Thought it would be cringe but they did a crazy good job.
scenes with Hangman and Phoenix were kinda cringe tho
The action scenes and performances in this are crack, thoroughly enjoyable movie. Gotta respect Tom for his commitment to the audience.
Rt to ur point on Tom seems like a huge workaholic gotta love his dedication to the craft
How standalone is this?
in terms of what? It references important beats from the first Top Gun's story if that's what you mean
make this s*** practical
hollywood need to get real practical in this mother f***er
cgi clone niggas cutting all the corners. THIS MOVIE IS UP and its STUCK!
Action scenes were fantastic. Story generic and forgettable, but the action scenes are def worth seeing this in cinema. Def go for Imax if you can.
good stuff
BATMAN AND DUNE VIBES BACK we seeing this 5 times in theaters?? Shout out backlava
BATMAN AND DUNE VIBES BACK we seeing this 5 times in theaters?? Shout out backlava
Saw it at the arthouse after imax, if you can see this in imax while s*** was a rollercoaster in a large format
definitely see it in IMAX or Dolby Atmos if you can, the cinematography is absurd, sounds of jets gave me chills