Not sure that story exonerates him from assault, possession, or negligent discharge. Reminder he only got 10 years because he was moving like an idiot.
Well he last recalled Kelsey with the gun, so that dispels a lot of things lmao
Well he last recalled Kelsey with the gun, so that dispels a lot of things lmao
Tory's employee recounts years after the fact that he didn't see who shot Meg
The witness who isn't Tory's bodyguard gave a statement that Tory let off the shots so I feel that's more reliable
All this for a guy with zero talent or originality
He’s your favorite rappers favorite rapper (and ghostwriter) foh
If you read the affidavit, which nobody else in the thread did, he doesn't even comment on who did the shooting that 2 out of 3 of the charges hinge on. Nor does he say whose gun it was or where it came from. It just appears. This is going to be used to push for appeal or retrial.
You don't need a JD to discern any of that.
All this for a guy with zero talent or originality
Tory is top 10 of 2020s. Stop it.
funny how even Cuniff isn’t denying any of this.
This is good for Tory.
He’s your favorite rappers favorite rapper (and ghostwriter) foh
My fav rapper is Megan
Who cares it's just Tory lol
Nah this crazy cause if this nigga was innocent(he not but definitely got over charged)
I want all innocent black men free
I'm in my 'Gac
I wanna dance
I'm on that 'Gac, I wanna dance
Come get yo' man
Before I put him in a trance
I'm in my 'Gac
I'm on that 'Gac, I wanna dance
Come get ya man
Come get ya man
funny how even Cuniff isn’t denying any of this.
This is good for Tory.
I think she's saying that even with this statement it won't be enough to convince the state of a retrial. Mostly cause tory himself didn't want to call him