  • Nov 9, 2023

    Just had a realization the other day , I've always been a good listener to those in my life who needed it. I would never try to force a solution, even if it seemed obvious or easy. Also, wouldn't judge at the situation no matter how petty. Yet, when i've felt the need to vent, i'm always hit with "stop complaining" , "you turn me on more when you don't confide or let your hair down", "you need to grow up", and i just can't help but feel a certain way about it. It seems like i have to be 100% at all times and shut the f*** up or else people will look at you as weak.

    idk, i've been going through a lot lately and i can't even vent to male friends who've dealt with alot of s*** because they can't even attempt it. I just wanna know how other men out there deal with this.

  • Nov 9, 2023
    17 replies

    Nobody cares about men’s problems

    It’s the hardest realization to accept as a man

  • Nov 9, 2023
    2 replies

    I usually end up ranting to my mother and she listens and gives her input.

  • Nov 9, 2023

    Just had a realization the other day , I've always been a good listener to those in my life who needed it. I would never try to force a solution, even if it seemed obvious or easy. Also, wouldn't judge at the situation no matter how petty. Yet, when i've felt the need to vent, i'm always hit with "stop complaining" , "you turn me on more when you don't confide or let your hair down", "you need to grow up", and i just can't help but feel a certain way about it. It seems like i have to be 100% at all times and shut the f*** up or else people will look at you as weak.

    idk, i've been going through a lot lately and i can't even vent to male friends who've dealt with alot of s*** because they can't even attempt it. I just wanna know how other men out there deal with this.

    you have to find a place to get that energy out or you will implode or explode.

    it took me a while but I eventually found men I felt comfortable venting to.

  • Nov 9, 2023
    1 reply

    we move

  • Nov 9, 2023

    i hope this teaches u to cut out those toxic ppl from ur life

  • Nov 9, 2023

    tbh this is why i do therapy

    my family will listen but besides that its jus me

  • Nov 9, 2023
    2 replies

    genuine question- where are you all meeting these evil women? i’ve only encountered one who was that cold

    complaining and venting are two different things. one is instrumental to establishing connection, the other tends to be a signal for someone to pick up your slack. there’s a time for both of them. yes, society isn’t as nice to men when they complain, no argument, however women ceaselessly complaining is also a childish turn off

    for the record, some things do need to be complained about, and you absolutely did not deserve that dismissive and inconsiderate, objectifying treatment. i just thought i’d flesh the conversation out

    i think overall, society, including women but also men, it’s a team effort, should allow more scope for men to express themselves. with that being said, and this should encourage you, many women will listen to you vent, it sounds like you’ve been unlucky.

  • Nov 9, 2023

    Honestly, no one gives a f*** about anyone else in this world. You gotta learn to deal with it on ur own. That's that harsh truth man ik it hurts

  • Nov 9, 2023

    that's why it's so important to have a woman or solid friends by your side who doesn't view you as weak for having weak moments like all humans do. i value that so much because i can't run to my dad with my problems and my mom will just worry to death about everything. My girl and my two best friends are always there if I have something weighing on me. You need a better friend group and stop f***ing with birds. Don't bottle s*** up go to therapy or find some better friends who can be there for you

  • Nov 9, 2023
    1 reply

    Find better people

  • Nov 9, 2023
    1 reply

    Stay yourself, who you are but tighten up. Tighten up don’t compromise yourself if you have to be alone for alittle while do that until you can find more solid people like yourself

  • Nov 9, 2023
    2 replies

    Nobody cares about men’s problems

    It’s the hardest realization to accept as a man

    you blackpill gang?

  • Nov 9, 2023

    I usually end up ranting to my mother and she listens and gives her input.

    You have a good mother man they all don’t do that

  • Nov 9, 2023

    Nobody cares about men’s problems

    It’s the hardest realization to accept as a man

  • Nov 9, 2023

    Find better people

  • Nov 9, 2023

    genuine question- where are you all meeting these evil women? i’ve only encountered one who was that cold

    complaining and venting are two different things. one is instrumental to establishing connection, the other tends to be a signal for someone to pick up your slack. there’s a time for both of them. yes, society isn’t as nice to men when they complain, no argument, however women ceaselessly complaining is also a childish turn off

    for the record, some things do need to be complained about, and you absolutely did not deserve that dismissive and inconsiderate, objectifying treatment. i just thought i’d flesh the conversation out

    i think overall, society, including women but also men, it’s a team effort, should allow more scope for men to express themselves. with that being said, and this should encourage you, many women will listen to you vent, it sounds like you’ve been unlucky.

    well, the let your hair down comment was from a fwb, but it still hurts to this day.. the other comments are from friends/family regardless of gender.

  • Nov 9, 2023
    1 reply
    Big Tobacco

    you blackpill gang?

    Went to look up blackpilled and got this:

    then this

  • Nov 9, 2023

    Nobody cares about men’s problems

    It’s the hardest realization to accept as a man

  • Nov 9, 2023

    Nobody cares about men’s problems

    It’s the hardest realization to accept as a man

  • Nov 9, 2023

    Went to look up blackpilled and got this:

    then this

    im redpilled

  • Nov 9, 2023

    Nobody cares about men’s problems

    It’s the hardest realization to accept as a man

    nah the right people will care about you but people offhand dismissing this sentiment prove your point

  • Nov 9, 2023

    Gotta pay for therapy as an outlet. I hold myself back from venting even to my girl. Usually I’ll catch myself and just be like “but oh well, it’s straight. Anyways back to you”

    People care but at the end of the day, everyone also has their own internal struggles, triggers (that your problems may be triggering within them), or need to not hear negative s***. Also, you’re searching for a certain response

    It truly sucks, I agree wholeheartedly. Just gotta budget for therapy dawg

  • Nov 9, 2023
    1 reply

    venting to other men

  • Nov 9, 2023

    Stay yourself, who you are but tighten up. Tighten up don’t compromise yourself if you have to be alone for alittle while do that until you can find more solid people like yourself

    Also, read meditations