Tory said kelsey didnt do that s***
Unless the bodyguard did it or casper the ghost did idk what folks itt want us to say. I’m a coon for…reading the document and following the trial?
hip hop media was pushing so much misinfo that these losers fell for it. most of them just hate women tbh
Tory said on IG Kelsey didn't do it
He called the next morning apologizing profusely
Kelsey couldn't remember if Tory paid for her lawyers or not
He offered Kelsey and Meg a record deal and like a Million dollars to not say anything
That unbiasedly even as a Tory fan from time, does not sound like an innocent man at all. Sounds like a person that would pay the driver to speak in his defense
I think people have a hard time grappling with (myself initially too) the idea that a man could brazenly shoot a woman like that for no real reason, but once you realize and accept you don't know this nigga, that he has a quick temper, and that you don't know what any human is capable of off the liq, all bets are off. He could have and did do this.In all likelihood not in a malicious way (Which sounds crazy but he would have killed her and this would be an attempted murder charge if so) but he pulled the trigger.
He did it.
I believe it all. I believe she s***ted on his career, wounded his ego, and in a druken state kicked her out the car, and as she was walking away he said dance now b**** (because to him that's the only reason she was hot in the moment, that was his retort) and shot in her direction / at the ground in a super machismo sort of deal, and one of the bullets broke and pierced the skin on her foot.
Regarding Tory, the argument has always been is there reasonable doubt, not if he did it or not. To me, he very clearly did. You're crazy if you think he's taking 10 years lying down if Kelsey was the one who shot her.
I mean his initial lawyer dropped out of the case because she felt it wasn't winnable, and that the Kelsey angle was essentially ridiculous
Put Tory on the stand in a mock setting, and he was so bad she dropped out.
To this very day, no one has said Kelsey did it. No one has said The driver did it. And Meg didn't shoot herself. The whole thing is about reasonable doubt which isn't all that reasonable if Meg is on the stand identifying her shooter.
Tory lost
& niggas need to get over it. He's not a martyr in the black culture war. He's a loser. Man f***ed up his whole s*** & for what
Imagine you spend your whole life go from claiming to be drakes cousin, to beefing with him, to having him respect you, you are the king of media during quarantine, you get a 5'9 baddie at 5'1 & not only do you fumble shoot at her? Someone help me out
Still Alone at Prom for forever doe
Still Playboy forever doe
Tory said on IG Kelsey didn't do it
He called the next morning apologizing profusely
Kelsey couldn't remember if Tory paid for her lawyers or not
He offered Kelsey and Meg a record deal and like a Million dollars to not say anything
That unbiasedly even as a Tory fan from time, does not sound like an innocent man at all. Sounds like a person that would pay the driver to speak in his defense
I think people have a hard time grappling with (myself initially too) the idea that a man could brazenly shoot a woman like that for no real reason, but once you realize and accept you don't know this nigga, that he has a quick temper, and that you don't know what any human is capable of off the liq, all bets are off. He could have and did do this.In all likelihood not in a malicious way (Which sounds crazy but he would have killed her and this would be an attempted murder charge if so) but he pulled the trigger.
He did it.
I believe it all. I believe she s***ted on his career, wounded his ego, and in a druken state kicked her out the car, and as she was walking away he said dance now b**** (because to him that's the only reason she was hot in the moment, that was his retort) and shot in her direction / at the ground in a super machismo sort of deal, and one of the bullets broke and pierced the skin on her foot.
Regarding Tory, the argument has always been is there reasonable doubt, not if he did it or not. To me, he very clearly did. You're crazy if you think he's taking 10 years lying down if Kelsey was the one who shot her.
lol why would Tory sell Kelsey out at this point cmon now
lol why would Tory sell Kelsey out at this point cmon now
Maybe to be present in his sons life?
But I do think he shot her/at her.
lol why would Tory sell Kelsey out at this point cmon now
It's been 4 years, if he hasn't "sold Kelsey out" at this point it's probably because she didn't do it
It's been 4 years, if he hasn't "sold Kelsey out" at this point it's probably because she didn't do it
so why does she have immunity? why weren't his prints on the gun lol why does the whole dance b**** storyline sound like something out of a Tyler Perry movie. I don't even like Tory but Kelsey shooting Megan just makes more sense and the driver isn't even the only witness to have a story that aligns with that narrative.
I just don't see how a famous Black man shooting a woman over an argument about who has more number ones makes more sense than a woman backdooring her best friend and getting shot over it.
There's likely a reason why Tory hasn't thrown Kelsey under the bus and has never said that she shot Meg.
so why does she have immunity? why weren't his prints on the gun lol why does the whole dance b**** storyline sound like something out of a Tyler Perry movie. I don't even like Tory but Kelsey shooting Megan just makes more sense and the driver isn't even the only witness to have a story that aligns with that narrative.
I just don't see how a famous Black man shooting a woman over an argument about who has more number ones makes more sense than a woman backdooring her best friend and getting shot over it.
His prints weren't on the gun because they wiped the gun down before the Cops eventually pulled him over
Just because the dance b**** thing sounds like it's out of a TP movie doesn't make it any less true. The big issue with a lot of folks is that they just can't fathom that it happened that way. The truth can be stranger and wilder than fiction.
Like yes, it's more convenient to think Kelsey shooting Megan makes more sense but how come the victim didn't say she did? How come Tory never implicated her? Tory to this day has not said what happened. Megan had no reason to lie and say Tory did it, she's not even the one that brought the charges onto Tory. She was trying to protect buddy.
An argument over who's career being more lit resulting in someone getting shot does not make a ton of sense, but it doesn't have to. Humans do dumb s*** under the influence all the time. Here in LA, a road rage incident resulted in BOTH dudes killing each other. Humans, especially under the influence, humans with short tempers, are capable of doing dumb, stupid s***. Period.
There's likely a reason why Tory hasn't thrown Kelsey under the bus and has never said that she shot Meg.
Because she didn't do it, he did. Their case is about reasonable doubt.
Why would Tory pay for her lawyers...apologize to her...when he's the one being accused and facing 20 years?
That makes no sense.
Absolutely no way Tory's making that Phone Call to Kelsey, saying what he said, and paying for her lawyers...for something SHE did.
That nigga was on some machismo s*** shot the gun to scare her and it actually hit her.
One would think he would have jumped off the porch and said Kelsey did it 4 years later if she did.