How did people expect something like that to sound without auto tune
Travis isn't a singer
The "singing" at the beginning (especially the run where his voice is too feeble to even try to miss the last note) should tell you all you need to know about this man's lack of real talent and reliance on dudes like Mike Dean
sure he cant sing for s*** but that doesnt mean he's not talented. credit where credit is due, networking and collaborating and getting s*** out there to get to his level of commercial success takes A LOT OF TALENT
a guitar without amps would sound silly too
e: since yall wanna be denser than cast iron i mean electric guitar which sounds wack when you play it without an amp
its at least chromatic
travis is talented
hearing a rappers chains is my fav thing
OP's next thread: Antidote music video without SFX 😱
F***ing idiot
Wow, great retort, & I'm sure it'd be even better drenched in reverb, autotune, delay and compression
That’s all your dumbass post deserves lol. Also you’re a young thug fan. He can’t sing much better bro.
I think it’s because he was actually talented, and they couldn’t mimic it or the crazy run he was on
They had to nerf him, dumb it down, then reclaim it as their own
Sad for T-Pain
The older I get the more I realize Pain be crying like a little b****
Tbh, I think he's more at fault for his career than other people taking his autotune bag
Travis Scott is just a brand with a talented group of producers, visual directors and Mike dean
The older I get the more I realize Pain be crying like a little b****
Tbh, I think he's more at fault for his career than other people taking his autotune bag
You dead one of the funniest niggas I know bruh
But nah facts. It’s not all what I said, but it was a factor
He was an alcoholic and that led to depression. He coulda easily fought back but he accepted his shortcomings. Then he spilled the Henny on Bey…did it to himself like you said