brodie also had a loaded and unregistered gun in a vehicle
which is around an automatic 2-3 years in Cali dawg
U a b****
What type of coon ass nigga wanna see a nigga locked up for having a gun for self defense when the gun in question isn't even in the crime
so why did tory say on ig comments that kelsey didn't shoot meg lol
Idk nigga stupid if kelsey did indeed shoot her the best thing for him to say is he didn’t see anything or he doesn’t know
Well yea, he should of took the plea deal
His big mistake was falling out with Meg. If he had acted remorseful and tried to make peace, he might be free now. Meg lowkey would maybe have protected him. The DA wouldn't have had much evidence other than gunshot residue, which directly implicates Kelsey.
This s*** was a wake up call from him tho he was moving stupid at the time trying to be hard even jumped the poor dex kid for no reason lmao
This s*** was a wake up call from him tho he was moving stupid at the time trying to be hard even jumped the poor dex kid for no reason lmao
Which is why I don't get why niggas ITT are pulling the "we supposed to be brothers" (menace 2 society voice) card like...tory sure as hell aint think that
so why did tory say on ig comments that kelsey didn't shoot meg lol
I think the gun went off during a struggle, and no one was intentionally trying to shoot anyone at that moment. The only person who might have had the intent to shoot was the one who retrieved the gun.
The level of injuries also leads to this being an accident. Imagine what would have happened if a struggle over a gun did not take place. More than one person could have been killed.
Also, why are we doubting the only sober person who was actually there? It's kind of funny, really.
Also, why are we doubting the only sober person who was actually there? It's kind of funny, really.
I also think it was an accident but if him and Tory are friends then he would be biased.
son niggas legit do NOT read the s*** they post lmao.
And we already know both tory and kelsey tested positive for gun residue cause it was said DURING the trial.
The reason niggas "reacting" a certain way is because one, op doing his trademark "bad faith" argument (he's chilled out on it I gotta give props for) and two, in the exact document that is posted the bodyguard says literally at the very end he does not know who shot Meg.
And third. Tory Lanez is on phone apologizing to Kelsey (which I think helped jury make their decision)
Fourth, the 10 years was because Tory Lanez TURNED DOWN the plea deal that would've just got him just 4 years (and he's definitely doing a portion of that) and also because (as the judge mentioned after the sentence) dude has had a RECORD of violent offenses prior to the Megan thing.
everything is not always has to be under the lens of "black men are under attack" especially for a dude that pulled a gun out on another fellow black man for some online s***.
The most damning fact that you're somehow forgetting is his music is f***in TRASH. These niggas in they feelings over a C-list rapper/glorified cover singer going to jail for shooting at somebody
JOBLESS and FATHERLESS activity my god
Also, why are we doubting the only sober person who was actually there? It's kind of funny, really.
We’re not.
He just literally said he dont know who shot the gun in that document so no one knows how this is gonna help tory
We know both kelsey and tory had the gun from the trial.
Which is why I don't get why niggas ITT are pulling the "we supposed to be brothers" (menace 2 society voice) card like...tory sure as hell aint think that
Yeah son was wilding when he was free starting unnecessary s*** carry guns and s***
so the driver didnt see who shot the gun, lmao
the neighbor saw everything and said tory did that s***. meg said that tory did that s***.
Lmaooo people quoting it with “who cares should have brought it up in trial”
If he shot her keep him in there but niggas got a weird reaction to this coming out
Why is it signed December 2023?
also said on ig comments that kelsey didn't shoot her.
Any of yall have an explanation for why tory said that?
idk bout yall but if I know I'm #innocent I'm ratting on every social platform and court case and every rap song with an adlib "KELSEY DID IT" so much it'll become a trademark.
@elder @op @Donttalktomeunless
Maybe Kelsey head game was better???
so the driver didnt see who shot the gun, lmao
the neighbor saw everything and said tory did that s***. meg said that tory did that s***.
Tory said kelsey didnt do that s***
Unless the bodyguard did it or casper the ghost did idk what folks itt want us to say. I’m a coon for…reading the document and following the trial?
also said on ig comments that kelsey didn't shoot her.
Any of yall have an explanation for why tory said that?
idk bout yall but if I know I'm #innocent I'm ratting on every social platform and court case and every rap song with an adlib "KELSEY DID IT" so much it'll become a trademark.
@elder @op @Donttalktomeunless
Tory was trying to cover for everyone and then got swallowed by the conspiracy
He was hoping they wouldn’t be able to pin it on anyone.
U just sound like u hate black women ngl
Explain from A-Z how thats so from that post
Lol ive never had any problems with bw in my life from grade school on up
also said on ig comments that kelsey didn't shoot her.
Any of yall have an explanation for why tory said that?
idk bout yall but if I know I'm #innocent I'm ratting on every social platform and court case and every rap song with an adlib "KELSEY DID IT" so much it'll become a trademark.
@elder @op @Donttalktomeunless
Nigga it was biting lol
Legit don’t understand
If they were f***ing and were friends thats dumb of him to say but i see why he would say that out of emotions
We cant use an IG comment as a smoking gun lol
If they were f***ing and were friends thats dumb of him to say but i see why he would say that out of emotions
We cant use an IG comment as a smoking gun lol
Him and meg was also f***ing and friends & he was antagonizing her lol
I’m just going off his words crodie the same way we going off bodyguard’s words (who said he dont know who shot the gun)
And the one witness that had no bias said they saw tory wit the blammer.
Idk bruh. I’m going off what is in #frontofme
Next time take the 4 years if you facing a decade for 3 bad charges next time lol