  • Jan 14
    1 reply

    Tell me u don't know how autotune works without telling me

    If u wanna use autotune, u still gotta be able to sing and hit correctly

    If not, ur s*** is gonna sound robotically terrible

  • Jan 14
    1 reply

    how tf do you niggas define talent atp. networking and being a massive biter is now musical talent to y’all. disgraceful lmfao

    Comes up with great melodies
    Has a dope voicez capable of delivering the intended mood/emotion he is going for
    Charisma in spades
    Knows how to create and structure a great song
    Is great at utilizing features (good vision)
    Knows how to perform in arenas

    And last but not least, he's a sought after artist by his colleagues who always seem to praise him and hold his vision to high regard and they with him in da studio

    I mean y'all can hate whatever ya want
    Man is just a very talented musician

  • As if Kanye sounds any better with raw vocals

  • Jan 14
    1 reply

    if all we cared about was talent a totally different group of people would be famous

  • Jan 14
    1 reply
    BlueChew Sean

    Frank Ocean is one of my favorite artists but he’s not the most talented or skilled vocalist. Drake didn’t have any proper vocal training until like 2017 supposedly but his singing on Take Care is so heartfelt. Pac isn’t technically the craziest rapper out there and in terms of skills is solid but not amazing but his message and passion was amazing. But these people all make music that resonates with us and makes us feel something talent is just your command of a certain tool it’s knowing what to do with that tool that makes great music

  • Jan 14
    4 replies
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    Comes up with great melodies
    Has a dope voicez capable of delivering the intended mood/emotion he is going for
    Charisma in spades
    Knows how to create and structure a great song
    Is great at utilizing features (good vision)
    Knows how to perform in arenas

    And last but not least, he's a sought after artist by his colleagues who always seem to praise him and hold his vision to high regard and they with him in da studio

    I mean y'all can hate whatever ya want
    Man is just a very talented musician

    you niggas know nothing about music let alone how it’s created and it shows

  • Jan 14

    Yall always sound stupid calling mfs “talentless”

  • Jan 14
    2 replies

    Tell me u don't know how autotune works without telling me

    If u wanna use autotune, u still gotta be able to sing and hit correctly

    If not, ur s*** is gonna sound robotically terrible

    Ehh not really. Ive seen some insane s*** done with vocal filters layered on.

  • Jan 14

    you niggas know nothing about music let alone how it’s created and it shows

    Let’s go song for song then, I got a catalog

  • pretty sure if you would do this with 808s era Kanye you get something that sounds similar

    In that case, would people itt be saying that prime Ye is a talentless hack?

    Jan 14
    1 reply

    In his earlier career he could actually sing (alot better than Ye anyway)

  • Br00ses

    Everyone who participated should feel guilty for that I think


    Love this song. Just the other day I saw someone credit kanye for popularizing auto tune. T pain had 2 albums out before 808’s. He’s so slept on

  • Jan 14
    2 replies

    autotune > pitch perfect vocals that make me feel nothing

  • DJ7A7A

    autotune > pitch perfect vocals that make me feel nothing

  • goated

  • vingu

    you niggas know nothing about music let alone how it’s created and it shows

    Damn u got the wrong one, cause I do know my s***

  • Everything

    Ehh not really. Ive seen some insane s*** done with vocal filters layered on.

    You'll still need to record in a way that u get the desired fx
    Just plain singing out of tune and false really don't do it

    Even if u wanna distort ur voice with a specific sound, you'll have to record it correct to get the desired sound fx

    U not singing Antidote without hitting them notes, unless u melodyne it


    In his earlier career he could actually sing (alot better than Ye anyway)

    Tbh I actually think his singing voice got better
    Richer and he does more diverse stuff

  • Jan 14
    1 reply
    · edited

    a guitar without amps would sound silly too

    e: since yall wanna be denser than cast iron i mean electric guitar which sounds wack when you play it without an amp

    This is one of the worst a***ogys I’ve ever heard lol

  • its not that bad lmao

  • lil ufo

    this is not tragic at all

    they never worked with raw vocals

  • Jan 14
    1 reply

    Ehh not really. Ive seen some insane s*** done with vocal filters layered on.

    unless ur a mixing guru hes right

    if u suck at singing the autotune will make it sound ridiculous

    if ur missing half the notes or have poor vocal tone it will still sound like s***

  • Jan 14

    you niggas know nothing about music let alone how it’s created and it shows

    Alright let’s hear some of your music and thread can decide what’s better Mr Talent

  • vingu

    how tf do you niggas define talent atp. networking and being a massive biter is now musical talent to y’all. disgraceful lmfao

    I dont have that kind of ability, so its talent to me.

  • All this tells me, as someone who is working on indie music with sung elements, is that I need to become a better vocal engineer.
    I make my s*** sound better, but not THAT MUCH better