  • That being said, the gender vs s***viewpoint is a convoluted mess and just because someone doesn’t understand it or like it, doesn’t mean they’re transphobic.


  • rvi 🐸
    Jan 19, 2020

    Gay people deserve to live dignified and healthy lives. That being said, the s***viewpoint is a convoluted mess and just because someone doesn’t understand it or like it, doesn’t mean they’re homophobic.

  • Jan 19, 2020
    2 replies

    Didnt read op but agree with title

  • Jan 19, 2020
    2 replies

    what is the point of this thread?

    not many people understand gender or the nuances of it to a very good degree, the problem is some people use that lack of understanding to spread hateful views.

  • Jan 19, 2020
    1 reply

    what is the point of this thread?

    not many people understand gender or the nuances of it to a very good degree, the problem is some people use that lack of understanding to spread hateful views.

    The point of the thread is for people to discuss the contents of OP. We’re on a discussion board, silly.

  • Jan 19, 2020
    1 reply

    Everyone deserves to live dignified and healthy lives.

  • Jan 19, 2020
    1 reply
    Benito Mussolini

    The point of the thread is for people to discuss the contents of OP. We’re on a discussion board, silly.

    there's nothing to discuss lmao

  • Jan 19, 2020

    there's nothing to discuss lmao

    Lmao get out of this thread then cornball.

  • Jan 19, 2020

    don’t care didn’t ask plus you’re a transphobe

  • rvi 🐸
    Jan 19, 2020
    1 reply

    what is the point of this thread?

    not many people understand gender or the nuances of it to a very good degree, the problem is some people use that lack of understanding to spread hateful views.

    its just a transphobic bait thread

  • Jan 19, 2020
    1 reply

    gender/sex is such a minuscule f***ing thing to give a f*** about. I used to be into Ben Shapiro and what ever the 'red pill' f***ing stuff like 3 years back and all I got to say is that as I have grown up, I realized how immature and honestly pathetic it is to care for something so unnecessary to be upset about. Idk what OP is trying to say but if someone wants to be called he or she just do it and if you don't or get upset at it, it is just sad and I reckon there is usually an underlying reason to it

  • Jan 19, 2020

    gender/sex is such a minuscule f***ing thing to give a f*** about. I used to be into Ben Shapiro and what ever the 'red pill' f***ing stuff like 3 years back and all I got to say is that as I have grown up, I realized how immature and honestly pathetic it is to care for something so unnecessary to be upset about. Idk what OP is trying to say but if someone wants to be called he or she just do it and if you don't or get upset at it, it is just sad and I reckon there is usually an underlying reason to it

    I agree with this 100%.

  • Jan 19, 2020

    its just a transphobic bait thread

    Sounds like you’re paranoid.

  • Jan 19, 2020

    It’s crazy how I acknowledged that trans people deserve to live dignified and healthy lives and you’re all sweating calling me a transphobe. Lol

  • Jan 19, 2020
    1 reply

    Are you saying that if you don’t agree with stuff such as that a trans woman is a just as woman as a cis woman (either because you don’t understand it or simply because you don’t like the idea), you are not transphobic?

  • Jan 19, 2020

    literally who cares

  • Jan 19, 2020
    1 reply

    there’s really nothing convoluted about the difference between s***and gender. It’s very simple

  • Jan 19, 2020
    1 reply

    there’s really nothing convoluted about the difference between s***and gender. It’s very simple

    I would like to hear what you think about s***vs gender. What’s the difference and what’s the relationship? Is gender completely separate from sex?

  • Jan 19, 2020
    1 reply

    Are you saying that if you don’t agree with stuff such as that a trans woman is a just as woman as a cis woman (either because you don’t understand it or simply because you don’t like the idea), you are not transphobic?

    I would treat both trans women and cis women the same.

    They are different however and some feminists would argue that trans women aren’t real women. (TERF) I think that you’d hurt both sides feelings on what’s MORE woman and therefore there is no real good answer.

    (This is an example of why the gender vs s***argument is convoluted.)

  • Jan 19, 2020
    1 reply
    Benito Mussolini

    I would treat both trans women and cis women the same.

    They are different however and some feminists would argue that trans women aren’t real women. (TERF) I think that you’d hurt both sides feelings on what’s MORE woman and therefore there is no real good answer.

    (This is an example of why the gender vs s***argument is convoluted.)

    And you wouldn’t call those feminists transphobic

  • Jan 19, 2020
    Benito Mussolini

    I would like to hear what you think about s***vs gender. What’s the difference and what’s the relationship? Is gender completely separate from sex?

    S***is biological, Gender is a social construct.

  • Jan 19, 2020
    1 reply

    And you wouldn’t call those feminists transphobic

    Good question.

    If I were to call them transphobic they’d see that as an attack on their viewpoint/identity as well. Are you asking me to pick a side? Don’t you see why this gets messy?

    This is why I emphasize that I’d treat both the same because on an intellectual basis, at least in this instance, it’s a mess and would only create enemies.

  • Jan 19, 2020
    1 reply
    Benito Mussolini

    Good question.

    If I were to call them transphobic they’d see that as an attack on their viewpoint/identity as well. Are you asking me to pick a side? Don’t you see why this gets messy?

    This is why I emphasize that I’d treat both the same because on an intellectual basis, at least in this instance, it’s a mess and would only create enemies.

    I’m just trying to understand your point in OP. When you say “that doesn’t mean they’re transphobic” you are referring to someone that “doesn’t understand or like” the s***vs gender viewpoint.

    Clearly, that group of feminists don’t like the s***vs gender viewpoint. So you wouldn’t call them transphobic even though they believe trans women are not real women

  • Jan 19, 2020
    1 reply

    I’m just trying to understand your point in OP. When you say “that doesn’t mean they’re transphobic” you are referring to someone that “doesn’t understand or like” the s***vs gender viewpoint.

    Clearly, that group of feminists don’t like the s***vs gender viewpoint. So you wouldn’t call them transphobic even though they believe trans women are not real women

    Ah, I see. I was caught up in the politics of it.

    The argument I was making with this thread was about the intellectual vs the reality amongst other things.

    If a TERF intellectually disagreed with the notion that trans women are real women, but treated them with dignity I wouldn’t call them transphobic.