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  • OP
    Feb 4, 2023
    1 reply

    You have to be real young like under 21 if u believe that...u weren't around in the 90s to see how much it's changed lol

    Well u missed the mark because I'm over 21

  • Feb 4, 2023
    2 replies

    Well u missed the mark because I'm over 21


  • Feb 4, 2023
    1 reply

    You have to be real young like under 21 if u believe that...u weren't around in the 90s to see how much it's changed lol

    You're in your 40's arguing with "children" on a Saturday morning.

    Oh no...

  • OP
    Feb 4, 2023
    2 replies


    Have you ever talked to a trans person? Like tried to understand their point of view and why they feel the way they feel?

  • Feb 4, 2023
    1 reply
    madison beer guy

    You're in your 40's arguing with "children" on a Saturday morning.

    Oh no...

    If y'all sad and have no debate just say it little jitterbug lmao

  • Feb 4, 2023
    2 replies

    Have you ever talked to a trans person? Like tried to understand their point of view and why they feel the way they feel?

    Don't see them around in the south really tbh

  • OP
    Feb 4, 2023
    1 reply

    Don't see them around in the south really tbh

    I wonder why that is lol

  • Feb 4, 2023
    1 reply

    Have you ever talked to a trans person? Like tried to understand their point of view and why they feel the way they feel?

    Look I'd be down to debate with anyone..I'm not sitting here and being like y'all trans need to I'm only saying about these little kids being put on d**** to transition.

  • Feb 4, 2023

    Along with the Last of Us posts, you really woke up on different timing today

    Bruh holy s***,

  • Feb 4, 2023
    1 reply

    It's the Hollywood bullshit. U can't turn one kids show on now without seeing it.

    That's not what forcing is and you're not looking at it from the other side. Being trans is complicated and you can't just suppress those feelings. Taking this away is forcing them to be something they're not. That's like making straight relationships illegal and forcing you to be gay. You're not and you shouldn't have to be if it makes gay people uncomfortable to see straight relationships on tv that's their problem not yours

    They just showing trans people to keep it fair nothing wrong with that unless you read into it too much and make it a conspiracy theory

  • Feb 4, 2023

    I wonder why that is lol

    Different world down here man

    Feb 4, 2023

    Don't see them around in the south really tbh

    where in the south are you

    also that explains these posts

    Feb 4, 2023

    of course you think you're in the majority

  • Feb 4, 2023
    The Darkest Angel

    That's not what forcing is and you're not looking at it from the other side. Being trans is complicated and you can't just suppress those feelings. Taking this away is forcing them to be something they're not. That's like making straight relationships illegal and forcing you to be gay. You're not and you shouldn't have to be if it makes gay people uncomfortable to see straight relationships on tv that's their problem not yours

    They just showing trans people to keep it fair nothing wrong with that unless you read into it too much and make it a conspiracy theory

    I imagine u do have complications...but u can also the make the same life changing choices at child should be deciding those things

  • OP
    Feb 4, 2023
    1 reply

    Look I'd be down to debate with anyone..I'm not sitting here and being like y'all trans need to I'm only saying about these little kids being put on d**** to transition.

    The thing you can't understand is that teenage years are the best times to start a medical transitio' because after that point you've already gone through puberty

    Nobody's forcing children to do surgeries or take hormones either, it's puberty blockers, all they do is prevent puberty from happening, it stays that way until 16 or even later and then hormone therapy can start, there's no irreversible change before that

  • Feb 4, 2023
    1 reply

    The thing you can't understand is that teenage years are the best times to start a medical transitio' because after that point you've already gone through puberty

    Nobody's forcing children to do surgeries or take hormones either, it's puberty blockers, all they do is prevent puberty from happening, it stays that way until 16 or even later and then hormone therapy can start, there's no irreversible change before that

    Honest question...what about the kids that do it and end up regretting the life altering changes they made as a child

  • OP
    Feb 4, 2023

    Most trans people knew they were trans from a very young age and they've never changed their minds

  • Feb 4, 2023

    Gotta go tho was fun boys all love I don't hate y'all trans Im just firm on the stance with children and the d****...a kid should be a kid


    If y'all sad and have no debate just say it little jitterbug lmao

    There's no forced agenda of trans people in kids shows. Kids shows don't go anywhere near that topic. Almost any kind of family oriented show, adult, children, whatever, stays away from that topic.

    There's no gay agenda. Gay people have been featured in TV shows and movies for decades. They've been more prominently featured within the past decade but are still under represented in relation to real life.

    The belief that there's influence on today's youth in media to "feel gay" or "feel trans" comes from nowhere other than a place of extreme paranoia and hate.

  • Emu 🇮🇱
    Feb 4, 2023
    Delete this now

    Like i legit feel like im living in v for vendetta or some s*** sometimes. Like the political climate could flip upside down and at any point they are just gonna bust down my door and execute me for being trans.

    That's not just what it's like being trans, that's what it's like being a woman. The political climate has always been upside down for us, everybody wants to control what we can do with our bodies and define what makes us women without letting us speak for ourselves. And when it comes to people busting down doors and killing us, just look at the stats, it's not just your gut feeling it's real.

    If the title of this thread read "Trump declares war on women" people would realize that this has been a pattern in his agenda from the very beginning, not just presidency but even Miss Universe pageants even before that. He feels deeply entitled to define what a woman can be.

  • OP
    Feb 4, 2023

    Honest question...what about the kids that do it and end up regretting the life altering changes they made as a child

    Detransitioning is fairly rare and in most cases it's due to pressure from families and other people, there are exemples of people regretting it but that's the case for most things in life, doesn't mean they should be ignored and shouldn't receive help... The issue is that people who want to prevent trans people from accessing proper Healthcare take isolated detransitioning phenomenon and make them a generality to push their ideology

  • Feb 4, 2023
    1 reply
    Delete this now

    Whats the safest country for me to move to and not be at risk of losing access to HRT


  • Feb 4, 2023
    1 reply

    why some people care about other people gender wtf
    none of our business

  • Kengi 💭
    Feb 4, 2023

    It's all about the kids for most. Whatever strange things you do behind closed doors is your business but the moment they start pushing this on to kids and give medications to kids to transition people are going to speak out.

    If people stay silent and not fight imagine how much this would be in Hollywood. They're realizing putting this politics in every show only hurts them

    Its mainly the countries that suppress the expression of sexuality that have high sucide rates. So who are you protecting?

    Then again as for pushing onto kids I guess you could read up on conversion therapy if you wanna know what pushing sexuality onto kids is.

    And your last paragraph is once again there was only one group of society that censored the portrayal of sexuality in media. Its also meaningless cause trans and gay people clearly exist. So every person has probably at some point learn about their existence so whats so bad about media doing that? Especially cause it will probably help put some children that are gay or trans and in difficult household situations.

    Then again seeing by the amount of grown adult americans that are literally scared of human contact in saunas s***education in that country is already in a miserable state

  • Feb 4, 2023
    1 reply

    Is it that serious

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