Lmaooo people quoting it with “who cares should have brought it up in trial”
If he shot her keep him in there but niggas got a weird reaction to this coming out
Not sure that story exonerates him from assault, possession, or negligent discharge. Reminder he only got 10 years because he was moving like an idiot.
Not sure that story exonerates him from assault, possession, or negligent discharge. Reminder he only got 10 years because he was moving like an idiot.
Better off not saying anything instead of trying to act cute when you clearly don't have any type of knowledge regarding law. Jesus christ
Better off not saying anything instead of trying to act cute when you clearly don't have any type of knowledge regarding law. Jesus christ
Lmaooo people quoting it with “who cares should have brought it up in trial”
If he shot her keep him in there but niggas got a weird reaction to this coming out
"Who cares" is wrong but they're right about bringing it up in court.
Edit: I see that he claims the DA wouldn't let him testify.
Was always weird how the friend had GSR on her hands when she claimed to have been on the opposite side of the vehicle during the gunshots and denied coming in contact with the weapon iirc.
The witness who isn't Tory's bodyguard gave a statement that Tory let off the shots so I feel that's more reliable
I hate when this site talks about this case, y'all's heads aren't screwed on straight and tight enough to have an actual convo about it
I hate when this site talks about this case, y'all's heads aren't screwed on straight and tight enough to have an actual convo about it
They're having a lawyer-off right above ya
They're having a lawyer-off right above ya
If you read the affidavit, which nobody else in the thread did, he doesn't even comment on who did the shooting that 2 out of 3 of the charges hinge on. Nor does he say whose gun it was or where it came from. It just appears. This is going to be used to push for appeal or retrial.
You don't need a JD to discern any of that.