  • CKL TML 🌺
    Apr 1, 2021
    1 reply
    CLB Fractions

    your white savior complex is showing

    says the white @Travis_scott_ saved my life headass

  • Apr 1, 2021
    free world

    ok send those who came from mexico back to mexico

    and send people from south / central america back there too

    would rather do that that over putting tax paper money into building more facilities for illegal immigrants

    That’s what ends up happening but there is a process.

  • Apr 1, 2021

    do you actually need someone to spell it out

  • Apr 1, 2021
    1 reply

    says the white @Travis_scott_ saved my life headass

    im black what about you?

  • Apr 1, 2021

    black as white chocolate

  • CKL TML 🌺
    Apr 1, 2021
    1 reply
    CLB Fractions

    im black what about you?

    middle eastern :)

  • Apr 1, 2021
    1 reply

    middle eastern :)

    What does being black have to do anything in this thread lol wtf

  • CKL TML 🌺
    Apr 1, 2021
    free world

    What does being black have to do anything in this thread lol wtf

    No idea

  • CLB Fractions

    im a citizen f*** are you even saying lmao. we cant just have anyone who wants come live here 🙄

    I can almost guarantee that you wouldn't pass a citizenship test lmaoo

    "I'm a citizen" only because you were lucky on where you were born.

  • Apr 2, 2021
    1 reply

    why would you come to the US as an illegal knowing what tf is the situation over here and what they would do to you

    why do people sell d****?

    why do people engage in s***work?

    why do people shoplift?

    Why do people do any of these things given the consequenses laid behind them.

    because there is little to no oppritunity to get it other wise, it REALLY isn't that hard to have empathy for others situations

  • CLB Fractions

    your white savior complex is showing

    you lack compassion, seek some therapy -a nigga

  • Apr 2, 2021

    so because these people aren't considered citizens, we force them to live like this?


    well they treat their citizens just the same

  • Apr 2, 2021

    Niggas who never immigrated to the United States living in complete ignorance of the process and how long it takes

  • Apr 2, 2021
    1 reply
    CLB Fractions

    again no one made them come. Also when did america "loot and plunder"

    When did america "loot and plunder"

    Are you overlooking the past 100 years of American intervention in Latin America and the political/social instabilities these interventions have had in the region? We can go as far back as the end of the Spanish-American War (late 19th century) when America used the sinking of a warship as a pretense to go to war with the Spanish and lay claim over Cuba and Puerto Rico in the Caribbean.

    Then after that splendid, little war the US (at the behest of business interests) decides to stick their nose into Latin American affairs once more and effectively occupies a good chunk of this region (namely Central America) under the pretense of a "good neighbor policy". In reality, the common people of these countries got shafted, with the business and financial interests of the US secured and allowed to basically plunder much of the region's natural resources. With this in mind, the US wasn't about to let any Joe Schmo govern these nations, the US wanted to make sure that whoever was running the country would ensure that US hegemony would remain stable and under no threat of revolt (Batista in Cuba, Ubico in Guatemala, Bonilla in Honduras). US companies, especially fruit and agriculture companies, had a field day (no pun intended), with this set-up and during the 20th century had established "banana republics" reaping in tremendous amounts of wealth, with very little going toward the general development of these nations and helping lift the living standards of people in these countries (which is why you have so many Latin Americans fleeing gang violence, economic instability, etc.)

    This is by no means a one-off either, the OAS (just another instrument that works to maintain US control over Latin America), 2 years ago in Dec. claimed that there was "widespread fraud" in Bolivia's election that year (which turned out to be false, big surprise). With the coup of Morales, an interim gov't (unlawfully) filled the vacuum and Áñez and co. were more aligned with US business and gov't interests (an end to Morales meant an end to socialism in Bolivia, an end to Morales also meant Bolivia's natural resources were under the threat of being privatized) and so Bolivia came very close to essentially being plundered of its vast lithium reserves had Áñez and her goons been allowed the opportunity to fully privatize that sector of the economy.

    So to come in with such a stupid take as to say "hur dur when has america ever looted and plundered?" is just asinine my brother.

  • Apr 2, 2021

    When did america "loot and plunder"

    Are you overlooking the past 100 years of American intervention in Latin America and the political/social instabilities these interventions have had in the region? We can go as far back as the end of the Spanish-American War (late 19th century) when America used the sinking of a warship as a pretense to go to war with the Spanish and lay claim over Cuba and Puerto Rico in the Caribbean.

    Then after that splendid, little war the US (at the behest of business interests) decides to stick their nose into Latin American affairs once more and effectively occupies a good chunk of this region (namely Central America) under the pretense of a "good neighbor policy". In reality, the common people of these countries got shafted, with the business and financial interests of the US secured and allowed to basically plunder much of the region's natural resources. With this in mind, the US wasn't about to let any Joe Schmo govern these nations, the US wanted to make sure that whoever was running the country would ensure that US hegemony would remain stable and under no threat of revolt (Batista in Cuba, Ubico in Guatemala, Bonilla in Honduras). US companies, especially fruit and agriculture companies, had a field day (no pun intended), with this set-up and during the 20th century had established "banana republics" reaping in tremendous amounts of wealth, with very little going toward the general development of these nations and helping lift the living standards of people in these countries (which is why you have so many Latin Americans fleeing gang violence, economic instability, etc.)

    This is by no means a one-off either, the OAS (just another instrument that works to maintain US control over Latin America), 2 years ago in Dec. claimed that there was "widespread fraud" in Bolivia's election that year (which turned out to be false, big surprise). With the coup of Morales, an interim gov't (unlawfully) filled the vacuum and Áñez and co. were more aligned with US business and gov't interests (an end to Morales meant an end to socialism in Bolivia, an end to Morales also meant Bolivia's natural resources were under the threat of being privatized) and so Bolivia came very close to essentially being plundered of its vast lithium reserves had Áñez and her goons been allowed the opportunity to fully privatize that sector of the economy.

    So to come in with such a stupid take as to say "hur dur when has america ever looted and plundered?" is just asinine my brother.

    so the USA has never looted and plundered mexico and south america got it. thx

  • Apr 2, 2021
    1 reply


    Do you believe we should build more migrant facilities to deal with the overcrowding?

    do you believe we should put them under a bridge?

  • Apr 2, 2021

    5 pages of feeding a Monsters Inc troll

  • Apr 2, 2021

    do you believe we should put them under a bridge?

    Can you answer my question? I've never once seen you offer any substantive information on this topic so I'm curious of your viewpoint.

  • Nessy 🦎
    Apr 2, 2021
    2 replies
    free world

    ok send those who came from mexico back to mexico

    and send people from south / central america back there too

    would rather do that that over putting tax paper money into building more facilities for illegal immigrants

    Immigration brings in more money to a country than it costs

  • Apr 2, 2021
    1 reply

    Immigration brings in more money to a country than it costs

    depends on the migration my guy, don't compare me a legal man from ethiopia who came with a visa with someone without papers

  • Nessy 🦎
    Apr 2, 2021
    1 reply

    depends on the migration my guy, don't compare me a legal man from ethiopia who came with a visa with someone without papers

    Someone without paper that pays taxes but gets almost no welfare benefits?

  • Apr 2, 2021
    1 reply

    Someone without paper that pays taxes but gets almost no welfare benefits?

    how can you pay taxes if you're an illegal

  • Nessy 🦎
    Apr 2, 2021

    how can you pay taxes if you're an illegal

  • Nessy 🦎
    Apr 2, 2021
    1 reply

    Google it i guess

  • Apr 2, 2021

    Google it i guess

    Nvm they have to we all on the same boat