Nice man
This s*** was so raw. Diabolic Howl into Unmitigated Evil
The tracks from the final dungeon to the end of the game were all really hard, feel like I spent more time there than I needed to just cause I wanted to keep listening
This s*** was just perfect. might be one of my favourite final dungeon themes from Kiseki; added to the playlist immediately
The tracks from the final dungeon to the end of the game were all really hard, feel like I spent more time there than I needed to just cause I wanted to keep listening
This s*** was just perfect. might be one of my favourite final dungeon themes from Kiseki; added to the playlist immediately
! That track is incredible
Kuro localization announcement? Wonder what they're gonna end up calling it.
Everything points to a Kiseki announcement but because this is NISA im still skeptical
Everything points to a Kiseki announcement but because this is NISA im still skeptical
They playin the English Kuro trailer rn lol
They playin the English Kuro trailer rn lol
Oh what the f***, they actually did it then
Everything points to a Kiseki announcement but because this is NISA im still skeptical
bro they started with a PS5 CS3/CS4 double pack Could not imagine the shambles if that was the big announcement.
Hearing the English VA is the most jarring thing ever after literally just finishing this game
@wes With Falcom releasing a new IP at the end of the year it has me thinking that Kuro 3 won't be released till maybe the end of 2024 maybe?
I was thinking that we may not be as behind anymore but NISA will still have to also translate Ys X and whatever new game Falcom has coming, I also don't think NISA will announce Kuro 2 so close to Kuro 1 since they gotta give people time to finish that game first, gonna be interesting to see how next year plays out
Also NISA picked literally the worst time to announce Kuro, could have waited till after TGS or something lmao
Daybreak is actually a pretty nice title too, glad they went with that instead of "Dark" which everyone was speculating it could be
@wes With Falcom releasing a new IP at the end of the year it has me thinking that Kuro 3 won't be released till maybe the end of 2024 maybe?
I was thinking that we may not be as behind anymore but NISA will still have to also translate Ys X and whatever new game Falcom has coming, I also don't think NISA will announce Kuro 2 so close to Kuro 1 since they gotta give people time to finish that game first, gonna be interesting to see how next year plays out
I was thinking the same thing. Seems like Falcom likes releasing games around September, so I'd guess we'll get Kuro 3 then. Been seeing people say it might be a new Tokyo Xanadu game, but I think they said new IP, so guess it can't be that. Will be interesting to see what they say in December.
Daybreak is actually a pretty nice title too, glad they went with that instead of "Dark" which everyone was speculating it could be
Was pretty fond of Trails into/to Dawn or whatever it was, but yeah, Daybreak is pretty solid. Hell of a lot better than "Trails in the Dark"
@wes With Falcom releasing a new IP at the end of the year it has me thinking that Kuro 3 won't be released till maybe the end of 2024 maybe?
I was thinking that we may not be as behind anymore but NISA will still have to also translate Ys X and whatever new game Falcom has coming, I also don't think NISA will announce Kuro 2 so close to Kuro 1 since they gotta give people time to finish that game first, gonna be interesting to see how next year plays out
What new IP?
What new IP?
Its maybe a new IP or a newTokyo Xanadu game as wes said
Personally I really do hope its something brand new
@redtruth Need more from Rion and Celis man, they're so cool
I watched the Crimson Sin trailer right after finishing Kuro and was pretty glad to see that it seems they play a bigger role in this game Have we met all the Gralsritters now?
Also the OP track for Kuro 2 is a banger, also really like the new outfits some characters got
I do wish more characters got new outfits tho cause it seems that out of the main cast and Agnes got new threads? I forgive them tho cause Swin and Nadia are in this game now and Rennes new outfit is amazing
I watched the Crimson Sin trailer right after finishing Kuro and was pretty glad to see that it seems they play a bigger role in this game Have we met all the Gralsritters now?
Also the OP track for Kuro 2 is a banger, also really like the new outfits some characters got
I do wish more characters got new outfits tho cause it seems that out of the main cast and Agnes got new threads? I forgive them tho cause Swin and Nadia are in this game now and Rennes new outfit is amazing
No kidding, that track and the visuals are great. Definitely one of my favorites in the series. I think there's still like 3 or 4 Dominions left that still need to pop up. I wanna say one of them popped up in Reverie to help out with the Babel Tower, but it was just their ship. You already know Gaius is prob gonna pop up in Kuro 3 based on who his master is. Need to see his new outfit.
Off the top of my head, Agnes, Elaine, Renne, and Shizuna get new outfits. I'm sure everyone else will with this next game (I'm hoping at least lol). Loved Nadia and Swin in that game too man, they're great. Definitely appreciated them more in Reverie after playing Kuro 2 and getting more of them. Nadia's new S-Craft is S tier
Finished Trails in the Sky the 3rd a couple days ago. Honestly, it's probably my favourite one out of the Sky series. I think there were maybe two or three star/sun/moon doors that I could have done without, but I really enjoyed most of them. I loved being able to say hi to everyone again, and I loved being able to say goodbye to everyone again. Great farewell to the trilogy.
I'll start Trails from Zero like a year or two from now maybe.