
My perception of him changed when I saw those tweets and found out he tried to be a controversial as Eminem corny ass
What's your defintion of "stereotypical black guy behavior" ? .... Cuz as a young teen Tyler didn't strike me as anything less than a creative black guy
Op right what gives Khald the right to make a comment like that
Just cause yall let him slide dont mean we have to
smh so we gonna pretend Tyler dont make music for a niche group of white nerds who have a lot of money to buy music in mass?
was gonna say this is dumb till i realized bro be twink farming
like this post if you listened to KHALED KHALED
Black people are black people this is ignorant imo
Is Merriam Webster ignorant too?
culture noun
cul·ture | \ ˈkəl-chər \
Definition of culture (Entry 1 of 2)1a: the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group
also : the characteristic features of everyday existence (such as diversions or a way of life) shared by people in a place or time
popular culture
Southern cultured: the integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior that depends upon the capacity for learning and transmitting knowledge to succeeding generations