  • Mar 29, 2021

    I ain’t a conspiracy theorist, but

    You clearly are at a least bit

    “I’m not racist, but...”
    “I’m not homophobic, but...”
    “I’m not sexiest, but...”
    “I’m not transphobic, but...”

  • Mar 29, 2021
    1 reply

    I agree with this, you don’t want to get vaccinated and help people be safe around you then you don’t get to go to public areas

  • Mar 29, 2021
    1 reply

    I agree with this, you don’t want to get vaccinated and help people be safe around you then you don’t get to go to public areas

    It's not even public areas it's outside the country. You can still go to across the entire US lol

  • Mar 29, 2021
    1 reply

    I do, no need to cherry pick things

    For sure

    You don’t get to cherry pick

    Then you also don’t get to label somebody as an extremist because they have an opposing perspective from yourself

  • Mar 29, 2021
    4 replies

    going to a sports game or concert is a luxury during a pandemic. and travelling is the sole cause of deadlier variants being spread around quickly as of right now.

    either get the vaccine or socially distance and mask up.

    i agree to an extent, we should have completely shutdown travel to avoid those variants spreading

    it’s a failure of the government to adequately address and handle these solutions

    i don’t have a problem with masking up, i do have an issue with this whole passport thing

  • Mar 29, 2021
    1 reply
    hot pancakes

    i agree to an extent, we should have completely shutdown travel to avoid those variants spreading

    it’s a failure of the government to adequately address and handle these solutions

    i don’t have a problem with masking up, i do have an issue with this whole passport thing

  • Mar 29, 2021
    1 reply
    Smacked Voodoo

    Also this. I didn't even care to get vaccinated but I only did it because I was at my school twice a week around a bunch of people I don't know. Felt like that would be the smart thing to do since I'm gonna be around my family as well.

    If not for that I was totally fine staying tf inside, avoiding people, and wearing my mask. S*** is heat honestly.

    not having to shovel my driveway to go to a stuffy ass office this winter was a blessing

    if this led to more workplaces and schools allowing remote options after the pandemic, at least that's a silver lining

  • GoodbyeCarl

    It's not even public areas it's outside the country. You can still go to across the entire US lol

    says sports games too, but I still agree. get the vaccine and don’t be a scumbag lol

  • Mar 29, 2021
    1 reply
    hot pancakes

    i agree to an extent, we should have completely shutdown travel to avoid those variants spreading

    it’s a failure of the government to adequately address and handle these solutions

    i don’t have a problem with masking up, i do have an issue with this whole passport thing

    Why? Without getting into “666/Mark of the Beast” s***.

  • Mar 29, 2021

    Good, Anti-Vaxxers in shambles.

  • Mar 29, 2021
    2 replies
    hot pancakes

    i agree to an extent, we should have completely shutdown travel to avoid those variants spreading

    it’s a failure of the government to adequately address and handle these solutions

    i don’t have a problem with masking up, i do have an issue with this whole passport thing

    But why?? How is it affecting you?? If you have no problem with the vaccine then how is this any more of an inconvenience than say getting your bag checked or having to go thru a metal detector??

  • Maga Law

    I mean this was 100% coming

    You're gonna have to get the vaccine eventually


  • Mar 29, 2021

    You don’t need to see concerts to live.

    You don’t need to see movies to live.

    You don’t need to eat at restaurants to live.

    You don’t need to go to museums to live.

    These are all privileges to some degree.

  • xviii

    You guys know you have to get vaccinated for certain things before schooling/travel right?

    nope this is brand new to force govt control open your eyes

  • Mar 29, 2021
    hot pancakes

    good points, and for the record i don’t think it has a tracking device (not saying you were accusing me of that), but i do have some reservations about the vaccine currently. nothing conspiracy ridden, just short/long term effects of it medically.

    but at the same time, it’s sort of the same thing, no? sure unvaccinated people can absolutely spread covid, but there are ways (at least we think) that vaccinated people can spread it as well, they just don’t have severe symptoms that could cause them to spread it at a larger scale (ex. coughing)

    obviously it’s better to be vaccinated then not in that case though

    idk, i just think a passport to enter a sports game or something to prove you were vaccinated is very george orwell 1984 to me.

    at least allow negative tests as an option as well

    yeah I wasn't implying that about you, my bad if it came off that way

    the way I see it, the passport is the best way of ensuring that people get vaccinated. people barely respect lockdowns so can we really take people at their word if we leave it at them saying "yeah I've been vaccinated" at the door? it's a measure we have to take given the circumstances.

    I don't know if this changes your opinion but afaik the passport wouldn't hold your medical records or any personal information. just a tick that says you got the vaccine.

  • Mar 29, 2021
    2 replies
    Majin GoldenChild

    For sure

    You don’t get to cherry pick

    Then you also don’t get to label somebody as an extremist because they have an opposing perspective from yourself

    It’s an extremist view that vaccine passports serve as a device to track or oppress people instead of what they are, a temporary measure to kickstart reopening of the economy. The first people to be allowed to resume all activities would obviously be the ones who are vaccinated. Instead you chose to espouse the conspiracy idea that the government will want to permanently keep tabs on everyone not vaccinated.

  • Mar 29, 2021
    1 reply

    requiring being vaccinated it's something that's been here for a long time for example when travelling to certain countries or sending kids to school.

    Facts. Ktt is so f***ing stupid tho

  • Mar 29, 2021

    Have yet to hear one convincing argument against this lol. Inconvenience sure but nothing egregious or unwarranted

  • hot pancakes

    but why?

    vaccinated people don’t need to worry about severe symptoms correct?

    so wouldn’t it only cause risk to people who aren’t vaccinated by choice?

    if people take this step then everything can open without restrictions and this is essentially over.

  • ANTI

    But why?? How is it affecting you?? If you have no problem with the vaccine then how is this any more of an inconvenience than say getting your bag checked or having to go thru a metal detector??

    Oh I don’t know

    Maybe something to do with your body your privacy the price of your data

  • Mar 29, 2021

    It’s an extremist view that vaccine passports serve as a device to track or oppress people instead of what they are, a temporary measure to kickstart reopening of the economy. The first people to be allowed to resume all activities would obviously be the ones who are vaccinated. Instead you chose to espouse the conspiracy idea that the government will want to permanently keep tabs on everyone not vaccinated.

    Yeah, all they gotta do is check your social media if they actually want to do something like that

  • Mar 29, 2021
    2 replies

    Why? Without getting into “666/Mark of the Beast” s***.

    because it essentially forces people into doing something they potentially have reservations about in order to live a fulfilling life

    i know there’s arguments against this, but in my opinion, this vaccine is very new and potentially very rushed. we have no idea the long term side effects of it

    in the article, they even said the passports will be used to track long term side effects of it

    as someone who is very health conscious, i do not want to worry every day for the rest of my life if i will develop some issue from this vaccine

    i am vaccinated for everything else, but the vaccines i’ve taken have been around for decades. this has been around a few months. i’m not fully confident in it yet

    not to mention, any new variants may even be stronger against it

  • Mar 29, 2021
    1 reply

    It’s an extremist view that vaccine passports serve as a device to track or oppress people instead of what they are, a temporary measure to kickstart reopening of the economy. The first people to be allowed to resume all activities would obviously be the ones who are vaccinated. Instead you chose to espouse the conspiracy idea that the government will want to permanently keep tabs on everyone not vaccinated.

    All I stated is that this is not a temporary measure

    Quote me in 24 months


    not having to shovel my driveway to go to a stuffy ass office this winter was a blessing

    if this led to more workplaces and schools allowing remote options after the pandemic, at least that's a silver lining

    S*** my brother's job went fully remote because of the lockdown. They saw the numbers and saw how much more efficient everyone was working and how much money they saved not having to pay for a corporate office space and made the switch.

    It's almost like when your employees aren't stressed out, tired, and annoyed from the daily back and forth 9-5 lifestyle are able to work better when they're able to from the comfort and peace of their homes. What a concept


    Facts. Ktt is so f***ing stupid tho

    Ktt full of conspiracy believers