It’s not our fault, PlayStation has just been the better console for years since Xbox is so pitiful
Apple needs to step into the race or something
The best thing apple can do is make the Mac more gaming friendly. I don’t see an apple console doing well
this gen is weird because of how delayed it was by about 2-3 years because it was a pain in the ass to get one and the casual audience that makes the most money for these companies didn't care
we've been in an eternal cross-gen transition period that went by quickly in previous gens
publishers literally refuse to make next gen only games no wonder all of this s*** feels the same
all of these big franchise games need to drop the ps4/one
In what world is Xbox the better console?
I’ve had every PlayStation day 1 since the 3 including all the pro versions
I can really only count a handful of times where I was like “damn I’m glad I have PlayStation right now”. And those moments last for a few weeks until I finish that game and then the system stays off for months and months until the next game comes around.
The gas that PS exclusives receive is criminal. Do they have more exclusives? Sure. Are they all amazing games that move systems? No not really. The majority of their exclusives are mid and the best ones are more niche Japanese games that people barely even play.
50 million PS5s out there and 10 million copies of Spider-Man. That’s 20% of people buying that? And that’s the biggest name they got coupled with the game drought. Only 1 out of 5 ps5 owners got it.
People don’t buy PlayStation for the exclusives. They buy it to play multiplatform games 90% of the time while they wait for the once in a blue moon exclusive they wanna try. Multiplat games have always been better on Xbox just for the controller alone. Add game pass and quick resume and there’s been way more times I was happier to have my X than my PS5. Also way more times I was happier to have my switch.
The best thing apple can do is make the Mac more gaming friendly. I don’t see an apple console doing well
most of these tech companies don’t actually understand gaming and that’s why their s*** flops like google and amazon
Sony had an advantage already working with Nintendo on failed systems prior to the PS1
Just like with PS4, PS5 will have a protracted cross-gen period with next-gen, possibly even way longer at the rate game development is currently going.
So in other words, greatness awaits.
Isn't that the same guy who hates games like Horizon and Miles Morales because they're being inclusive and "woke"?
Isn't that the same guy who hates games like Horizon and Miles Morales because they're being inclusive and "woke"?
No??? Dunkey has never hated “woke” games and he makes fun of those who do. Dude said tlou2 was one of his favs of 2020 and got massive hate for it
Isn't that the same guy who hates games like Horizon and Miles Morales because they're being inclusive and "woke"?
Pro-genocide user concerned about anti-wokeness
Isn't that the same guy who hates games like Horizon and Miles Morales because they're being inclusive and "woke"?
Nah he cooked the dude who was absolutely fuming about pronouns in Starfield
Crowbcat copy
dunkey was making videos like this before crowbcat had a youtube channel
Pc nerds will never understand the console bond between casual gaming fellas can never be replicated on pc
Isn't that the same guy who hates games like Horizon and Miles Morales because they're being inclusive and "woke"?
american flag
Pc nerds will never understand the console bond between casual gaming fellas can never be replicated on pc
I bet that everyone who has a PC rn had a console once, so they’re not missing anything lmao
I’ve enjoyed my ps5 i’m not understanding this weird wave of hate recently lol
I’ve enjoyed my ps5 i’m not understanding this weird wave of hate recently lol
I’ve enjoyed my ps5 i’m not understanding this weird wave of hate recently lol
Honestly I BARELY play mine like that and I still wouldn’t call it a waste of money. Dunkey probably just hopping on the trend of hating PS5 for clicks
Third party games exist and they run better on a ps5 than a ps4 on modern displays and frankly thats what most people care about.
It's still the best blanket answer to give someone if they wanna game on the couch
Also, the ps5 has sold like 50 mil consoles, it's not exactly struggling its just not reaching sony's lofty expectations, If you haven't seen a ps5 in person u dont go out often//go to locals/ hell even play s*** like 2k with ur homies
i agree with you generally speaking that its the best console for couch gaming, but to me it felt like the playstation was more than that, with having singleplayer game experience that no other console had, i guess this is the main issue people have including me; it does not feel worth it if you want the best single player game experience rn
I will never own a computer for gaming..I understand if you had 1 before you lost the V and so just kept at it , but for us folks that get p****, it's really not an option..
He's spitting facts
I will never own a computer for gaming..I understand if you had 1 before you lost the V and so just kept at it , but for us folks that get p****, it's really not an option..
I’ve had every PlayStation day 1 since the 3 including all the pro versions
I can really only count a handful of times where I was like “damn I’m glad I have PlayStation right now”. And those moments last for a few weeks until I finish that game and then the system stays off for months and months until the next game comes around.
The gas that PS exclusives receive is criminal. Do they have more exclusives? Sure. Are they all amazing games that move systems? No not really. The majority of their exclusives are mid and the best ones are more niche Japanese games that people barely even play.
50 million PS5s out there and 10 million copies of Spider-Man. That’s 20% of people buying that? And that’s the biggest name they got coupled with the game drought. Only 1 out of 5 ps5 owners got it.
People don’t buy PlayStation for the exclusives. They buy it to play multiplatform games 90% of the time while they wait for the once in a blue moon exclusive they wanna try. Multiplat games have always been better on Xbox just for the controller alone. Add game pass and quick resume and there’s been way more times I was happier to have my X than my PS5. Also way more times I was happier to have my switch.
Multiplatform games like call of duty were better on PS4 bc u got content earlier
plus ps4 exclusives p much buried Microsoft's