  • Oct 6, 2020
    1 reply

    Haven’t been called for jury duty yet but I doubt I’d try to get out of it so

    i thought jury duty was intreresting. went in there mad high the first day. they chose me so i came back and got super into the case and the dudes story and became the jury foreman once we deliberated. It was 3 days total... longer than that would have been a bit too much for me tho.

  • Oct 6, 2020

    i thought jury duty was intreresting. went in there mad high the first day. they chose me so i came back and got super into the case and the dudes story and became the jury foreman once we deliberated. It was 3 days total... longer than that would have been a bit too much for me tho.

    do they give you food

  • Oct 6, 2020
    1 reply

    same thing with latinos for trump it’s either that or some weird hatred for immigrants even though most of the time, they came in from the same s***

    these people don’t understand they’re being played as tokens and trump/the GOP don’t give a f*** about you and are actively trying to be against your best interests as a black/brown person in this country

    Yep,I think these type of black/brown people live/work in very toxic environments where Trump is basically enforced into their culture. I can imagine that black construction worker I mentioned most likely works in an environment where Trump is highly praised and he’s brainwashed because of it. Probably mentioning Biden and liberal ideas at a job like that will most likely be the beginning of the end for you.

    Your super Republican bosses will probably be plotting your downfall for then on.

  • Oct 6, 2020
    1 reply

    Yep,I think these type of black/brown people live/work in very toxic environments where Trump is basically enforced into their culture. I can imagine that black construction worker I mentioned most likely works in an environment where Trump is highly praised and he’s brainwashed because of it. Probably mentioning Biden and liberal ideas at a job like that will most likely be the beginning of the end for you.

    Your super Republican bosses will probably be plotting your downfall for then on.

    nah he just a coon

  • Oct 6, 2020

    nah he just a coon

    That’s a good possibility too lol

  • Oct 6, 2020
    11 replies

    Did he really say this s***??

  • Oct 6, 2020
    1 reply

    Did he really say this s***??

    What the f***

  • Oct 6, 2020

    Did he really say this s***??


  • Oct 6, 2020

    What the f***

    Im not sure if its real but i just saw on my ig feed, couldnt find it anywhere else yet

  • Oct 6, 2020

    Did he really say this s***??

    no but

  • Oct 6, 2020

    Did he really say this s***??

  • Oct 6, 2020

    Did he really say this s***??


  • Oct 6, 2020

    Sad we live in a world where id have to actually question whether or not he actually said that s*** bc it isnt far off from something he’d actually say smfh

  • Oct 6, 2020

    Did he really say this s***??

  • Oct 6, 2020
    4 replies
  • plants 🌻
    Oct 6, 2020

    That kid is gonna be a cop one day bet

  • Oct 6, 2020
    1 reply

    Internet gonna bully him into becoming a pig


  • Oct 6, 2020

    Internet gonna bully him into becoming a pig

    His school probably doing a good job at dat already lmao

  • Oct 6, 2020

    Did he really say this s***??

    holy s***

  • Oct 6, 2020
    1 reply

    Xi, now is your chance to send the nukes

  • Oct 6, 2020
    3 replies

    Xi, now is your chance to send the nukes

    Nigga there’s more people in the Us besides Trump

    Also FBI if you’re watching this I am in no way affiliated with or condone the words of said user

  • Oct 6, 2020

    Man f*** this s*** head

  • Oct 6, 2020

    Nigga there’s more people in the Us besides Trump

    Also FBI if you’re watching this I am in no way affiliated with or condone the words of said user

    speak for urself fam I'm ready to get obliterated

  • Oct 6, 2020