Haven’t been called for jury duty yet but I doubt I’d try to get out of it so
i thought jury duty was intreresting. went in there mad high the first day. they chose me so i came back and got super into the case and the dudes story and became the jury foreman once we deliberated. It was 3 days total... longer than that would have been a bit too much for me tho.
i thought jury duty was intreresting. went in there mad high the first day. they chose me so i came back and got super into the case and the dudes story and became the jury foreman once we deliberated. It was 3 days total... longer than that would have been a bit too much for me tho.
do they give you food
same thing with latinos for trump it’s either that or some weird hatred for immigrants even though most of the time, they came in from the same s***
these people don’t understand they’re being played as tokens and trump/the GOP don’t give a f*** about you and are actively trying to be against your best interests as a black/brown person in this country
Yep,I think these type of black/brown people live/work in very toxic environments where Trump is basically enforced into their culture. I can imagine that black construction worker I mentioned most likely works in an environment where Trump is highly praised and he’s brainwashed because of it. Probably mentioning Biden and liberal ideas at a job like that will most likely be the beginning of the end for you.
Your super Republican bosses will probably be plotting your downfall for then on.
Yep,I think these type of black/brown people live/work in very toxic environments where Trump is basically enforced into their culture. I can imagine that black construction worker I mentioned most likely works in an environment where Trump is highly praised and he’s brainwashed because of it. Probably mentioning Biden and liberal ideas at a job like that will most likely be the beginning of the end for you.
Your super Republican bosses will probably be plotting your downfall for then on.
nah he just a coon
What the f***
Im not sure if its real but i just saw on my ig feed, couldnt find it anywhere else yet
Sad we live in a world where id have to actually question whether or not he actually said that s*** bc it isnt far off from something he’d actually say smfh
That kid is gonna be a cop one day bet
Internet gonna bully him into becoming a pig
Internet gonna bully him into becoming a pig
His school probably doing a good job at dat already lmao
Xi, now is your chance to send the nukes
Nigga there’s more people in the Us besides Trump
Also FBI if you’re watching this I am in no way affiliated with or condone the words of said user
Nigga there’s more people in the Us besides Trump
Also FBI if you’re watching this I am in no way affiliated with or condone the words of said user
speak for urself fam I'm ready to get obliterated