  • Jul 1, 2020

    what environment bro just turn off CNN they made it up bro

  • Jul 1, 2020

    facts. american politics are more entertainment than most people would like to admit. the system is designed to be so gridlocked that change is extremely slow and in tiny increments.

    the “major” issues of trump occurred under Obama as well. Obama deported more immigrants than Trump has, the same police brutality riots and tense race relations were occurring during Obama’s term (exacerbated by the media,) climate change was still an issue on the back-burner.

    people just like to feel important and imagine that they’re part of key points of history. we’re not, you’re not living thru the great battle of American history, you’re living thru the easiest, most privileged time in American history.


    And like f*** Trump all day dude but yall not gon have me sit here and pretend that a vote for Biden is a vote for positive change. Is it a vote for the status quo.

  • Jul 1, 2020

    what environment bro just turn off CNN they made it up bro

    So your life is wildly different under Trump?

  • Jul 1, 2020

    what environment bro just turn off CNN they made it up bro

  • Jul 1, 2020
    3 replies

    Some of y’all dumb, young, or cappin hard. I live down here in Louisiana and the racists have gotten bolder 100% my sis got pepper sprayed and a gun pulled on her by some pickup truck maga for saying f*** trump. I been alive for all of clinton and bushs presidencies and racists never rode for em like that. If that s*** ain scary to you. You self centered as f***.

  • Jul 1, 2020
    1 reply
    Count Contessa

    Some of y’all dumb, young, or cappin hard. I live down here in Louisiana and the racists have gotten bolder 100% my sis got pepper sprayed and a gun pulled on her by some pickup truck maga for saying f*** trump. I been alive for all of clinton and bushs presidencies and racists never rode for em like that. If that s*** ain scary to you. You self centered as f***.

    Man I remember the Jenna 6 in 07

    I went to school right outside of Charlotte NC.. s*** ain’t none new

  • Jul 1, 2020
    1 reply

    Yeah I’m glad the music industry slowed down with the festivals and concerts here

    Some things are just socially irresponsible without a cure or vaccine in place

    It’s almost like adults here need to be Baby sat..

    I know my kids will study this moment and look back and ask me why people went outside in the middle of the pandemic

    And I’m going to be speechless juzlin through my response

    At the end of the day this is just the downside of globalization and the western culture. Funny thing is many of those people doing all this social irresponsible s*** during lockdown are the ones virtue signaling on social media on how it's governments fault

  • Jul 1, 2020
    Tribal Chief

    At the end of the day this is just the downside of globalization and the western culture. Funny thing is many of those people doing all this social irresponsible s*** during lockdown are the ones virtue signaling on social media on how it's governments fault

    I’m hip

    You’re correct too, it’s just frustrating because of how the virus is passed (e.g, you and I are following CDC guidelines but someone comes into contact with me who went to the club Memorial Day weekend, now I pass it to my aunt) that’s socially irresponsible.

  • Jul 1, 2020
    1 reply

    What gives you that impression?

    because as much as I don't like Biden, there's more chance he'll have some pressure or other people in his ear to get a more acceptable pick than Trump, if that makes sense. With Trump it's like there's no hope and you could get locked in with a pick for decades if he picks someone young. You don't want him to have that chance to have an even bigger legacy in the justice/legal system

  • Someone knock this guys ass out again.

  • Jul 1, 2020

    Yea exactly. It’s so obvious what he means lol. That mental bias people have is so strong, the brainwashing is mindblowing.

    At his rally he literally said we need to "slow the testing down" like that's going to solve anything

  • Jul 1, 2020
    1 reply

    because as much as I don't like Biden, there's more chance he'll have some pressure or other people in his ear to get a more acceptable pick than Trump, if that makes sense. With Trump it's like there's no hope and you could get locked in with a pick for decades if he picks someone young. You don't want him to have that chance to have an even bigger legacy in the justice/legal system

    The people in Biden’s ear are probably worse for the human population than trump is lol

  • Jul 1, 2020
    1 reply

    Been heard it my whole life, I’m good on it now.

    It’s the American way

  • Jul 1, 2020
    1 reply

    Been heard it my whole life, I’m good on it now.

    It’s the American way

    U got kids?

  • Jul 1, 2020
    1 reply
    Count Contessa

    U got kids?


  • WBW

    What does former active mean. So not active...


  • Jul 1, 2020

    if he's registered in cali idc

  • WBW

    The people in Biden’s ear are probably worse for the human population than trump is lol

    I don't even mean specifically the people on his team, but just the political pressure he's more likely to respond to. Look at the voter groups that make up Biden's base vs Trump's, the different factions within his party (like when Warren got Obama to move on some stuff) and the fact he's always been very middle of the road. If he's trying to keep them all as happy as possible (which is what he's tried to do his whole carer, he's always trying to be safe in the middle of s***), then he's less likely to pick the type of extremist or outdated conservative that Trump might. He ain't gonna pick anybody you can be that happy about but it might be more of a bearable pick. He's already pledged it will be an African American woman, which sort of proves my point because he's responding to his voter base, even on a very surface level, think about the voters and party factions Trump's responding to and then think about who's more likely to pick the more reasonable justice.

    I think either will pick someone I don't like, but it's obviously gonna be a less damaging pick with Biden. Not that Biden hasn't been involved in damaging things in his career, from who he's chosen to align with to helping rally support for Iraq.

  • Jul 1, 2020
    1 reply


    i dont got em yet cuz i been knowing that America eats niggas but i cant resign myself to that s***. What you teachin or thinking about teachin your kids about America cuz u seemin real pessimistic bout this country.

  • Jul 1, 2020
    Count Contessa

    i dont got em yet cuz i been knowing that America eats niggas but i cant resign myself to that s***. What you teachin or thinking about teachin your kids about America cuz u seemin real pessimistic bout this country.

    Tell them the truth so they don’t fall for the con

    Not sure if you’re religious or not but with respect for religion

    • teach the importance of ownership and self sustainability

    • They need discipline and strong social skills

    • They need to be tech savvy since tech advances are happening rapidly

    Is your question geared more toward preparing them for society? I feel like my response might’ve been too general

  • Noir

    They're on my block list now

    I don't have time for anyone that can't learn a lesson in 4 years


    I didn’t think Trump would be as bad as this. Hard to believe this was a guy that did innocent movie cameos for all those years.

    Watching his old interviews, I think he had SEVERE cognitive decline. You don’t lose 80% of your vocabulary unless something is wrong.

  • theDonandOnly

    Sure, but he didn't have a plan.

    There was a plan (that wouldn't have gone far enough but was at least a starting point) and governments like Trump's dismantled it.

    He had no plan and he was punched in the face, that's the issue here Of course we will be lenient and forgiving when a pandemic hits but that only goes so far. The guy had no plan

    I don’t think he’s getting it. Just abort. Pointless

  • Count Contessa

    Some of y’all dumb, young, or cappin hard. I live down here in Louisiana and the racists have gotten bolder 100% my sis got pepper sprayed and a gun pulled on her by some pickup truck maga for saying f*** trump. I been alive for all of clinton and bushs presidencies and racists never rode for em like that. If that s*** ain scary to you. You self centered as f***.

  • This thread is highkey scary. Really surprised by some users.