Loved the movie btw
4/5. Only thing is I thought it followed the first movie a little too much. Too many similarities
Really enjoyed this, fun ass movie. For those asking about watching the first one I would say to do so cus it does call back to it a lot. But it’s not necessary, meaning you won’t be confused watching this if you don’t.
If the only imax theater near me is liemax should I just see in Dolby?
While this not a postmodernist trite filled with loathe and questioning s*** with pseudoscientific view on human condition. This seems an actual blockbuster that relies on the cool with practical effects (which it’s stunning) rather than ballet dancing on the green screen. It’s not actually bad. Tony Scott would pay a visit.
F*** that was fantastic
Had so much fun watching this
Liked it!
"Thank you, for everything"
You can tell Kosinski directed this one
It reminded me of "Behind Enemy Lines" || when || Tom Cruise and Miles Teller were in the woods and then taking the plane
RIP Tony Scott
Liked it!
"Thank you, for everything"
You can tell Kosinski directed this one
It reminded me of "Behind Enemy Lines" || when || Tom Cruise and Miles Teller were in the woods and then taking the plane
RIP Tony Scott
Also when Tom Cruise started to run
We both skipped film club for this huh
If the only imax theater near me is liemax should I just see in Dolby?
See in Dolby
This the type of movie where you can’t help but have a big dumb grin on your face at parts
We both skipped film club for this huh
Such a good movie
Such a good movie
Ngl this year has been f***ing great for film
Ngl this year has been f***ing great for film
Shows too hope it stays this good. Gonna be fun ranking movies for this year.