  • Nov 10, 2023

    Just had a realization the other day , I've always been a good listener to those in my life who needed it. I would never try to force a solution, even if it seemed obvious or easy. Also, wouldn't judge at the situation no matter how petty. Yet, when i've felt the need to vent, i'm always hit with "stop complaining" , "you turn me on more when you don't confide or let your hair down", "you need to grow up", and i just can't help but feel a certain way about it. It seems like i have to be 100% at all times and shut the f*** up or else people will look at you as weak.

    idk, i've been going through a lot lately and i can't even vent to male friends who've dealt with alot of s*** because they can't even attempt it. I just wanna know how other men out there deal with this.

    talk about it if its really bother you dont hold in, but you dont have to express every single thing that bothers you too

  • Nov 10, 2023

    goon it out

  • Nov 10, 2023

    Can’t relate. You must be complaining about some kid s***

  • Nov 10, 2023

    Venting to a woman is a rookie mistake, we’ve all been there

  • Nov 10, 2023

    Nobody cares about men’s problems

    It’s the hardest realization to accept as a man

  • Nov 10, 2023

  • Nov 10, 2023

    Nobody cares about men’s problems

    It’s the hardest realization to accept as a man

    Facts I don’t even care about my own problems because I’m a male and having problems not even manly

  • we all we got boys

  • Nov 10, 2023

    Do you vent to your homies? I haven’t had issue with that tbh. So long as you don’t take it too far. Some things you simply need to swallow though, and some things you need to preemptively be prepared with coping mechanisms and mental methods to simply get over it on the spot. It sucks but it is what it is, venting to the wrong person will only make you feel even more like s***.

  • Nov 11, 2023

    Think u just need better friends man which are hard asf to come by i know, but cant expect random ppl to give a s*** abt ur problems either cus even if they act as if they do they dont they want u to stop talking 💀 if ur talking abt family then idek thats just f***ed
    Realized this a bit ago and its why i barely even try for new friends like i have my one brother i cant see myself clicking with another person like that for the rest of my life

  • BRUNTZ 🖤
    Nov 11, 2023
    1 reply

    i vent to the bros if i need but i never open up to women anymore s*** weak

  • Nov 11, 2023

    i vent to the bros if i need but i never open up to women anymore s*** weak

  • Nov 11, 2023
    1 reply

    can't really vent to women

  • Nov 11, 2023

    can't really vent to women

    It’s usually the women in my life that are the most willing to listen to my problems and be empathetic. if she is just going to shut you down when you try to be open she isn’t the one, we have to up our standards in this regard

  • Nov 11, 2023

    I often feel the same op, it sucks. I’m here for you for what it’s worth

  • Nov 11, 2023

    Men don't vent. We pent up that rage and f*** girls angrily

  • Nov 11, 2023

    Venting to that henny bottle


    I usually end up ranting to my mother and she listens and gives her input.

  • lil ufo 🛸
    Nov 11, 2023

    add it to the list of things men can't do

  • Nov 11, 2023
    1 reply

    Nobody cares about men’s problems

    It’s the hardest realization to accept as a man

    I see s*** like this and it just makes me feel bad for y'all cause damn...y'all ain't got nobody giving a f*** about you? What's wrong with y'all?

  • Nov 11, 2023
    1 reply

    Nobody cares about men’s problems

    It’s the hardest realization to accept as a man

    27 likes jesus christ

    thank god I can't relate.

    almost like the forum that d***rides "stoicism" is realizing that maybe portraying yourself as an unfeeling robot isn't the way to go?

  • Nov 11, 2023
    3 replies
    Smacked Voodoo

    I see s*** like this and it just makes me feel bad for y'all cause damn...y'all ain't got nobody giving a f*** about you? What's wrong with y'all?

    It’s reality bruh

    If a dude is down bad he might get some pity but people aren’t gonna go out of there way to help

  • Nov 11, 2023

    27 likes jesus christ

    thank god I can't relate.

    almost like the forum that d***rides "stoicism" is realizing that maybe portraying yourself as an unfeeling robot isn't the way to go?

    This has nothing to do with stoicism, it’s just life lol

  • Nov 11, 2023
    1 reply

    It’s reality bruh

    If a dude is down bad he might get some pity but people aren’t gonna go out of there way to help

    Got a group chat of homeboys that we’ve been venting to each other about real s*** for 7+ years my brotha in christ.

    Got 3-4 homegirls I know I could vent to rn and would lend me the space.

    This sxn doesnt understand how to barely make friends though

  • Nov 11, 2023

    It’s reality bruh

    If a dude is down bad he might get some pity but people aren’t gonna go out of there way to help

    What does that have to do with dudes. Isn’t that just everybody