  • Nov 14, 2020
    1 reply

    Trump supporters are dumb as s***

    Everyone but Trump is to blame for his s***headedness

  • Nov 14, 2020
    3 replies

    He is anti media and anti establishment

  • Nov 14, 2020
    1 reply
    pure thoughts

    that's a lazy take that the media shoves down our throats. Trump got 10 mil more votes in 2020 then he did in 2016. it wasn't because there's 10 mil more racists this go around. % wise, votes for Trump among black males, black females, and lgbtq all went up in 2020.

    Not lazy if you actually think about what I said. White people, yes I said white people, for the first time in years saw their whiteness as a negative. He also championed law and order. It’s not hard to see why more racist and law and order constituents voted for him.

    White men and women are the only two demographics that voted for Trump at a rate higher than 50 percent. So I’m not too sure how you can deny that their whiteness was the reason for voting. And the percentage of black men and black women that voted for him are proportionate to what they have been historically.

  • Nov 14, 2020

    Not lazy if you actually think about what I said. White people, yes I said white people, for the first time in years saw their whiteness as a negative. He also championed law and order. It’s not hard to see why more racist and law and order constituents voted for him.

    White men and women are the only two demographics that voted for Trump at a rate higher than 50 percent. So I’m not too sure how you can deny that their whiteness was the reason for voting. And the percentage of black men and black women that voted for him are proportionate to what they have been historically.

    you're not wrong and I'm not denying race isn't part of it. there is a part of trump's base that's racist, 100%. white men and women always vote for whoever the republican candidate is at much higher rates than comparable demographics, but I think focusing on racism is a convinient way for the establishment to deflect on their own flaws and that's a much bigger problem. if you have time, watch that clip I posted and lmk what you think.

  • Nov 14, 2020
    1 reply

    "his statements wouldn’t have to be characterized in the least charitable way possible and repeated endlessly in pursuit of eyeballs"

    Just go on his Twitter b. The media doesn't have to do anything to make him sound like an a******. He is divisive by design and there are dozens of examples of him deflecting from a failing or controversy by saying something divisive on Twitter.

    I don’t even disagree with him being an a******, what I’m trying to say is — do you even want to be united with the kind of people who like his tweets? Cause they were the way they are even before him

  • Nov 14, 2020
    2 replies

    He is anti media and anti establishment

    Yet he lives as an Elite in society 🤔

  • Nov 14, 2020
    Bill Ackman

    COVID response should be more than enough for any rational person to see him as a doofus

  • Nov 14, 2020
    2 replies

    He tells it like it is!

  • Nov 14, 2020
    1 reply

    Watch mfers try to get me muted cause I got a Pence avi

  • Nov 14, 2020
    2 replies

    Watch mfers try to get me muted cause I got a Pence avi

    that's lame censoring people on the polar opposite of the poltical spectrum achieves nothing, and suppresses discussion and disables progress.

    i'm as left wing as they come but dismissing other people's opinion because you don't agree with them is immature, infantile, and predominately whack.

  • Nov 14, 2020

    The same type of white folks that love trump are the same ones that watch big bang theory and be going to Chili's. I really think it's an issue of overall bad taste.

  • Nov 14, 2020

    I don’t even disagree with him being an a******, what I’m trying to say is — do you even want to be united with the kind of people who like his tweets? Cause they were the way they are even before him

    No, I don't, not at this point. There was a time when I felt empathy for them, but presently I see supporting Trump as a selfish and ignorant position.

    Of course, this is a fundamental problem facing Democrats and the country as a whole. There is only the narrowest path forward without some semblance of unity, and it ain't happening with the GOP calling the Democratic Party a socialist Chinese death cult and, frankly, people like me who can't stand Trump supporters. I realize I'm part of the problem.

    It's a complex issue that can't just be blamed on Trump, the media, or specific communities. But I do think Trump deserves some blame for widening the gap and poisoning the well to benefit his own interests.

  • Nov 14, 2020

    Yet he lives as an Elite in society 🤔

    The perfect guy to drain the swamp

  • Nov 14, 2020

    that's lame censoring people on the polar opposite of the poltical spectrum achieves nothing, and suppresses discussion and disables progress.

    i'm as left wing as they come but dismissing other people's opinion because you don't agree with them is immature, infantile, and predominately whack.

    We are in a strange time where emotions run high (which is understandable), but we need to move with tact and intellect. Don't let a MAGA hat get under your skin.

  • Nov 14, 2020

    Trump supporters like the racism and not having to use their brain

  • Nov 14, 2020
    Da Bitches 2

    The amount of votes that mf got isn’t shocking OP. It’s disheartening more than anything. This country is backwards af. Nothing I didn’t already know before this election, but being faced with this reality time and time again is beyond frustrating.

    F*** Trump and anyone that voted for that mayo monster

    I whole heartedly agree

  • Nov 14, 2020

    Trump supporters are dumb as s***

    Everyone but Trump is to blame for his s***headedness

  • Nov 14, 2020

    He tells it like it is!

    Except for when he doesn't and you have to decipher what he really means, and then he just comes out and contradicts what you thought he meant.

  • Nov 14, 2020

    that's lame censoring people on the polar opposite of the poltical spectrum achieves nothing, and suppresses discussion and disables progress.

    i'm as left wing as they come but dismissing other people's opinion because you don't agree with them is immature, infantile, and predominately whack.

    Yeah they try to get me banned on here all the time, and I’m not even a Republicon or a MAGA! Just a proud center-left neoliberal social Democrat!

  • Nov 14, 2020

    He tells it like it is!

    "(COVID-19 is) going to disappear. One day — it’s like a miracle — it will disappear."

  • Nov 14, 2020
    jordan at wizards

    The media made him go up there and say that s*** about Mexicans?

    what do u think he said?

  • Nov 14, 2020

    He is anti media and anti establishment

    Perception is everything

  • Nov 14, 2020
    monza sp1 x

    the right wing has indeed been aggressively targeting minorities with this whole "free thinker" "democratic plantation" nonsense like its rebellious to be conservative and like trump

    that and any non-white or non-male who gets up and says c00n s*** about their own people gets instant fame from right wing media

    yall were ready to execute ice cube and wayne for even talking to trump. you dont think thats a problem? Its not like they said everyone go vote for him etc

  • Nov 14, 2020

    Yet he lives as an Elite in society 🤔

    he's literally the .1% everyone talks about.

    also trump said he would "drain the swamp" and fight the deep state lmao when he is that

  • Nov 14, 2020
    2 replies

    I have spoken quite a lot of them through talking people on right wing people on pages like TPUSA, pragur u etc

    Usually it’s older folk which just regurgitates same right wing talking points as there people they watch. One time I got stuck in argument with this random old guy telling me about 13/50 for 3 hours